June 2015 Moms


Just wondering how many of you have had your lo's baptized already, or have a date picked out. If they're already baptized, how old were they when you had it done? If they aren't, how old do you plan to do it at? If you don't baptize, what's your reasoning?

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Re: Baptism

  • ElRubyElRuby member
    This reminds me I need to call the church to set it up!
  • Funny, I was just about the call the church to set this up! haha We are planning for end of September when LO will be 3 months. 
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  • We are not baptizing for similar reasons to @esampson1983.

    Neither of us are religious, although we were raised as such, so we want LO to make her own decision when she's old enough.
  • ksimo6ksimo6 member
    We baptized our daughter at about ten weeks old. My church only does baptisims every quarter so I am not sure when LO will get the big dip. He should be less than 6 months old for sure.
    • Married 6/1/2012
    • BFP #1 - 11/17/2012 -  MC 12/10/2012
    • BFP #2 - 2/12/2013 - EDD 10/17/2013 - DD Born 10/10/2013
    • BFP #3 - 1/29/2014 - Ectopic pregnancy discovered 1/31/2014
    • BFP #4 - 9/28/2014 - EDD 6/4/2015 - DS Born 5/31/2015

  • We're baptizing all 3 of our kids together at the end of the month. Our ds is almost 3, and we never got him baptized. My mil didn't get either one of her kids baptized or took them to church. So dh didn't see the point in it. It's bothered me since he was born, so when the twins get baptized at almost 2 months old, he's getting done with them.

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  • I'm Baptist and we don't baptize until the child makes the choice.
  • Will do baptism in October
  • thay33thay33 member
    August 2nd he'll get baptized and he'll be 9 weeks :)
  • Baptizing august 8th. He will be 6 weeks old.
  • We are also baptist & wait for child to decided, but our church does dedications (I think quarterly). So we'll do that.

    My DH & I were in ministry for 3 years (youth minister), & I find it immensely interesting the effect a child has on some families who previously didn't consider "religion" who search out answers/churches. {I REALLY hope this doesn't sound "churchy"/judge-y}. I believe people should search for themselves what they believe & find their own church that suits them. This is purely things I've noticed from family & members of our congregation.

    But for example, my older cousin, who was raised Church of Christ, hadn't gone to church/wasn't concerned at all about anything religious for a LONG while. Once his son started reading & he read bible stories, he texted/called us to study/ask questions so he could make the most educated decision about educating his son on religious matters. Fascinating that we search that out when we have someone to teach/instruct about the matters. I've considered how/what to incorporate with our culture when our LO is old enough to understand.
  • We are baptizing Labor Day weekend.. Mostly for MIL, but neither of us are opposed to baptism as we both made it through confirmation as kids, and I'm thinking it might be nice to find a church for the community aspect (haven't really gone in many years) but I certainly want her making her own choices about faith as she gets older.. MIL INSISTS that she be baptized at her church which means a 6 hour drive to buffalo for us, and she is making me invite everyone she's ever met which is certainly not my scene so it should be an interesting event!
  • Probably 4-6 months. Not until we have a chance of getting out of the house and over to church on time.
    Coffee Bean Born 6/13/15.
    2nd round exp 8/20/18.
  • We don't baptize until the child chooses to do so on his own. We will dedicate him around early September/late August.
  • Late September.  DS will be a little over 3 months.  I had DD baptized around 5 months but she was born in October and I wanted to avoid Chicago winter.
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    Franco Paul born 6/4/15 at 39 weeks.  Mila Francesca born 10/19/13 at 37 weeks.  Both born via C-Section after 6 years of fertility treatments, disappointments and losses. Love them!!

  • I've found these interesting. We'll baptize within the next 3 months, we're waiting on available dates from church to see what will work for the families. To be honest, I don't care but DH and both families are much more religious. I'll give both kids free reign to pick a religion, which hasn't been an option for me. Which is why I'm so ambivalent.
  • My husband doesn't practice his cultural faith or Islam and I don't practice my faith of Catholicism, however, I still wish for our child to experience and be welcomed by a community so we are doing a "Blessing." We have invited our closest family and friends and have asked them each to bring a scripture, prayer, poem, or quote to read of Little One and have asked my Godfather to read a prayer. We have also identifies "Godparents," whom we have asked to serve as spiritual leaders, encouraging our child to explore different faiths and challenge themselves. One of the most positive aspects of religion, in my opion, is the sense of space and community, and hope this blessing will instill that upon our Sweetheart.
  • kkdb14kkdb14 member
    I was baptized catholic, boyfriend was baptized catholic, but neither of us are religious. We both grew up in a catholic elementary and middle school, and I truly believe it contributed to driving us away from the church. I would rather not baptize because I believe LO should choose her own faith when she decides what she believes, but it's so important to all of our families that she be baptized. I'm still deciding if we should just go ahead and do it, because ultimately she can decide to be confirmed or not, but I don't know.
  • @kkdb14 while we didn't go to a catholic school growing up, I was raised going to church every Sunday and attending CCE. DH doesn't have a tie to any religion, we got married in a church, so we'll be baptizing but then kid can decide when older if wants to continue. So same thought process!
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