December 2015 Moms

round ligament pain -- more severe than I would have thought

hi, everyone -- is anyone experiencing round ligament pains yet? I'm at 16.5 weeks, and although most of the online posts I have read describe it as a sharp, quick pain, my doctor says it can also be a longer, consistent pain or soreness that lasts up to a few days at a time. it feels more like gas than cramps, but I feel like any pain at this point is so nerve wracking. anyway, just checking in and curious if anyone else has them.

Re: round ligament pain -- more severe than I would have thought

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    I'm almost 14 weeks and I've had them for a few weeks, both sharp stabbing and a sharpish cramping that's somewhat difficult to deacribe. I especially get them from standing up too fast and twisting at the same time or getting out of the car. I keep having to remind myself it's normal because pain never feels like a normal thing, but I've been reassured many times by my midwife so I try not to worry.

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    edited June 2015
    I'm not sure if mine is normal or not but I'm 17 weeks and feel aches and pains more. It's been sharp a few times, but most often I just have a dull ache across my stomach that can last a few minutes to most of the day. It's never terrible, so I try to think it is normal. Hopefully some STMs+ can give you a better idea, but I wanted you to know you are not alone. :)

    Edit because I didn't mean to select the laughing face. Oops!
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    Thanks, ladies. Yes, no pain seems normal, that's for sure! Today is especially bad, it feels like I pulled a muscle, but through most of my stomach. So frustrating!
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    I've been getting them for a couple of weeks now. I get them on my sides/lower stomach, and it usually happens when I get out of bed too quickly and then goes away. Sorry to hear that you're having a hard time today! Hope it calms down soon!
    Lilypie First Birthday tickersDaisypath Anniversary tickers
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    I first felt them around 13 weeks.. just twinges here and there. Then 16.5 weeks was exactly when they got a little stronger! I had about 2 days where it felt pretty constant in my sides and down low.. the sharp stabbing feeling didn't last too terribly long, it would come and go, but I just had soreness that was pretty constant. It really stressed me out and made me anxious! But then it went away, and about a day after it stopped, I noticed that my belly was noticeably bigger! The joys of growing a baby!
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    lalg28lalg28 member
    13.5 weeks here and I've had them for a couple weeks already. I'm not so excited to hear they get worse lol. My OB said some women have them more than others. We're just the luck ones..
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    My doctor said that stretching, quick and sharp pains are normal. The only thing you should be concerned with is if it feels like diarrhea cramps or bad period cramps!
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    asc88asc88 member
    Yep! 17 weeks tomorrow and they started about 1 1/2 weeks ago. It usually happens when I stand up too quickly and I'll feel like a tightening and then sharp pain that lasts about 10 seconds or so..some are worse and longer than others..
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    I'm at 17 weeks too and this week has been rough!!! It feels like severe cramps mixed with sharp pains here and there. Seriously crampy
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    I started getting those around 13 weeks. I'll be 16 weeks Friday. Usually get them when standing up quickly or twisting suddenly. They pass pretty quick though. I also get period like cramps which my doctor said are totally normal n just uterus stretching n pushing everything out of the way. They normally get worse if I have to pee or when I haven't drank enough. Try drinking more water. See if that helps.
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    MINE WERE SOOO BAD! Last week around when I was 15w5d, I got hit hard with these. 4 straight days of near constant cramps, then the dull pain ache in between. I was actually curled up in a ball crying one night. My ob just kept saying ..."well they shouldn't be that bad!" and she ran a bunch of tests (UTI, constipation, dehydration, infectious disease, etc.). Nothin' but round ligament pain. They finally subsided, went away, and I was left with a deep muscle ache for another day or so. But they did pass and I'm good (for now), thankfully.
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    tetchytetchy member
    edited June 2015
    I get the stretchy, crampy, sore feeling often.  But, I also get the quick stab sometimes.  Especially when I sneeze.  Ouch!!
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    My ligament pain had me hunched over for 2 days... Im 14 weeks it feels like ive been doing too many situps and i pulled every stomach muscle I have
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    Yup!  I get them a lot plus a lot of pain in my hips!  I can barely sleep anymore it hurts so bad.  I remember having this before with my other pregnancy and it lasted the whole way through! :-S
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

    Me:34      DH:41      1 son: 6       2 step sons: 18, 12

    BFP: 4/24/08 - Missed Miscarriage found 5/29/08

    BFP: 11/21/08 - DS born 7/13/09

    BFP:5/8/14  - Chemical pregnancy

    BFP: 4/11/15....stick baby stick!!!

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    At 16w, I'm still crampy from time-to-time. I went to maternity chiro last week and she said my round ligament was really tight and did some stretching to relieve it. I am supposed to go for tummy massage on Fri but have to re-sch because my dad is having surgery tomorrow (wasn't expecting them to get the surgery scheduled so soon). I haven't had the sharp pains yet...that sounds like something to look forward too, NOT!
    Lilypie Maternity tickers
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    So I think I have been experiencing this too just don't remember them this bad with my other 2 pregnancies. If I cough or sneeze especially at night it feels like my lower abdominal muscle are ripping in half is this similar to what some of you are feeling??
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    YES! I get them too. I was told my endometriosis would go into remission during my pregnancy, but these pains are almost just as bad as my endo pains! Lol. :((
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    I'm 17 weeks today and I feel that last night it was really strong but it went away for awhile
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    17 and 1 day
    feeling constantly achey. Fun fun. My husband must feel like he is having sex with an old lady
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    I'm 13 weeks today and I experienced them last night for the first time. They definitely were not like cramps, these were a lot lower. When I moved or switched positions it was like a jab in my lower tummy. They started at about 7 pm and didn't go away until 10 or so... I finally found a position that was comfortable and I fell asleep. Hoping they do not get worse.. I did not like that at all..
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    When I cough it feels like I'm getting stabbed but my OB said it's normal.
    Plus side: I had an ultrasound today and I coughed a ton and it looked like the baby did the wave.
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    I had them at 12w...only lasted 2 or 3 days, but I was convinced it was constipation because it was my lower left abdomen, almost in my groin. When I had an ultrasound during those few days and she pushed down near it, I thought I was going to jump off the table! Doctor said it was totally normal. Don't worry!
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