February 2016 Moms

GTKY- Work


Re: GTKY- Work

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    I thought I would love being a SAHM. I stayed home the whole first year with my oldest but I just got so depressed. I felt like a bum because I wasn't used to being dependent on someone like that. DH was more than okay with providing, but I always felt bad if things were ever tight. I went back to school when he turned 1 and he started daycare. With my second I had the summer with him and continued back to school in the fall. He is now 1000X more social than his older brother because of being in daycare at a younger age. I'll have about 6 months with this one before I (hopefully) start my first teaching job. 

    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Fourth Birthday tickersLilypie Second Birthday tickers
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    I am a Claims Analyst for a health insurance company. I am able to work from home and I love my job!

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    I'm a nurse in an ICU. I love my job! I love the critical aspect of my job and I love taking care of people. Right now I work nights and it is killing me! I'm hoping to move to day time soon!
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    I'm a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. Right now I work for the county as a mental health case manager with adolescents in group home placement. I loooooooooove my job!
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    I used to work at a child care center and ran the school age program. I LOVED IT.

    I graduated with my masters in educational technology and soon got a job at a virtual school. But that job is less rewarding. I work the daycare job in the summer though. Next week, they are putting me in the infant/toddler room!

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    I'm President of a local Chamber of Commerce. It looks like I'm likely going to end up being a SAHM mom with these two and my oldest. We budgeted daycare for two...not three!

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    I was a Middle School Art Teacher up until a few months ago. My husband got an offer to do his "dream job" so we packed up and moved to Luxembourg (tiny country between Germany & France).
    I am now indefinitely a SAHM. However, I am thinking of going back to school in the next few years to get Masters in High School Counseling.
     BabyFruit Ticker

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    I am the office manager at a textile machine manufacturer. I live in the carpet capital of the world so comes with the territory I guess, but I really love my job.
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    I am a teacher. Next year I will be teaching computers grade 1 through 6.

    Pregnancy Ticker
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    I'm currently a SAHM, and I cannot wait to go back to work!! I'm in school now going for a degree in Human Resources.
    Benjamin born on - 4/5/12
    BFP 12/31/14, EDD 9/08/14 ~ Natural M/C 2/21/14 at 11.5 weeks
    BFP 5/24/15 - EDD 2/4/16

    BabyFruit Ticker

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    I was a Middle School Art Teacher up until a few months ago. My husband got an offer to do his "dream job" so we packed up and moved to Luxembourg (tiny country between Germany & France).
    I am now indefinitely a SAHM. However, I am thinking of going back to school in the next few years to get Masters in High School Counseling.

    Some of my ancestors were from Luxembourg. Neat!
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    SAHM. I plan on going to school to become IBCLC next year or so.
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    I had been a product manager focused on US based fixed income products for a financial firm. I left my job to be a SAHM though, and I'm really enjoying my time at home. My DH is a crime scene tech with the nypd and works very odd hours, so this allows us a little bit more flexibility to maximize family time. Plus I love that I can spend my afternoons at the beach with my friends instead of stuck in a windowless conference room
    BabyFruit Ticker Follow my baby story at: http://www.nycitified.blogspot.com/
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    I'm an accountant for a property management firm. We build and manage luxury apartment complexes. I like it but after baby and a reasonable amount of time back I'll be looking for a new job. It's a small company and my boss and anyone above me are all in their mid 30s and not going anywhere anytime soon, so there is no room for growth or promotion.
    BabyFetus Ticker

    F16 Sep Siggy Challange - Fav Thing About Fall (even though "fall" won't be here until at least Dec)
    Green Bay animated GIF
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    I'm an Instructional Writer. I work for a Medicare Contractor. We have different contracts for different regions of the country where we handle the claims processing, customer service, appeals, etc. I help develop and write training materials for all the different job fuctions and business units within our company. I get to work from home and it's awesome.
    Pregnancy Ticker

    September Siggy Challenge - Favorite Thing About Fall:
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    I'm a computer programmer for diesel race trucks. Family business and I absolutely love my job!
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    Some of these jobs sound seriously awesome!!
    Benjamin born on - 4/5/12
    BFP 12/31/14, EDD 9/08/14 ~ Natural M/C 2/21/14 at 11.5 weeks
    BFP 5/24/15 - EDD 2/4/16

    BabyFruit Ticker

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    I'm a SAHM! For a while I had a part time job decorating cakes at the grocery store but then we moved. Before ds I was a leading consultant for apartments.
    Baby 2.0!
    BabyFruit Ticker

     28 Years old DH 29
    Married since 8/7/10
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    I'm a hospice RN. I work very few hours, as I stay home with the kids while DH works (and he travels a bit, so that obviously limits how much I can work). If he had more flexibility, I would probably try to work a little more, but such is life

    I'm a hospice nurse too! I find that I get weird looks from people when I tell them what I do, but I honestly love what I do. I also work part time so I can take care of my almost 2 yr old. I would like to work more but it looks like that will have to wait. Someday I'd like to get a nurse practitioner degree and work continue in hospice and palliative care.
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    So many nurses on this board, love it! I am also a nurse in a step down icu unit, and starting the women's health nurse practitioner program.
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    I'm a speech-language pathologist in a school for kids with special needs, mostly autism. I work part time- three days per week, and spend the other days with my kids.

