September 2015 Moms

hard time coping with changing body, afraid weight won't just "fall off"

I've had a hard time with my body image for most of my life. never had an eating disorder, but my weight and keeping it at a place in content with has often consumed my thoughts. I know this is a whole different ball game now that I'm pregnant (17 weeks), and I continue to eat mostly healthy...I have continued going to the gym a min of 5x a week (proud of myself) but when I feel my thighs getting heavier, my arms feeling thicker/softer, or my waist straightening out -losing my curves... I feel defeated. having a hard time understanding why I'm gaining weight in other places other than my belly/breasts.
my close friends/family keep trying to reassure me that the weight will just 'fall off' once I have the baby, and breastfeed... but... what if it doesn't? what if it just sticks?--it had taken me so long to get my body to a place i was happy with--without a newborn--how would I ever AFTER the baby?! it's consuming me.


Re: hard time coping with changing body, afraid weight won't just "fall off"

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    I too have struggled TREMENDOUSLY with the weight gain (11 lbs) 17w 6 d. Honestly nothing made me feel better until I saw my doctor who reassured me that I have nothing to worry about. She almost laughed after she pulled up my shirt and started the exam - and I gained 10 lbs at that point!!!! She told me that she has read studies that those who do something as simple as "light walking" (which she also clarified was not defined) were significantly more likely to shed the pounds than those who do not. I am just trying to embrace the change and constantly remind myself that the more my body changes the more I am reassured that the baby is growing. I know its unpleasant, but if I imagine the alternative- not growing because of something going wrong- I'll gladly put on the extra pounds!

    Also - I think that you have to trust that the same determination you have had all your life to take care of yourself will not disappear because you have another person in your life. True, it will likely take awhile after the baby is born to get back on track and a couple of months for the pounds to be completely gone - but trust that you are a strong, determined woman who can tackle anything! 

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    I was worried about this the first time too! I still gained 45 lbs the first go around, but I was worried about it like you are. I lost 56 lb after DS was born, so no worries if you are already working out and eating healthy, you should be fine!:) I had to remember the weight gain is all about a healthy baby! This is my second rodeo and I haven't gained near as much as I did last time!
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    I was that way the first time. I've always been a really skinny person and all the sudden I was gaining weight like over 50lbs with my big boy. I hated it which made me hate pregnancy. I was really depressed. After I had him I realized what my body had made and I watched the weight fall off (I really did go back to my pre-baby weight just from breastfeeding ) and I realized I should be proud of myself and my body image completely changed! I started being proud of my body for the 1st time in my life. This time around I'm so much better. One thing that's helped me is I'm not wearing maternity clothes until I absolutely have to. I'm getting bigger clothes that will work with a growing belly. I'm young and all the maternity clothes just make me feel frumpy and out of style. It really has helped me feel pretty this time. I'm almost 17 weeks and gained 11 or 12lbs already which makes me right on target to gain the same amount as my son but I'm OK with that. I know that produces a very cute chunky baby (8lb 12oz) haha and I'm OK with that. And to ease your worry about stretch marks my 14 year old brother actually helped me. He said "don't worry about them. Your just a tiger that finally earned his stripes". Yes my little brother is awesome ;)
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    I wouldn't worry much about the weight now because you're doing everything you can to stay healthy and fit. If you plan on breastfeeding and working out after birth the pounds should come right off. My friend actually ended up smaller after pregnancy. Dont be too hard on yourself.
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    It sounds like you're doing everything right to have a healthy pregnancy.

    Like a PP said, you do lose a significant amount from birth alone. But I breastfed my son for 13 months and the weight didn't just fall off for me. It was like my body decided it needed to hold onto the extra fat. I joined a baby boot camp when my son was 4 months old and that helped so much. Is a great way to get an intense work out in with your baby and with women going through the same thing as you, I made some great mommy friends that way. There might be one or something like it in your area.

