High-Risk Pregnancy

Heart defect in Baby A

So, I am trying to process everything I was told this morning. At my 20 weeks anatomy scan at my MFM, they noticed an anomaly in baby A. He has a high suspicion it is pulmonary valve stenosis which will probably need surgery after my baby is born. Though there is limited research on this issue, it seems there is a pretty good prognosis after surgery. There is a slight increased chance we may be forced to make some not great decisions if he starts showing signs of heart failure. If it is before they are viable, we may be forced to do nothing to save baby B. Or if we crest the viable threshold, we may have to risk baby B's life to try and save baby A. I know this is only a slight risk, but I can't stop thinking about it. At this point baby B's heart looks fine, but Friday I go back for an in depth look at baby B's heart. Had anyone gone through this or something similar?

Re: Heart defect in Baby A

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    I haven't but I really do hope your babies are ok and that you have a good outcome. My heart breaks for you because those are a lot of very difficult "what if" questions. Hopefully baby A will just need a surgery after the LO--if it is what your doctor is really indicating--and that the rest of your pregnancy doesn't do any harm to baby B. Keep your head up and be strong for your little ones.
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