    Mom to Benjamin 6/2011 and Lena 5/2013; baby 3 on the way

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    I'm a producer on a television show you definitely all know or watch - but I can't tell you which one :)

    You can't just dangle it like that! We should have a rule or something... ;)
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    SAHM. I plan on going to school to become IBCLC next year or so.
    YAY! That is apart of my long term goal! I plan to go to the CLC class in Atlanta in October.

    BabyFetus Ticker
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    I'm a producer on a television show you definitely all know or watch - but I can't tell you which one :)
    You can't just dangle it like that! We should have a rule or something... ;)
    Can you give us a hint? :)

    BabyFetus Ticker
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    I'm a SAHM! For a while I had a part time job decorating cakes at the grocery store but then we moved. Before ds I was a leading consultant for apartments.
    Neat! My hubs and I tried our hand at cake decorating while the Cake Boss was a huge show. We sucked. It takes some serious talent that we don't have. I did, however, rock my littlest Monster cupcakes for his first birthday. 

    BabyFetus Ticker
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    I work in a retail Pharmacy. I've been with the company since I was 16. (started a month after I turned 16) 15 years with the company and 6 of those have been in the pharmacy. Wish I could say I enjoyed or liked my job, but at the moment I'm not a fan.
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    I'm a sahm and will be until kids are in school anyways. I used to teach high school us history and loved my last job. Before that I had the job from hell with the worst administrators ever. I would love to go back to teaching someday if I can find the right fit. I also paint and refinish furniture on the side. It's not really a job because it's not steady and mainly done during nap time, it's more my creative outlet that helps me earn a little extra cash.
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    I'm an analyst for a fixed income hedge fund. I cover sectors I find fascinating and love my job. I switched companies a little over a year ago to be at a more family friendly firm, which should make things easier once the LO comes
    Married Nov 2013
    Me: 27  DH: 33
    B-Day DS: 02/17/2016
    EDD #2: 01/24/2018
    Furbaby - Lab mix rescue

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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    Sahm with a tiny self run business.
    Before that I was in school, got my associates, and also worked 2 jobs as a supervisor. I've only had one job geared towards my degree but then we moved for dh's job and I never got anything I liked for the last 2 years

    I want to go back but I haven't decided for sure for what, I'm really interested in one or two things. I have at least a year to decide
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    RN here, too. Planning to get my MPH after both LOs are a little older and do public health maternity case management. I work at a large/busy hospital. I loved my last job, am indifferent to this one. I work with great people and know the job well, which is why I've stuck around until we're done having kids (after this one).



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    I am an 8th grade learning support teacher.

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    PaniaOPaniaO member

    I'm a producer on a television show you definitely all know or watch - but I can't tell you which one :)

    You can't just dangle it like that! We should have a rule or something... ;)

    Can you give us a hint? :)

    We should throw out guesses Rumpelstiltskin style!
    S & A married 8.12.2013
    Expecting Saulie O 2.12.2016
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    PaniaO said:

    I'm a producer on a television show you definitely all know or watch - but I can't tell you which one :)

    You can't just dangle it like that! We should have a rule or something... ;)

    Can you give us a hint? :)
    We should throw out guesses Rumpelstiltskin style!

    Gah that made me think Once Upon a Time.....

    BabyFetus Ticker
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    PaniaO said:

    I'm a producer on a television show you definitely all know or watch - but I can't tell you which one :)

    You can't just dangle it like that! We should have a rule or something... ;)

    Can you give us a hint? :)
    We should throw out guesses Rumpelstiltskin style!
    Gah that made me think Once Upon a Time.....

    Good show! I need to catch up...deployment destroyed my tv series!
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    @AmadorRose We started binge watching on Netflix a while ago and could barely make it past season 2. I think we watched it so much we burned ourselves out. :( I did the same with Revenge. 

    BabyFetus Ticker
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    @TheBeggsBunch I watched every single episode of Game of Thrones in a month last summer. Whoops!
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    @AmadorRose Ok then apparently I am missing something.. we watched the first 2 seasons and I liked it but seemed to get kind of complicated. I am the type that like mindless entertainment… if I have to think to hard at what exactly is going on then I lose interest fast. Thats what happened with Game of Thrones. Plus, my heart broke when Kahleesi's (sp?) hubby died. :( 

    BabyFetus Ticker
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    @TheBeggsBunch I had to sit down with DH and watch it to get into it because I usually just have the TV on for noise. SO worth it.
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