July 2015 Moms

What do you miss most about not being pregnant?

Enjoying the weather this weekend I started thinking about things I miss doing since becoming pregnant. I have to say hands down its running. I used to get rid of so much stress going for a nice jog.
I also miss scuba diving....but not as much

Re: What do you miss most about not being pregnant?

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    Everything outdoors, my work out sessions, feeling good and not sick, traveling....pretty much everything, BUT it is definitely worth it :)
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    MCH77MCH77 member
    Wine/beer. We did a lot of lawn work this weekend and a summer ale would be amazing this afternoon.

    BFP #1 March 24, 2010; missed m/c May 26, 2010 @ 12w 4d; D&E May 28, 2010

    BFP #2 Oct 20, 2010; My little boy was born on July 5, 2011

    BFP #3 April 30, 2013; Chemical Pg May 5, 2013

    BFP #4 Aug 22, 2013; It's a boy.  Loss discovered at 24 weeks on Jan 15, 2014 (cause CMV virus)    

                                  <3 We love and miss you Timothy <3

    BFP #5 April 6, 2014; missed m/c May 15, 2014 @ 9 weeks; Misoprostol May 15, 2014; D&C May June 3, 2014

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    Hot tubs
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    Not feeling sick every damn day.
    No matter what I eat for breakfast I always spend the next two hours on the couch trying to keep it down. It's making me especially cranky today.
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    Omg I thought I was going to sound selfish if I said
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    Rare steaks and smelly cheese. I thought I would miss beer but I haven't really thought about it. Having a baby is definitely worth giving up anything at all though
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    Running (never in my life thought I would miss that so much!!) and beer. Being able to roll around on the floor with my 90 lb dog. Energy.
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    Ckorines said:

    Italian Heroes. Keep your wine, beer, alcohol....just give me some freaking cold cuts.

    I thought of you and @corndogrobot the other day when I was at Eataly getting a snack. Here is what I saw....
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    ktabsktabs member
    Sleep. Energy. Accomplishing minor chores. My FIGURE!!! I miss clothes so much I can't stand it! I am a fashionista when not pregnant and now I feel so sloppy all of the time!
    pregnant after round 2 of IVF. Transferred 2 embryos and (surprise!) was pregnant with triplets. Identicals passed at 8 and 10 weeks. Still have one healthy baby boy with EDD of July 30!

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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    I miss being able to just pick up my 3yo when he's having a melt down without doing damage/ aggravating the Lightning crotch

    I miss my normal clothes and energy and feeling efficient - I'm so slow at getting chores down

    And I miss being able to groom- without fearing blind shaving cuts
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    So many things but at the top of the list... running, cold cuts, sleeping on my back/stomach, not having to pee all the time, and now that I've been diagnosed with GD carbs. (Look up "dear carbs" on youtube pretty well sums up how I feel, plus it's a great laugh)
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    I miss having a drink after a stressful day.
    Actually sweating when I'm working out because this heart rate kept at 150 bullshit is not cutting it lol
    I miss running , lifting weights.
    Actually just lifting anything since my family is nuts about me doing anything.
    I miss pre-workout.
    I miss drinking (I know I said it just had to say it again lol)
    I miss normal sex HAHAHAHAHA . It's stretching out farther and farther now and defiantly getting awkward with the belly .
    I miss not having to carry tums & stool softeners in my purse .... lol
    I miss eating hotdogs.
    SLEEP... Just regular sleeping on my back;stomach;etc.
    Me and my bestfriend were just talking about this because she's pregnant too Hahahaha.
    12 more weeks !!! Woo wooo :P
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    Miss not having such bad allergies. I miss being in control of my emotions
    Getting adequate sleep. Not needing a spit cup. Going out to eat cuz now I always get sick. Wearing cute clothes and some of my cute shoes because I can't get them on anymore...not having stretch marks. Taking long walks and breathing free
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    Sleeping on my back and belly.
    I moved 2 wks ago, and it sucked because I could not carry most stuff, husband won't let me paint, I can't get on the ladder. I am very independent and I hate to wait for my husband to do things or ask for someone else to do it so some things are driving me nuts.
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    Wine, sushi, interesting cheese, pâté, chocolate and biscuits (thanks gestational diabetes), sleeping flat on my back or front, rare steak, homemade mayo and aioli, soft poached eggs... And did I mention wine?!
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    A full nights sleep! Occasionally I'll find myself missing the taste of beer, but that's only when we go to our favorite restaurants that have amazing beer selections. I also miss not being in pain 24/7 when I walk or try to get out of bed in the morning.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    I miss wearing my pre-pregnancy clothes, being able to sleep through the night, and smoking

    Much of the other things I don't miss because I never gave them up. I still eat my steak medium rare, have my cold cuts and soft cheese, have a beer. I also have a physical job and have still been able to walk 3-4 miles a day for work
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    I miss excedrin and ibuprofen. I am seriously excited to be able to take it again!
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    I miss excedrin and ibuprofen. I am seriously excited to be able to take it again!

    Oh yes. I have arthritis and Tylenol just isn't the same. So glad Motrin is safe while breastfeeding
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    The only thing I really miss is people leaving me alone.I don't need your help, I don't need you o lift that. If I do I'll ask. I'm very well aware of what I can and cannot do.

    Also wish people would stop freaking out bc I'm "so small" or ate this or slept like that or whatever else they feel the need to freak out about. Last week alone I was yelled at for picking up a kid at school to get him over the baby gate but they had no problem with me carrying my 30lb+ 3 yr old down the hallway?

    I'm pregnant not broken and I can do, eat, drink just about anything I would normally.
    DS #1 Born 01/23/09
    Married 03/18/10
    DS #2 Born 05/19/11
    DS #3 Due 07/26/15

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    Sleeping on my stomach



    Lifting things

    Putting on my shoes

    Flats. Since I swell up in 5 minutes of wearing anything without socks.

    Sex in more than one position.

    Turning over in bed without sitting straight up first.

    Blue cheese.

    A non waddle walk.

    The list could continue..........
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    Wine and drinks. I hardly drank pre-preg but now every drink I see looks so delicious! Comfy pants. I bought mostly underbelly maternity pants and they dig in all day when I'm sitting down. I'm too cheap to go out and buy all new ones. 
    June 2012 Mom (2.5 yr old boy), July 2015 Mom (team green), Babywearing newbie/enthusiast
    Pregnancy Ticker

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    Wine and sushi! Being able to take good medications for my allergies and colds!! Tylenol ain't cutting it!
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