December 2015 Moms

Emotions and depression

I have had the worse luck this year only upside is my first baby. But my whole world feelslike its falling apart and im soo emotional. I hate to say depression but i feel sad all the time. I dont wanna feel this way with my first child or any at that. Has any 2 trimester mommys to be felt this way?

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    kristib1027kristib1027 member
    Answer ✓
    Your not alone. Depression during pregnancy is more common than what you may think! Talk to your doctor, they will be sure to point you in the right direction or provide safe medication if needed. Remember you're not alone and you're not doing anything wrong. So many things factor into depression while pregnant! Be proud of yourself for recognizing it and seeking information:)

Re: Emotions and depression

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    Thank you. I will talk to my dr. Like i said everything happend all at once and im not a sad person what so ever. But its good to talk to one
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    rewarereware member
    Hey @1sttymemommy2b2015 - you should check out the 3 part series by Jessica Grose for Slate called "Not just the pregnancy blues." She's a smart journalist who went through a tough pregnancy back in 2012 and writes very openly about the havoc it wreaked on her life and career until she got the support she needed

    I'm still following her writing on parenthood but thought maybe her advocacy for prenatal depression in working women might be an interesting read.
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    Hey i really struggled in this pregnancy, this is my first feeling better know i saw a psychiatrist who specializes in anxiety and depression in pregnancy. Got on some safe medication now feeling i can.cope. he was very reassuring. However i still get bouts of sadness for no reason. It is very normal but.find someone to help like a doc or psychiatrist who understand.
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    I've been really struggling. I've had depression as a kid, not so bad where I really needed medication. After I had my DS PPD really hit me like any mom had. Now I'm 15 weeks with my 2nd pregnancy and I feel like I'm falling apart. Trying to go into some counseling. And determine where to go from there. You're not alone♡
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    I think sometimes just talking it out helps!!! Def. talk to your doctor though!! Try not to hold things inside!!
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    I'm right there with you, although I think my depression just stems from having a diagnosis and possibly worsened from being off my meds.

    But you're not alone! No matter the reason, it stinks. I agree that you should mention it to the doctor, and if you feel the need, make it very clear that you may need some extra support. Some OB's even have therapists in-office.
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    I struggle with anxiety and have previously posted about my increase in it on this blog. A week ago I was in a terrible place but everyday I'm feeling a bit better! Know that you are not alone! Talk to someone, whether it be a close friend, family member, or therapist. Definitely mention something to your doctor. I don't take medication, so I use other therapies to help. Like gardening. Even spending half an hour or so in the sun increases my mood. Praying for you! You'll be a beautiful mom. ❤️
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    I'm struggling with it too! I cry most of my days and I am just so tired. Im glad to know I am not alone here
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    Like a lot of PP's have said, you are certainly not alone. It's really tough sometimes but know you are not alone. There is a PPD group at the hospital I will deliver and there are more expectant mothers in the group than mothers who have given birth. Having a support system is crucial so whether it be a friend, family member, support group, church group, therapist/counselor, etc I feel it would help a lot just to not feel so alone (from experience the more objective the person the better!) Your OB may also have you see a psychiatrist; the benefits of meds for this in some women definitely outweigh the risks.
    When I have my days where I feel like I literally am so depressed I couldn't get myself out of bed if it meant winning a million dollars, I try some breathing/mindfulness exercises, remember that a little baby girl is counting on me to take care of her and that they only way I can do that is if I take care of myself too!
    Reach out and things will improve
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    lynem29 said:
    Like a lot of PP's have said, you are certainly not alone. It's really tough sometimes but know you are not alone. There is a PPD group at the hospital I will deliver and there are more expectant mothers in the group than mothers who have given birth. Having a support system is crucial so whether it be a friend, family member, support group, church group, therapist/counselor, etc I feel it would help a lot just to not feel so alone (from experience the more objective the person the better!) Your OB may also have you see a psychiatrist; the benefits of meds for this in some women definitely outweigh the risks. When I have my days where I feel like I literally am so depressed I couldn't get myself out of bed if it meant winning a million dollars, I try some breathing/mindfulness exercises, remember that a little baby girl is counting on me to take care of her and that they only way I can do that is if I take care of myself too! Reach out and things will improve :)

    I completely agree with  lynem29 here "breathing/mindfulness exercises" that will help. I also went thru the same thing, but this will definitely help.

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