November 2015 Moms

FTM looking for job advice from 2nd+ time moms

Hi everyone! My first post was deleted somehow, so here we go again:

I'm a working woman and my husband, household, and I depend on my pay checks.

I'm fortunate enough to be salaried and have an office position but I'd like to hear when other working moms put in their last day before their EDD.

Did you work up until you popped?
Did you leave just before your EDD?

I know that everyone's pregnancies and realities are wide and varied, so I'd love to hear the gist of your experience.


Re: FTM looking for job advice from 2nd+ time moms

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    I worked until 38 weeks and she was born at 38 weeks 6 days. I planned to work until I headed to L&D, but I'm short and was so uncomfortable when she got big and ran out of room. Plus I work 12 hr nightshifts and those are killer when you're big pregnant.
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    With my first I was very young and worked at a grocery store.  I only made it to 37 weeks.  I now am older, wiser, am the only one in the household who works and have an office job.  I plan to work until I pop.  I don't have a lot of choice.
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    I hope to work until birth this time.
    Last time I got put on bed rest for high blood pressure at 35 weeks. She was born at 41 weeks.
    I was on short term disability that whole time and got paid 60% of my salary.
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    I worked until I popped. I plan on doing the same. Luckily, I delivered on a weekend and I didn't have to deal with my water breaking at work.

    I plan on bringing a change of clothes with me everywhere starting at 36 weeks. But given I may be on bedrest at that point, it may not be an issue.
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    LSRooLSRoo member
    Working until 36 weeks. My job gives allows leave 4 weeks prior to birth and if you don't use it, you lose it.
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    I worked up until 40 weeks then ended up going into labor at 40w2d. I think it helped working all the way. It kept my mind off of worrying as much.
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    With my I worked shift so I put in for the the last shift of my EDD week. I had him 3 days later and he came right on time. I took the full 12 weeks with my first.

    My second I ended up with contractions at 23 weeks got reduced hours and ended up going on maternity leave at like 36-37 weeks. I was miserable! It was a perk I was able to get short term disability that started before baby came. But I only took 6 weeks off after he came.

    It was nice to have a few days at home before baby. You can put in a time but baby ultimately will end up deciding for you :)

    This time around with #4 I don't get any "time off" SAHM lol
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    My last day of work was the day before my due date the first time around. Baby was 5 days late so it worked out perfect. 
    That said, I was SO tired and uncomfortable those last few days of work (and yes, I have a comfy office job). This time around I plan to work to a day short of 39 weeks. I will take vacation (and Thanksgiving holiday pay) until my maternity leave officially starts the Monday after my due date. 
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    Thanks ladies! Most of you really did work until you popped!

    The only workplace adjustment I've made so far is to go from a standing desk to a seated desk and I'm using a copy paper box as a stool for when my feet swell...

    I told my coworkers at 10 weeks, but I didn't want to have to tell them then. The constant questioning and people commenting on my food and beverage was too much (there are 7 in our office). Nosy Nellies!

    I'm just in a bit of pickle because the company is still technically a start up (although we just celebrated 9 years). Only one employee has has a single child since that start - and he's the owner and CEO. It was before my time and when there were just 2 or 3 employees and no written leave or policy manual (and I'm pretty confident his wife was the only one to stay home). There still isn't one just yet, but I told them they better write something, STAT! I'm thinking, either way it'll only be 12 weeks leaves. The company had to let go some people earlier this year, so I'm pretty confident the leave will be unpaid.

    Thank you for all your feedback, ladies! It's most appreciated :D.
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    I'm an attorney and was working as an associate attorney for someone else when I had my first. I worked until 10 days before my due date. It was a little rough as I was actually in court on those days but it was manageable.

    I discussed it with my employer months beforehand. Probably had already workeD it out by this point. My leave was 100% unpaid and I suspect I would have been let go shortly after I returned if they had found anyone competent to do my job.
    DS- June 2009

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