Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Are you happy?

i am TTC right now and have ALWAYS wanted to be a mom!!! I am so excited to have a baby I can barely stand it. However there are all these horrible "studies" and articles about how terrible motherhood is! So many mothers are telling everyone they HATE being a mother and it's the worst thing to happen. I need to hear from some people who LOVE being a mom! Some encouragement, please!

Re: Are you happy?

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    The study that resonated the most for me found that parents have less day to day happiness than non parents but more long term joy. Parenting is exhausting and difficult but also the most amazing, satisfying thing I have ever done. Google the article "Don't Carpe Diem" for more on what I mean.
    I think its good that people are starting to feel comfortable admitting that parenting isn't all sunshine and rainbows. So many people go into it expecting it to be one adorable Pampers commercial when in reality it is at times lonely,exhausting, and heartbreaking. It really, really sucks sometimes. But it is also beautiful and incredible and you will be shocked by how much you love your children and how one smile can make it all worthwhile (I'm holding my sleeping baby right now and he just smiled in his sleep and melted my heart).


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    I'm totally lurking as my son is almost 4 years old but I thought I'd chime in...

    The response above sums up parenthood very well. Being a mom is both the most exhausting, strenuous, stressful thing I've ever done while at the same time being the most AMAZING, important and incredible thing I've ever done. I think it's good not to go into parenthood with rose colored glasses's not a walk in the park and there will be very hard days. But there will also be really great, amazing days and amazing moments when you look at your child and you literally think your heart may burst for how much you love them. Parenting is hard...but it's so worth it.
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    Okay, I might be in the minority here, but I wanted to share my take on motherhood here for you.  Of note, I tried really hard and went through IVF and all that jazz to get my son, so maybe I came into motherhood with 3 years of hard work and dedication before I even got to hold my baby, so maybe that's why I have the opinion I do.  I am absolutely smitten with being a mom.  Granted, it's not always glamorous or fun 24/7, but I can honestly say it's never sucked for me (except pumping...that kinda sucked). I absolutely love watching and helping my son thrive and flourish and develop his personality and opinions.  I love the way my relationship with my husband changed when we became parents, and I love the way I've changed.  I have a drive and motivation to make myself into a mother and woman that I want Griffin to respect and look up to.  I am adamant that we are one and done, but I have really settled into my new role as a mom and have never been happier.  I'm a successful horse rider and instructor, nurse, student, etc. but nothing has made me feel so at home and successful as raising my baby!  He brings so much happiness to my life and I am enthralled and amazed by his personality.  I love everything about him in all honesty, even his temper tantrums make me smile - it shows his curiosity and passion and his attempt at communication.  Hope that my take on it helps.  It's so rewarding, despite being exhausing and an emotional rollercoaster.
    Egg Retrieval - Feb. 2013 -> OHSS.  FET#1 - June 2013(failed). FET#2 - October 2013(success!) Griffin Alistair: 6#10oz 20" long, born 6/19/14 @ 4:04am
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