February 2016 Moms

Pregnant coffee drinkers, unite!

How many of you are coffee drinkers? How many of you plan to continue drinking coffee?

I am, and this will be my 3rd pregnancy drinking coffee lol! I typically have the equivalent of one to two cups per day.
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Re: Pregnant coffee drinkers, unite!

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    I've cut back to an 8oz cup in the morning. Trying not to drink any on the weekends. This morning I had a cup of decaf. It was not the same. :(

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    Girl, I am a major coffee drinker but I'm going to cut back to 1 - 2 cups a day. I'm an iced coffee snob for sure.
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    I will for sure continue unless I have a coffee aversion this time too! I'll stick to my one-two cups a day max

    Mom of one adorable little boy and excited to do this again.  

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    I'm generally a huge coffee drinker. I'm down to 1 half caf (k cup) in the morning. I feel very proud of myself. Last pregnancy I had the worst caffeine headaches mid day but this time around I'm doing okay so far.
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    jordans_wifejordans_wife member
    edited June 2015
    I used to occasionally drink 2 in the am then 1 more in the afternoon. Now I've cut back to 2 cups a day. I have my 1st regular cup then do half regular half decaf then another half reg/decaf in the afternoon. I did the same with my other 2 pregnancies also. A fish gotta swim, a birds gotta eat, and I gotta have my coffee;)
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    ErinkaErinka member
    I'm drinking 2-3 cups a morning of 1/2 caf.
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    Only decaf for me
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    I don't drink a ton of coffee, but the exhausting toddler definitely leads me to drink it semi-regularly.  I don't see that changing!
    BabyFetus Ticker
    DS born 6/2013
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    I am a big caffeine drinker. I drink both coffee and soda. I don't mind decaf so I switched my coffee right away and am still drinking a soda a day. I had headaches in the beginning but am doing better now.
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    Coffee junkie here! Tried to go cold turkey but my exhaustion would not let me be productive without at least a cup a day! So that's what I've been doing! Or sometimes if I want more I'll just mix decaf in so at least my brain thinks I'm getting more ;)
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    PaniaOPaniaO member
    Boy, have I been misinformed. Formerly an all-day black-coffee addict, I've actually been off of it since before my 2WW, as I've been told it causes m/c and affects hormones so dramatically (guess not! Hah.). Does this also mean I can have my Zinfandel and evening toke...??? [-O<
    S & A married 8.12.2013
    Expecting Saulie O 2.12.2016
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    I will for sure continue unless I have a coffee aversion this time too! I'll stick to my one-two cups a day max
    I've had a coffee aversion with both of my previous pregnancies, too.  Still enjoying it, but I'm not having many symptoms yet, so the jury's still out...
    *E 10/2012, H 7/2014, F 2/2016*
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    I got completely off caffeine at the suggestion of my acupuncturist, and the cycle without it was the cycle I finally conceived, so yeah, won't be drinking caffeine for a while.

    I still drink decaf, thinking "come on placebo effect!"
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    I drank moderate amounts of coffee during my previous pregnancies. With DS1 I started getting migraines and caffeine was actually prescribed to help. I usually stick to 1 am and 1 pm.
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    MrsJG3MrsJG3 member
    Yeah I am not giving up coffee.
    DD: 8  DD: 3.5  DS:18M
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    I'm a huge coffee drinker and gave it up for now in fear of a miscarriage. I will start back up after the first trimester.
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    MsIanMsIan member
    I've been drinking 0.5-1 medium coffee around 1 pm during the week and none on the weekends. I might actually stop and start up again during the second trimester
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    I'll do the same as last I did last time. I switched to half-caff and have two cups a day. No one wants me around while I'm hormonal and not drinking coffee.
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    I slowly gave it up last pregnancy because it started to get aversive, but had 1-2 cups per day for about 6 OR 7 months. A few months ago, we started to cold brew coffee. It has less caffeine and not as bitter, so it might not get aversive this time. Highly recommend for coffee drinkers preggo or not!
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    I make blended coffee at home--had cut out espresso before getting pregnant. Now I drink the equivalent of 1-2 cups of coffee per day. I did this while pregnant with DD, too. 
    DD born Feb. 2010. BFP 5/25/15, EDD 2/4/16!

