July 2015 Moms

Shower registry

It's four days before my shower and no one has gotten anything on my registry. I know I sound selfish but WHAT THE FUCK.

Re: Shower registry

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    edited May 2015
    You do sound extremely selfish and, honestly, a bit immature. A lot of people don't shop until day of anyway. Calm down, and focus on enjoying your shower.
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    MCH77MCH77 member
    I never buy anything until the day before or day of. :-/

    What is your family/friends like? Do they normally follow registries?

    BFP #1 March 24, 2010; missed m/c May 26, 2010 @ 12w 4d; D&E May 28, 2010

    BFP #2 Oct 20, 2010; My little boy was born on July 5, 2011

    BFP #3 April 30, 2013; Chemical Pg May 5, 2013

    BFP #4 Aug 22, 2013; It's a boy.  Loss discovered at 24 weeks on Jan 15, 2014 (cause CMV virus)    

                                  <3 We love and miss you Timothy <3

    BFP #5 April 6, 2014; missed m/c May 15, 2014 @ 9 weeks; Misoprostol May 15, 2014; D&C May June 3, 2014

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    mrsnalamrsnala member
    people dont buy until the day before, or more likely the day off. I am a planner and always buy gifts early, but most people usually by the night before or even stop on the way



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    Most people shop late and honestly they buy whatever they want. Very few actually order off your registry
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    I'm finding people don't like registries when it comes to babies. Which is frustrating, because it's like, but that what we NEED! But everyone gets all hung up on buying cute outfits and toys instead of the practical stuff. Definitely changes how I'll shop in the future :)

    BabyFetus Ticker 
    Little dude will be here before we know it!

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    MaracsMaracs member
    I think that's why I'm getting frustrated because I'm getting anxious that I won't have all the things I need like bottles and the tub and those sorts of things. @lizzypoo96
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    HandreeHandree member
    I had my shower last weekend and only a few things were bought off the registry but we got a ton of onsies. Be prepared, people like to buy cute clothes. There are still a lot of necessities that we need to buy our selfs but I had planned on the happening and am fine with it.
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    PCU215PCU215 member
    Is this a real post? Are you trying to instigate an argument or are you genuinely worried that others will not provide you with what your baby needs?
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    ashleytiffashleytiff member
    edited May 2015
    I had my shower recently and just realized people would rather buy what they want for the baby. I ended up returning a bunch of it and getting what I needed. A few people bought stuff off the registry but didn't mark it off so I had 7 of the same bath gift baskets.

    I don't remember how many items I registered for but only 6 things I had on there were purchased. Most of them from my mom.
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    mers90mers90 member
    Did you register Cheap stuff or just the big stuff? My register has a couple of $5 items and most of them are between $15-$25, I registered the big stuff thinking that I'll be buying it myself (tub, for example) Most people won't give you anything too expensive so maybe if you don't have enough cheap stuff that could be the reason. Anyway, I always buy on my way there so I wouldn't be surprised if I'm not the only One.
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    rw3190rw3190 member
    Yea I kinda understand where you're coming from
    However several of my guests never got their invitations in the mail and the party is sat (I just found out while trying to get a head count).
    So unfortunately I too have peeked at the registry and most of what I need is still on it. :(
    Will have to spend the money. What can I say??? I mean....they are GIFTS
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    MaracsMaracs member
    By no means did I expect to get everything I need for my baby. It's my responsibility and I know that. I was simply just venting my frustrations and anxieties. And maybe I sound selfish but it's also really rude to make comments like did you lay down get knocked up and expect everything to be given to you. Because no that didn't happen we had to try for a very long time and use many different methods and I am prepared to provide for my child. I guess what I was trying to say is that I'm hoping we will receive some practical things too.
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    There's nothing to be frustrated or anxious over though. If you don't get everything you need you just have to buy it yourself. The end. Personally, when my husband and I were budgeting for baby we pretended we weren't having a shower. Everything we did get was just a bonus after that. Everything we didn't get, no worries, we planned for that anyway.

    Anyway, like PPs said most people don't buy gifts until a day or two before the shower, if not the day of. My shower was a Sunday and I didn't see items being fulfilled until the Thursday before. We still got lots of stuff including some larger items like a travel system and pack n play which were a nice surprise.
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    ksintoksinto member
    It is an anxious time but you should remember two things. 1. Your shower is not the only thing on people's plate; and 2. No one is responsible to get you anything. You should be grateful you have people in your life who have said they would like to come spend an afternoon with you.
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    I am a planner but I know a lot of people are not so some people probably haven't even bought their gifts yet. I've also heard from friends that people don't use baby registries as much as wedding registries. Hey want to buy cute clothes and onesies.

