June 2015 Moms

Sex For Labor

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Re: Sex For Labor

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    I think it might just be the penetration part and the movement
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    btm013btm013 member
    There is something in the sperm that does it but I think it helps if you "have a good time" as well.
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    I've been having sex every night since my appointment Monday. I was only a 1. So I hope it works! It better!!
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    I believe my doc said it had to do with the movement... I don't really remember, but I can vouch that it works! After quite the dry spell, hubby and I got into it on Saturday and no more than 2hrs later we found ourselves in L&D at 2-3 dilated and 90%effaced with stable/ regular contractions. I was only 34+3 and since my water didn't break or anything they were able to stop labor with meds, but sex will get things moving for you!
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    The semen soften the cervix. Also the orgaamsm make the contractions. My bf and I have been given the sex free light but we both have UTI from me having UTI. Were both on medications now, but sex is just not arousing at all at this moment. Lol

    A question tho...will masturbation have the same affect?
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    I told DH that we better have sex soon. With DS1 we tried at 39 weeks (hopeing to get things moving) and it was just so akward we had to stop (tried like 5 different positions) and it was just uncomfortable. But knowing that I will have a c/s this time too, means at least 6 weeks with no action, so I didn't want to add too much time to that...although we will probably be so tired we won't even care we aren't having sex.

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    Our sex life really took a nose dive this winter, between me being busy with classes and DH being busy with tax season. Then even when that all was done we weren't really doing too much, which definitely did not make me feel so good. But things have picked up in the last week so that's been good for my self esteem! It's definitely way more awkward now with this big belly though...
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    You need the baby batter again for it to work...lol :D ;;)

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    The semen contains prostaglandins that can help start labor. Maybe I should jump on this... Hahaha sex is just painful for me lately.
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    So my Mom swears by this!  She said it started labour for all 3 of us, and in fact my parents entered a contest where they guessed baby's birthdate and won because my dad put it in his calendar and they had sex that night knowing it would start my Mom's labour...low and behold they won the contest and all their baby purchases!  Fun little anecdote for ya there
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    I really do want the baby out lol. This is my 5th and I just want to be able to do more things with my kids. I'm so uncomfortable. But I agree position wise is so hard and awkward lol!!!!
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    What helped me was him finishing first... Then me. :\"> ..
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    DH loves my pregnant body, and I must admit I love pregnant sex. I'm sure those two statements are related. My giant bump forces DH to be more creative and I enjoy trying out new positions. Non-pregnant sex can get pretty dull and boring for us.

    With DS, we had sex and then the next day my water broke. However labour didn't start and I had to be induced. So I don't think it did much for me, other than the simple joy of sex... Haha
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    Ok so the bump totally freaks out my hubby too. So try laying with your back facing his front he can hold on to your side this way he can touch your back but doesn't have the bump against him :) worked well for us the other night didn't cause any contractions or anything but it did help get the baby to sleep. Hubby's are so funny.
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    My poor hubby wants sex but every time we do it I have bad cramps. They start while we are having sex and get worse after. It's crazy, I want sex but the pain is just too much. So we are down to once a week. That's about all I can do right now.
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    Last time we had sex on my due date and it did nothing! A week later she came on her own!
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    mvargas12 said:

    My doctor told us sex would get things moving and my husband's freaking out about it. He actually said, "what if she just grabs on and comes out?!" Not sure it works like that, honey. :|

    Hilarious! I almost rolled off my ball laughing at the visual
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    My husband started refusing to have sex with me the first day I complained of pelvic pain. He is scared he is going to hurt me. So it has benn a while for us but maybe if I show him what people write about it starting labor there is a very slight chance he will do it.
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    I think it's the semen... During my first pregnancy we literally had sex on the Friday my husband got home and I lost my mucus plug that night and had my son the following Monday
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    klkonwi said:

    @Serenamarr OMG.... I am dying laughing....... I sent that pic to my husband. He sent me a text back that said," how do we turn purple?! Lol"

    Lol its the first picture I could find!! Didn't feel like doing to much image searching on that for fear of what I might see so I just grabbed and ran. :-??
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    This thread was hilarious! The sex thing totally works for us. Although my doc informed me yesterday to behave. I'm 3cm and 50%. His baby making juice needs to stay away from me for now. I'm only 35+4. So sad. And for us shower sex first thing in the morning is the best time for us. Baby isn't laying as far down in my pelvis and me kinda bent over keeps my belly out of the way. Good luck ladies!
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    MixedCurlsXoMixedCurlsXo member
    edited May 2015

    reverse cowgirl is a killer for my knees.

    I'm seriously cracking up at the thought of me attempting this position being as big as I am now & having absolutely no balance.
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    I'm 2cm at last appointment. We enjoy the shower lol
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