July 2015 Moms

Pitting Edema in feet

Is anyone else experiencing really bad edema in your feet to the point where it pits when you push down on it and remains that way for a little bit? Ugh. I feel like my feet are going to explode, I don't even recognize them. Not preeclampsic or swelling this bad anywhere else, Drs not concerned but man I'm not a fan and normally have such skinny feet :(

Re: Pitting Edema in feet

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    Same boat here my feet are so swollen they are purple. Im not dehydrated I keep my feet up when I can not pre eclampsia just really swollen feet and ankles ugh so gross feeling :/
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    I am the same way. It's disgusting. My doctors aren't concerned either but I can't believe that this is normal. My skin looks plastic because it is so stretched out and it doesn't go away when I keep my feet up. My hands swell like crazy too- not pitting though. I can't imagine making it another 12 days. 

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    Yep, here's my pic! I was checked out for pre-e and I'm fine, I was just dehydrated. Ever since I've been drinking lots more water, the edema hasn't returned!
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    krk09krk09 member
    I had this for almost 3 months. At first Dr wasn't concerned because my blood pressure was still low/ normal. But at my 37 week aappt, it had jumped to 155/95. He sent me to l&d for tests and sure enough preeclampsia. I was induced that night.
    If you start having other symptoms, light headed, headaches, chest pain, or vision changes, call your Dr. My Dr explained that preeclampsia can actually come on very quickly and once your blood pressure spikes, they have to start worrying about mom and baby.

    I had so much swelling that I lost 15 pounds in 24 hours. This was about 5 days postpartum when my kidneys decided to work. At 7 days postpartum, I have lost over 30 pounds of just water and finally look and feel normal! Plus, my shoes fit! Yay!!!
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    I have awful pitting edema in my feet and ankles, my bootcut slacks are even tight around my calfs. My blood pressure started going up at my 35 wk check, earlier this week they sent me to the hospital at 36 wks because it was high again. But my urine has not had protein in it and eventually my blood pressure came down so they sent me home. I feel like I'm in limbo just watching out for a headache or vision changes because without the protein in my urine they don't seem to want to do anything.
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    I had this too and my LO who decided to join us 5 weeks early, is almost 4 weeks old and it still isn't completely gone! Hope it goes away faster for you guys...I'm ready for it to be gone!
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    I had +1 pitting edema the other night at work in my legs. I just propped my feet up for a while and that took care of it.
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    Had it with my first!! It can get really uncomfortable! Just be sure to stay hydrated & put your feet up when you can! It will go down after baby makes his/her debut
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    Yes! It looks so gross. I feel like the nutty professor! They look like balloon feet.
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