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    I used to drink SO MUCH COFFEE about a year and a half ago. Like probably 6-8 cups a day (definitely more coffee than water). Then my OBGYN found a lump in my breast and I was referred to a breast surgeon. They biopsied and said it was a benign fibroid cyst, NBD. But she told me to cut back on caffeine. Since then, I found it easier to just cut it out than to keep track of how much I was having. So I would occasionally have a decaf coffee or an herbal tea. So I've been off the caf for a while now and I have no desire to drink coffee now, though I did rinse my hair with my husband's extra coffee this morning!!

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    I am a coffee drinker! I will continue bit with must one medium a day instead of a few large lol
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    I am a coffee fanatic, I also drink it to survive day to day with my sleepless 1 year old. During pregnancy though, I typically don't drink, unless it is decaf, and even that is once in a while. I will miss my coffee for sure. 



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    WLJ2WLJ2 member
    I am not a coffee drinking but prior to getting ku I had a monster energy drink almost every morning. So now I am having one glass or can of soda a day. I might completely give it up at some point but not right now.
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    I love, love, love coffee.  I don't know how I ever functioned without it.  I have cut down to one cup a day but I think I may go ahead and add another...just because.

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    I was a 4+ cup a day person. Once I got the positive, I dropped to two cups of half decaf every day. I nearly murdered a few people that first week, but it's starting to get better now.

    I doubt I'll stop drinking caffeine completely.
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    I have been having one K-cup a day. Down from my normal 3-4. I'm terrified that I'm doing something that will hurt the baby but I'm also terrified to quit completely. I NEED coffee.

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    My dr told me I could have 2 cups a day. He told me not to cut it out together because it will cause headaches
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    Black coffee drinker here! It keeps me regular during pregnancy... at least that's my excuse to dh!
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    I drink one to two cups every morning w/ my cream and little bit of sugar.  My other 2 pregnancies coffee smelled like acid to me so I couldn't really stomach it.  This time though, it seems to be fine.  Strange!

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    Well, right now I can't even think about coffee without feeling sick to my stomach, so I've switched over to a cup of tea a day. Never thought I'd lose my taste for coffee of all things.
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    I drink decaf and I will keep drinking decaf. I LOVE my coffee.
    imageimageLilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    My first two pregnancies, I gave it up in the first trimester. That was rough. This time I'm going to keep drinking it..just limiting myself to one small coffee a day.

    Mom to Benjamin 6/2011 and Lena 5/2013; baby 3 on the way

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    momPDXmomPDX member
    I get my coffee.

    I do cut back a bit, but with a full time job, going back to finish school and a 15mo old...mama needs her coffee
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    I'm down to 2 or 3 cups per week. I had one the other night out of necessity since I was working a grad night and had to work until 3am.
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    I've cut back on my coffee habit - there is a local shop who I am in love with their iced honey macchiatos, yum!!! We are trying to save money though so I am just drinking sweet tea instead so I still get some caffeine. I also didn't drink any caffeine with my first pregnancy and ended up having horrible headaches the whole first tri. I suppose I could make coffee at home but it's not the same haha!
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    Ugh this is one of the hardest parts of being pregnant! I've cut back to only drinking iced lattes (that way I at least get some calcium in) a few times per week. Trying not to come close to the daily caffeine limit though. If I stay around 100mg or less I feel much better about it
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    I cut down at the beginning of the year due to migraines, and I thought I'd have a problem cutting it off completely, but it hasn't been too bad. I'm worse with tea. I can't stand regular water, so I was a big green tea drinker. I've had one herbal tea and felt nauseous the rest of the day..so I guess I'll stick to water. Bleh. Trying out flavored coconut water today, so far so good.

    Baby F.......02/02/2016
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