June 2015 Moms

Daily Symptoms Tuesday May 26


Re: Daily Symptoms Tuesday May 26

  • aj1327aj1327 member
    @MrsWiggleWaggle we were in the same boat last night, but I wasn't feeling nearly as badly as you! The weather was nuts! My husband even asked this morning if I could imagine if that had been the real deal tonight. Glad you and your house are ok!
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  • @paige0704 I had the jaw pain as well very unpleasant but it did go away!

    Thank u for making me feel better...i was having anxiety about it lol
  • MAJOR MAJOR contractions last night! Called the doctor she said she would want me in L&D but there was no way to get there! Ripping pain from the top of my bump all the way down and around my back. It was excruciating. Not just some squeezy BH stuff.

    The only problem was that our city is underwater right now! cars are stranded everywhere the bayous are full to the banks. 1000's of cars stranded it looks like the walking dead on some of roads with lines of abandoned cars surrounded by water. My friends got stranded on the highway for 6 hours! it was a terrifying night with several deaths from the flooding! I was seriously worried I was going to have a baby in the middle of a historic flood by myself!

    Luckily the contractions got less intense not more (but oh boy is less intense such a relative term!) So so so thankful my house is dry, my neighbors were not so lucky! Also bright side...now I know what to look for when the big day comes?

    OMG!! That must have been so scary but am so happy they didnt get worse!! Hopefullly weather has gotten better?
  • moz3518moz3518 member
    39 weeks tomorrow and having similar symptoms to PP. Lots of pelvic pain/pressure, swollen from feet and hands, lots of BH, and just overall uncomfortable. Sleep seems to be an impossible thing since I have to flip over every 20 minutes and it feels as if my pelvis was being torn in two. Induction is scheduled for Thursday morning but I'm still hoping he'll come on his own before!! Lots of walking in line for me today and tomorrow!!!
  • Question:
    If I am sick with a cold and go into labor soon, can I get my new baby sick? Will the hospital have to take precautions about me taking care of my baby just because I'm sick? I'm starting to worry I won't be able to do skin to skin and other things for fear of getting her sick.
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  • Acid reflux and exhaustion. I wake up in the middle of the night with stomach acid in my mouth. Many times I've felt like I've aspirated on it. Blech. This leads to my exhaustion. I drive to target on my lunch today to get some things I need for our hospital bag. I literally sat in my car in the parking lot for 15 minutes trying to convince myself to go in...only to decide that I would never be able to haul myself through the aisles and back out to my car in time to get back to work...so I left.

    I'm so done.
  • klkonwiklkonwi member
    edited May 2015
    @Westypet Yes to the low cramping while peeing squatting and walking! It used to be only when I laid down at night but now it's with activity. It's so low it's weird.

    I slept from 2 am to 7am!!!! Amazing!
    Went on a very long walk on a trail today. Planned to clean carpets with the carpet cleaner but......... After that walk I'm shot.

    My husband left for an entire week this week and so praying everything stays good so far. He was pretty stressed about leaving me right now which I thought was really adorable.
    I told him I have nurses curse and the baby won't ever come on it's own lol.... And not to worry.

    Usual hip pain...... Bleh.
    Hope you ladies have a lovely day!!!
  • Question:
    If I am sick with a cold and go into labor soon, can I get my new baby sick? Will the hospital have to take precautions about me taking care of my baby just because I'm sick? I'm starting to worry I won't be able to do skin to skin and other things for fear of getting her sick.

    The nurse at my prenatal class said not to worry about it, especially if you plan to breastfeed, because the antibodies you're building up to fight the cold will be passed to your baby to prevent them from getting it. Take this with a grain of salt though because I'm a FTM with no medical experience!
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  • swaugh14 said:

    39 weeks today and other than my lower back, which has been a mess, I truly feel no symptoms. I feel like I never notice BH, I never have sporadic contractions or anything else that indicates the end is near. Am I the only one in this boat? I am definitely not complaining, but sometimes I get anxious that it's all going to hit at once and I've had no "practice." Guess we'll see how this week goes!

    I'm 39 weeks too and feeling about the same. Don't get me wrong, my body is falling apart, back aches, heartburn, the weight gain has even started making my knees hurt when I try to move but I basically have had no "practice" either.. Occasional cramping at night but nothing that makes it seem like I could go into labor at any moment! Here's hoping we both make a little progress this week!
  • Anybody else experiencing pain/tingling in one leg more than the other? My left leg from the knee down is sore but particularly in the ankle/foot. The top of my foot is tingly and my ankle just hurts. There is little to no swelling and no redness or heat or anything along those lines and I brought it up at the doctors today and she looked at it for a second and didn't seem very concerned, she just said baby is laying on alot of nerves right now and just to rest and drink alot. My anxiety is just getting the best of me and Dr Google is freaking me out about blood clots so just curious if anybody else has/have anything along these lines? Tia
  • klkonwi said:

    @Westypet Yes to the low cramping while peeing squatting and walking! It used to be only when I laid down at night but now it's with activity. It's so low it's weird.

