August 2015 Moms

Workaholic husband

My husband has a business where he is basically on call 24/7. He is working 70-80 hours a week and I'm starting to get really frustrated about it. He leaves the house before I wake up and comes home hours after I do. When he gets home, he zones out on his phone until he falls asleep. I'm doing literally everything around the house and doing everything to prepare for the baby all while working my full time job. On one hand, I can't wait for the baby to get here so that I'm not alone anymore. But on the other hand, I know that I can't do it alone and really need his help and support. Any advice for me, ladies?

Re: Workaholic husband

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    My husband is a truck driver. He works 70+ hours a week. He works 12-14 hours a day with only 10 hours off between loads, which he usually spends sleeping. He does get 1-2 days off a weekend. I realize that I will be taking care of our baby a lot by myself. DH is awesome but his work prevents him from always being there. I've come to terms with it. I knew it before we tried getting pregnant. I just feel that he is providing for our family and that is the important part. I would say talk to your husband and tell him your concerns. You have to be a unit to make things work. Hopefully he will see what the right thing to do will be or at least what his job allows.
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    My husband left for boot camp at the beginning of the month leaving me with our 19 month old. A friend asked me today how it was going without him home and I had to say that honestly with how much overtime he was working before he left there really wasn't that much of a difference. We both work full time but I've always been the one who did most of the baby work because he works more. I am home around 2:30 and he didn't get back until after 5 and he worked weekends while I'm unable to. He would much rather be home with baby but I just had more time both before and after she got here. Being pregnant with only a toddler for company isn't my ideal but I know my husband is doing what he feels best for our family. Hopefully your husband will be able to take a little time off once the baby is here but I know with us he took a couple weeks off and then he was back to overtime to make up for the fact that I wasn't bringing in much of an income. He was only able to take time off because we had money saved up.
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    I know my husband is working to provide for our family and I definitely appreciate that. And we couldn't survive without his salary. But I also work and actually make more money; plus my job is the one that provides all of our benefits. When the baby comes, he's already said that he might take 2 or 3 days off but that's it. It's just like he'd rather be working than spend time at home and that's what hurts most. He's the boss and controls his own hours so I have a really hard time understanding.
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