Trouble TTC

TTTC Checkin - How is everybody doing?

Hello everyone,

I'd like to start a weekly TTTC check-in for us to let each other know how we are progressing, and to give us a forum to support each other.  We all know how difficult this process is, and it's important to stay connected.  I'll post this every Tuesday.  Please take a moment to respond!

To be added to the weekly checkin, please answer the following:

1.  How long have you been TTC?

2.  What is your diagnosis?

3.  What is your current treatment plan?

and finally...

GTKY:   How did you and your DH/SO meet?

Married for 7 years, TTC for 4 years
dx:  Diminished Ovarian Reserve
2 Clomid IUI's + 4 injectable IUI's= 5 BFNs and 1 mc

Re: TTTC Checkin - How is everybody doing?

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    I'll start with my answers:

    1.  I've been TTTC for 3.5 years

    2.  I have unexplained infertility.   I have one blocked tube, from scarring from fibroid removal.

    3.  I am basically benched right now, but when we start back up I am going to try IUI with injectibles again.

    GTKY:   A mutual friend introduced me and DH at a party.   My best friend is male, and DH thought that he was my boyfriend... so he didn't try anything.  To this day he claims that my BFF gave him that 'back off' look.    When he found out a few weeks later that my BFF is gay, he asked for my phone # and the rest is history!

    Married for 7 years, TTC for 4 years
    dx:  Diminished Ovarian Reserve
    2 Clomid IUI's + 4 injectable IUI's= 5 BFNs and 1 mc

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    1.  TTC for 15 months

    2.  PCOS. The only periods I have had in the last 2 years have been caused by Provera

    3.  Currently on cycle 1 of clomid with my VA OBGYN. If I am not pregnant after cycle 3 he will refer me to an RE.

    GTKY:   We were both in the military and started dating when he got out.
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    1. TTC: a little over a year.
    2. My counts are low and egg quality isn't the greatest.
    3. Trying our second round of IUI with clomid. Insemination is tomorrow.
    GTKY: we met on eharmony. :)

    I hope everyone is doing well. It truly helps talking to people who are going through all of this too. Keep your heads high ladies. :)
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    kittycap  good luck with your clomid cycle!   That stuff makes me feel crazy...

    @kristylang That's awesome that you met on eharmony.  I just convinced my niece to give it a shot.  FX on your IUI, let us know how it went!

    Married for 7 years, TTC for 4 years
    dx:  Diminished Ovarian Reserve
    2 Clomid IUI's + 4 injectable IUI's= 5 BFNs and 1 mc

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    TTC: Trying for over a year

    2. I have PCOS and they say my hypothyroidism is also an issue.

    3. Waiting for my period to start my first cycle of clomid.

    4. We met on

    Actually really frustrated today found out my ex my step sons mother is now pregnant and there's a lot to go with that. Just really down and glad to be able to be part of this and having the support.

    Hope everyone else is getting steps closer to being pregnant
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    @jurba25 That's got to be rough about your step son's mother!  HUGS...   GL with your Clomid cycle!!

    Married for 7 years, TTC for 4 years
    dx:  Diminished Ovarian Reserve
    2 Clomid IUI's + 4 injectable IUI's= 5 BFNs and 1 mc

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    Thanks! It's nice to have this forum where people understand and don't give u the usual speeches It really means a lot
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    1. ttc 4 years
    2. Unexplained infertility, with slightly high thyroid
    3. Synthroid for my thyroid, femara, trigger shot (supposed to at least) and iui
    gtky- we met at Wendy's. It was both of our first jobs.

    My brain won't stop worrying. Now I'm worried we did the iui too early. I got a +opk before we could do the ultrasound and the trigger, but my temp didn't rise today (did the iui yesterday). I need to relax darnit. My RE said my insurance will cover 4 tries (iI don't know what happens after 4... iui with injectables? Im trying not to worry about it yet.

    Whew! Sorry about the book.

    @jurba25 I'm sorry you're feeling frustrated! *hugs*

    TTC since 2011

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    1. TTC for over a year
    2. No diagnosis yet so far everything looks ok...going in for more blood work & ultra sound in the next couple weeks
    3. Charts and prayers

    We met at a bar. I was there to help a friend get over a bad break up and he was there for happy hour :)
    Married Sept. 2011
    Me- 33 all test have come back normal
    DH- 37 all test have come back normal
    TTC since Sept. 2013
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    Love seeing how everyone has met their DH. :)

    Well I just had my second IUI today. Now the dreadful tww. My mind isn't thinking about it too much because I feel it probably won't work and we are doing IVF next. I'm a teacher and my focus is counting down the days until summer. :) FX for everyone!!!!
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    starlitfae  Did they give you an ultrasound to check the size of your follie?   Also I'm surprised that they didn't tell you to take the trigger anyway.  That's what my clinic always did if I had mature follies and a +OPK

    chaconvanessa  Good luck with your testing!

    kristylang  FX that this is your golden cycle.  :-)

    Married for 7 years, TTC for 4 years
    dx:  Diminished Ovarian Reserve
    2 Clomid IUI's + 4 injectable IUI's= 5 BFNs and 1 mc

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    @GoldenKeys. Thank you so much!!! FX for everyone on this site.
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    1) close to two years
    2) semi-explained unexplained? Immature follies and thin lining, possibly caused by slightly abnormal uterus shape
    3) Femara/Ovidrel/Prometrium (will have my beta on Tuesday for round 3). If nothing works this time or the next, then we're scheduled for a hysteroscopy in July. RE would then want us to try naturally if issues are found and fixed, whereas we'd like to go full throttle with same meds (I'm reacting well) and IUI as we're getting impatient. So we'll see.