    I slept from 2 am to 7am!!!! Amazing!
    Went on a very long walk on a trail today. Planned to clean carpets with the carpet cleaner but......... After that walk I'm shot.

    My husband left for an entire week this week and so praying everything stays good so far. He was pretty stressed about leaving me right now which I thought was really adorable.
    I told him I have nurses curse and the baby won't ever come on it's own lol.... And not to worry.

    Usual hip pain...... Bleh.
    Hope you ladies have a lovely day!!!

    I am soooo glad you got some sleep. You deserve it after the week(s) you've had.

    You've got your to-do list, yep, but take it easy while he's gone. Easier said than done! I want to clean the carpet, too. Feel that urge, my friend. I feel that urge.
  • aub060708 said:

    Anybody else experiencing pain/tingling in one leg more than the other? My left leg from the knee down is sore but particularly in the ankle/foot. The top of my foot is tingly and my ankle just hurts. There is little to no swelling and no redness or heat or anything along those lines and I brought it up at the doctors today and she looked at it for a second and didn't seem very concerned, she just said baby is laying on alot of nerves right now and just to rest and drink alot. My anxiety is just getting the best of me and Dr Google is freaking me out about blood clots so just curious if anybody else has/have anything along these lines? Tia

    I'm my second trimester, I had numbness in the outside of my right leg between the knee and thigh. Mine was worse when I laid down a certain way. I mentioned it to dr, and she wasn't worried about it, said it was baby pressing on nerves. I'd mention it to dr at each appointment, but if they say it's ok, I wouldn't worry about it.

  • Other than the general discomforts (back pain, tired, some pressure in my groin) that actually weren't that bad today, I've been having a good day so far. That's good cause we had our car seat instruction at the firehouse this morning at 9am (of course we had tried to install it ourselves beforehand, and of course it was done incorrectly) and then plans for a late breakfast (biscuits and gravy, dee-lish!). Came home with more intentions to clean up the living room a bit (which I was able to do) and put together baby's rock n glide (which I was also able to do). A pretty good day and I still feel pretty good. And, the final piece of my home repair was completed today! So now I won't worry about it and already I can feel how relieved I am! It's kinda funny how you can stress about something but not have it be up front and center. You don't realize how stressed you were about it until you're NOT stressing about it.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I feel like crap. Over 38 weeks and scrambling to get last minute things done but having a hard time because I feel tired and sick like first trimester. All I can do is lay here right now. Also hard time breathing and acid reflux (burps) worse now in the last few weeks.
  • swiebe said:

    hoodoll82 said:

    I feel like my feet are broken today. And my ankles are out of control!

    I wish I had diarrhea, I'm still constipated despite lots of fiber cereal and Colace 3x a day!

    I also was curious, is anyone else cramping especially when they pee? Is that possibly dilation? It feels like menstrual cramps.

    Lastly I had the weirdest symptom yesterday - when I was going to the bathroom I had a really painful cramp ... But in my butt. I don't really know how else to put it, sorry guys. Anyone else? It freaked me out.

    Also, I can't say squat to DH because he thinks every symptom means I'm in labor lol. I told him I would know if I was in labor!

    LOL @hoodoll82, I had a butt cramp / rectum cramp when i decided to squat down while I was putting together a cube organizer.  It hurt bad.  And made me think of something I read about when the baby is ready to come, you feel pressure there.  Freaked me out a bit.  But I made it through the weekend with no other episodes of that.  

    Other symptoms for me today, my feet hurt.  I have gained 31 pounds so far this pregnancy and I think the extra weight is finally taking it's toll! I had to sit and blow dry my hair this morning. Which is usually a task I do while standing.  3 more weeks till EDD! 

    Glad to hear I'm not alone! The baby must have just been in a weird spot when I went to go squat on the toilet :)
  • JessHeppellJessHeppell member
    edited May 2015
    i just feel really alone. and sad. DH has been kinda distant lately and when he got home last night from work i said "i missed you" and his response was just "im sorry" like.. you didnt miss me too? cool. it just seems like he doesnt want to talk to me or anything these days. doesnt talk to me on his breaks at work, wont text me at all unless i text him first as i learned today. it just sucks and i feel all sad and junk.
    ive tried texting people just to have conversation and nobody has responded.

    ETA: and yeah i realize this makes me sound like a clingy whiney teenager.
  • een23een23 member
    I'm completely exhausted from doing nothing today. I'd love a burst of nesting energy. And it doesn't help that DH has decided to help start labor by having us take walks (we've taken 8 half-hour walks in the last 3 days). My feet, knees, and pelvis are definitely feeling it even if the baby is content to keep cooking.
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  • i just feel really alone. and sad. DH has been kinda distant lately and when he got home last night from work i said "i missed you" and his response was just "im sorry" like.. you didnt miss me too? cool. it just seems like he doesnt want to talk to me or anything these days. doesnt talk to me on his breaks at work, wont text me at all unless i text him first as i learned today. it just sucks and i feel all sad and junk. ive tried texting people just to have conversation and nobody has responded. ETA: and yeah i realize this makes me sound like a clingy whiney teenager.