    Like others said, ultimately it's your responsibility to buy bottles, tubs, and whatever else you need. When working on a budget, my husband and I made the assumption we would have to buy everything, especially the larger items. We already feel extremely fortunate because someone has bought our pack n play and my sister has hinted that she and her husband may buy our travel system. But we certainly don't feel entitled to those things? We put them on the registry to help get the cash back and/or completion discount, and knowing that some of our close family members may want to buy larger items.

    Try not to worry too much about the gifts and just enjoy your shower and be grateful for the gifts that you do receive. You may also get some gift cards etc that you can use to buy your necessities.
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    I made a registry for my baby shower as well but I'm not thinking too many people will use it as my family is usually the 'personal' type and will want to make it more of a suprise. I have been so greatful already as I had saved up to go buy my crib and stroller ect (didn't want to put expensive things on my registery as I think that's just too much to expect from your loved ones) but too my suprise my FIL actually ordered a crib and had it sent here to suprise me! and my MIL sent me a picture of a beautiful stroller she bought me!! I was so touched because I just didn't think or expect anyone to spend that much money!! But now I can use my savings for all the other things I don't get at my baby shower. It's good to have back up cash for the things you don't get because it's not realistic to think you'll get all necessities from your baby shower. People like to get clothes and gift baskets ect. But anything you get from friends and loved ones is such a great help! Can't wait to see what I get and then go buy the rest myself!! It's getting so close!!!! So excited!!!!
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    PCU215PCU215 member
    I don't want to bust your chops anymore but let's be honest. Don't you think your original post came off as a little rude? I mean, you may just mean to be venting but when your last sentence is "WHAT THE FUCK?" You are going to seem a little on the mean side. I didn't put anything on my registry that I would need ASAP or couldn't just go and purchase on the fly. Just remember, gifts are not an entitlement. Be happy for what you receive and save up for the rest.
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    MaracsMaracs member
    It's not a money issue I have all of out big stuff the nursery is finished strollers, swings, car seat, etc.
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    I found at my shower I got things from my registry but they weren't checked off. That could be a possibility too.
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    Also, think about when you have gone to a baby shower before you were pregnant, did you buy them bottles or un-fun things like that? Probably not, you probably picked out cute stuff and gave it to them. Don't be worried though, you'll get everything you need somehow :) 
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    I say just take back the things that you don't want or need and get what you do need. I put on my registry that it was more of a guidebook for things I would like to have. I figure, I don't really know what I'll need until babe arrives and I'm not very particular about which specific brand I get.

    And side note, I drop the f bomb a lot and probably took less offense to your post than some. :)
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    I didn't take offense to her saying fuck. I say that everyday. Nobody cares about that. The point is she's pissed cause nobody has bought her the things she wants for her baby instead of buying them on her own.
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    The nice thing about registries is that you usually get a discount on the things that haven't been purchased, so hopefully that will help you if you have to buy it yourself : )
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    zmombiezmombie member
    Wow!! Yea that car video sums it up!
    You gonna cry when someone brings you a different bag of diapers then the most expensive one you requested?
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    Keep calm. Its a shower. Whatever happens happens. I registered for everything but I dont expect anything. I am honestly happy just to see my friends and family having a good day. Which includes a mimosa bar! Im more concerned people have fun than gifts. Its a celebration ... try to enjoy it! And yes anxiety over stuff is normal but honestly little one will survive with the basics. ♡ Keep calm and just enjoy this time! EVERYONE! And stop with the arguing ... we're all just trying to do our best. Support! Just keep thinking ... ten fingers ten toes ... ten fingers ten toes ... ♡ It always works out.
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    ^ =)) =)) =)) =))
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    edited May 2015
    eheinick said:

    Keep calm. Its a shower. Whatever happens happens. I registered for everything but I dont expect anything. I am honestly happy just to see my friends and family having a good day. Which includes a mimosa bar! Im more concerned people have fun than gifts. Its a celebration ... try to enjoy it! And yes anxiety over stuff is normal but honestly little one will survive with the basics. ♡ Keep calm and just enjoy this time! EVERYONE! And stop with the arguing ... we're all just trying to do our best. Support! Just keep thinking ... ten fingers ten toes ... ten fingers ten toes ... ♡ It always works out.

    Sometimes 'support' means that you get called out when you sound like a spoiled 5 year old and need a reality check.

    Lots of women don't get to have showers and have to purchase everything themselves. Those of you that get them need to be grateful for each and every gift you receive, regardless of whether or not it is exactly what you want, because someone took the time, effort, and money to get something for YOU and YOUR CHILD. It's not an obligation to receive gifts for having a baby, and it's really irritating to see so many people on here complaining about not getting exactly what they want.
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    zmombiezmombie member
    ^ exactly! No one is entitled to a baby shower, just because you got pregnant doesn't mean that your family and friends have to buy you anything! And throwing a fit cause they didn't buy you what you wanted is absolutely ridiculous! I will not support that.
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