    Hubby and I met almost 9 years ago through our respective BFFs (who dated briefly). They thought we'd be the perfect match, and I think we'd agree
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    mandasdmandasd member
    1) 2 years
    2) unexplained but low AMH may indicate low ovarian reserve
    3) saw RE last week for first time, will go straight to IVF. Will start in 3 months after a clearing cycle, adding supplements to improve egg quality and sperm morphology
    4) Blind date 4 years ago...I would say it was a successful first date!!
    Me: 37 / Hubs: 42
    TTC: April 2013
    DOR: AMH .3 - 1.31 (it varies); FSH: 5.1
    Clinic NMCSD
    IUI #1 July/Aug 2016
    IVF #1 Sep/Oct Microdose Lupron Protocol - IVF cancelled only 1 follicle
    IVF #2 Feb/Mar Antagonist protocol w/estrogen priming - 0 eggs retrieved (empty follicle syndrome) 
    Donor Egg Cycle as soon as we find a match
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    @GoldenKeys no they didnt. I was scheduled to do an ultrasound on tuesday, but ended up doing the iui on monday, and for whatever reason the didn't do an ultrasound. And my +opk was on Sunday and I didn't get to talk to anyone until monday, so I'm guessing that's why the didn't have me trigger anyway.

    On the bright side it did go up where it normally does - I think I did o on Monday and it was just a slow rise. Well see!

    TTC since 2011

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    jnissajnissa member
    SAIF - child mentioned
    1.  How long have you been TTC?
    We tried to conceive DD for 6 months before heading right to the RE (was 39) at the time. Saw my numbers and immediately did not pass go and went right to IVF. Currently just beginning to combat our fertility challenge to conceive a sibling.
    2.  What is your diagnosis?
    DOR. AMH of .44. FSH of 15. Only five follies total during first IVF. 
    3.  What is your current treatment plan?
    We're going big. I just finished BFing and am currently going through all the pre-work for an IVF round in July (looks like I'll cycle too late to go before the lab closure in late June). Repeat of first protocol with straight Menopur and a joy of a doubled PIO injectable after transfer since I seem to run low. At the same time, we've put down the deposit and started the pre-work (mock prep cycle) for a donor egg cycle so that if our IVF fails (I won't do another round with numbers these bad - this round is a hail mary), we're already near the top of the list for donors.
    GTKY:   How did you and your DH/SO meet?
    OKCupid : 
    Me: 41, DH 38, Diagnosis DOR
    Started TTC 12/2013
    First Trip to RE: 11/2014
    IVF Round 1: 2/2014 - BFP
    DD Born 11/9/2014
    TTC a Sibling Started 5/2015
    First IVF Round 8/15 - BFN
    Taking a break to go on vacation + enjoy the holidays before FET and/or another IVF round in 2016!

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    Hi. I'm stalking from another board. But I just wanted to say this support board is great! Wish I had had it 4-5 years ago. It took DH and I 2.5 years to get our 1st DS. I have PCOS and went on metformin. I conceived our second DS the same way, on metformin. And this third one was all natural! So I know it can be discouraging but staying positive no matter how hard it is sometimes can make all the difference. I wish nothing but the best for all you ladies. Sending good baby making vibes your way! Stay strong!
    image BabyFruit Ticker VOTE on my Name List
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    Hi. I'm stalking from another board. But I just wanted to say this support board is great! Wish I had had it 4-5 years ago. It took DH and I 2.5 years to get our 1st DS. I have PCOS and went on metformin. I conceived our second DS the same way, on metformin. And this third one was all natural! So I know it can be discouraging but staying positive no matter how hard it is sometimes can make all the difference. I wish nothing but the best for all you ladies. Sending good baby making vibes your way! Stay strong!

    Married Sept. 2011
    Me- 33 all test have come back normal
    DH- 37 all test have come back normal
    TTC since Sept. 2013
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    1.  How long have you been TTC?        7 years

    2.  What is your diagnosis?  unexplained infertility for both of us

    3.  What is your current treatment plan? We are trying IUI and after 5 months of Clomid not working I'm now on my third try with Letrazol.

    GTKY:   How did you and your DH/SO meet?  We met at University

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    Megan vK   Welcome to the board!   Good luck with your IUI.   By the way, we can't page you on The Bump if you have a space in your name... let me know if you want to remove it.

    Married for 7 years, TTC for 4 years
    dx:  Diminished Ovarian Reserve
    2 Clomid IUI's + 4 injectable IUI's= 5 BFNs and 1 mc

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