Just wondering how many of you have had your lo's baptized already, or have a date picked out. If they're already baptized, how old were they when you had it done? If they aren't, how old do you plan to do it at? If you don't baptize, what's your reasoning?
Re: Baptism
Neither of us are religious, although we were raised as such, so we want LO to make her own decision when she's old enough.
Needless to say, no baptisms here. Will encourage LO to explore ideas and the fundamental tenets of religions, tho (love thy neighbor, give unto others, etc)
My DH & I were in ministry for 3 years (youth minister), & I find it immensely interesting the effect a child has on some families who previously didn't consider "religion" who search out answers/churches. {I REALLY hope this doesn't sound "churchy"/judge-y}. I believe people should search for themselves what they believe & find their own church that suits them. This is purely things I've noticed from family & members of our congregation.
But for example, my older cousin, who was raised Church of Christ, hadn't gone to church/wasn't concerned at all about anything religious for a LONG while. Once his son started reading & he read bible stories, he texted/called us to study/ask questions so he could make the most educated decision about educating his son on religious matters. Fascinating that we search that out when we have someone to teach/instruct about the matters. I've considered how/what to incorporate with our culture when our LO is old enough to understand.
2nd round exp 8/20/18.
Franco Paul born 6/4/15 at 39 weeks. Mila Francesca born 10/19/13 at 37 weeks. Both born via C-Section after 6 years of fertility treatments, disappointments and losses. Love them!!