    I have days like this and sometimes stretches of days like this. And always, as soon as I'm trying to reach out and connect with someone, I can't really reach anyone. I'll call my mom and she'll be having a headache day and not be answering her phone. My sister will be sick or her phone is dead and she hasn't been able to charge it. I feel ya. Maybe if the weather is nice you could go and sit outside for a little while? Just getting a little bit out of my groove and leaning back to feel the sun on my face can help lift my mood a little. And yes, try to make a date night or breakfast out sometime soon with DH?
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • klkonwiklkonwi member
    @JessHeppell everything mellymar said. Especially about sitting outside. Sitting outside helps general depressing feelings. :) thinking of you lady.
    Being pregnant can be isolating depending on your situation. It definitely is for me not working and having my family 5 hrs away and friends assuming your an invalid who can't get out ever...... Which is half true but it's still nice to be thought about!
    Your DH might be anxious about the upcoming delivery. Talk with him about how your vulnerable and need some extra attention right now.
  • klkonwi said:
    Well folks..... I think we found our catfisher ! Nice job @HayesRN13 please refer to the ultrasound date change thread!

    WHAAA? I am in the habit of starting at the bottom of the threads and work my way up. This whole time that thread has been active, so I keep trailing it. Omg... jumping northward on the screen!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • HayesRN13HayesRN13 member
    edited May 2015
    It was onwayto3 that actually figured it out Although I did see both names posting on other threads conflicting info I thought was strange
  • klkonwiklkonwi member
    Shoot! I'm not giving credit where credit is due @OnWayto3 :) nice catch lady!
  • Is clumsiness a symptom?  I'm kind of a wreck walking into things and dropping dishes and the like.  And then this morning, leaving my deck on my way to the car I hit the grass and fell.  I rolled my ankle so badly I heard it pop - I was so sure I broke it.  Called DH back to the house to help me stand...not broken but sprained for sure.  Now I've got the injured limp paired with the pregnant waddle...what was that threat called...pregnant strut?

    I'm pretty sure it actually is! Something about a hormone called relaxin that apparently is getting your body ready to accommodate pushing a baby out, but it's making me clumsy too. I also rolled my ankle and fell a couple weeks ago, thankfully not on my belly, but seriously bruised and cut up my knee and limped around for a couple weeks! Hope you recover soon!

    I'm in the same boat with others who feel exhausted (for no apparent reason... I'm not exactly doing a ton of activity), nauseated, hungry all the time, terrible acid reflux. Wishing for more time to get things done, but it may not matter at this point, because I'm finding I can't accomplish much at the state I'm in. Also - pooping like 3 times a day. Craziness.
  • So today I saw a specialist because baby girl is still measuring 3 weeks behind. I'm 35 weeks today. They will be inducing in a few weeks probably now. Makes it all more real that it's happening! I've packed my bag, diaper bag, got our new stroller and car seat put together. I'm in total nesting mode. Doctor checked me and I'm 1.5 cm dilated and 80% effaced already so that's a good sign.
    But they also saw something with her spine that could mean a minor case of spina bifida but the pediatrician will just have to check her out once she's out. Hopefully she's healthy! Definitely makes me nervous. Hubby is in full panic mode lol poor guy.
    But anyways I have a NST Friday now and another specialist and ultrasound appointment next Tuesday too. Gotta love this all. Ugh
  • DD has decided to sleep all day apparently. I finally broke out the Doppler just to ease my mind.

    Cramping is in full force. Not contractions or BH, more like period pain. I wish it would go up or down and not right across my previous section incisions. That thing feels so wicked under the stretched out skin. It's pretty gnarly feeling.

    Sucky day all the way around.

    So thankful for DH. He's totally painting my toe nails and giving me a massage.
  • klkonwiklkonwi member
    @SammeMotley I'm sorry! That sounds painful! Jealous of the toe nail painting and massage. :)
    @katyertl thinking of you guys and hoping that you and DH can relax enough to sleep ! Stressful.
  • DH made me laugh and i started choking on my iced tea, does this mean im going into labour?
  • Haha so DH is determined to get this baby out cuz he doesn't wanna wait any longer. So far tonight we've had spicy thai, have ran a quarter mile, walked a mile, done squats, jumped up and down stairs and he even pushed me around in a wheel barrow over rocks haha not gonna lie the wheel barrow was fun

    So far I just have really bad heartburn and terrible cramps lol
  • thedothedo member
    Yucky sore throat from allergies or a cold... I can't sleep but am sooooo tired. 38 week appt tomorrow - I am hoping this can be resolved soon; I do not want to feel like this during labor.
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