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    My only advice is try your best to stay positive about you and your beautiful growing body!! Your love for that nugget will make you not care as much what your tummy looks like and after you're released to workout you can work on it! I'm on baby 3...and this one I haven't embraced my body as much..I showed sooner and have already out grown all of my bras (my one huge insecurity is my breast bc they are large) and swimming suits! We leave for the beach next week..yay and yikes! I started this pregnancy 20lbs down from my first 2 and after both of my kids I left the hospital weighing less than starting being pregnant and I gained 15lbs with both of them!
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    I'm feeling the same way! I want to love my body but I've always struggled with body image. I'm only 5"2 though so any weight gain shows up fast! I love eating healthy and I'm back at it after a couple months of morning sickness and only wanting carbs. I couldn't believe that I was eating pizza rolls almost everyday but that's all I could stomach. I'm so happy and blessed to be pregnant though and I'm trying hard to embrace it & love it! I do most days but if I'm being honest somedays I just kind of feel kind of fat & it's hard to find clothes in the in between stage! I on the other hand haven't been to the gym since I've been pregnant! So
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    I can relate! Though I know I could be more active, haha... You're doing great, freshiebop. 
    It helped me to start using an app to track my activity and calorie intake for each day. I've pretty much come to the conclusion that, if I do my best (and know that I'm not being gluttonous and lazy), I shouldn't let my weight tear me down. I've estimated that I've gained about a pound each week so far (now in wk 20). Which would scare me if my husband let me worry about it. But his encouragement and the testimony of other ladies has helped me understand that God knows how to build a healthy baby, and He knows how to teach me about life priorities. Maybe pregnancy is teaching me to focus on being more lovely inside than I ever could be outside. <3
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    I've had a hard time with my weight too. Was so proud of myself when I lost 50lbs a few years ago. Was the hardest thing I've done. I always told myself I'd never gain it back again..and here it is :( I was really depressed and gained all it back before finding out I was pregnant. Now I'm very worried about how I'm going to loose it all. And I'm tired of people telling me "it's okay eat what u want ur pregnant and eating for two". Drives me crazy! I wouldn't worry too much about it though. You sound like your doing much better than me! I'm amazed u go to the gym 5 times a go girl! :) I've not been to the gym once and I desperately need to go! Hang in sounds to me like your doing great!
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    I'm right there with you...almost had a mini meltdown the other day when I looked at my stomach. I've worked out and ate healthy my whole life and have always been very fit and thin so this whole gaining weight thing is stressing me out. I'm doing what you're doing...working out 5days a week and trying to keep my diet about he same as pre preggo. I've already been thinking about my post partum diet plan bc I may freak if I'm not back to pre preggo clothes by the time my maternity leave is up (8 weeks).
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    str13str13 member
    @Liberty1025 your post made me cry!!!!
    I've struggles forever with my weight. At my heaviest I weighed 280. I was engaged and wanted to feel pretty, I shed 140 lbs. Shortly after I found out I was pregnant, and started gaining. I've never gotten close to my heaviest again, but I'm mortified that I'll let that happen again. I was 19 lbs away from my lowest when I found out I was pregnant this time. I just try to remember, I've lost it before, I can lose it again. Allowed I might have jiggles I didn't have before, but I can have a body that I can be proud of! :) it seems like you work really hard, you'll be able to shed the weight.
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    surprisepkg31surprisepkg31 member
    edited April 2015
    All of you are so inspirational! I am 16 weeks 3 days and definitely looking super thick in my middle. I've gained 8 pounds, 5 of which happened in the last 4 weeks! That's not alot but I'm already plus size at a 16. I'm just so insecure about my stomach, have been my whole life. I watched these videos for a a body image campaign project I did and it makes me feel proud to be a woman, hopefully it can help you as well!
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    surprisepkg31surprisepkg31 member
    edited April 2015
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    You sound like you're doing great eating healthy and exercising @freshiebop

    Most of our bodies will store fat all over, but just keep at your routine and that will limit excessive weight gain. The weight usually doesn't fall right off without effort, but you can get your body back without a doubt, lots of women do it!

    Just remember that it takes 9 months to grow the baby and gain the weight, so give yourself at least that long to get your body back. That's my goal anyway.

    A pregnant woman is a beautiful thing, so try to see yourself that way and stay positive. All will be fine :-)
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    Remember you are growing a baby and your body has to grow so baby can grow! When i first started seeing the scale go up i freaked out but as soon as i felt my little girl kick for the first time i think it put it all in perspective. You are doing exactly what you should be doing eating right and working out, that is much more than a lot of pregnant women do. Some people so just drop the weight and others will have to work harder but i thibk your off to a wonderful start. And when you are having these negative feelings just look at those ultrasound pics and remember that a miracle is growing inside of you:)
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    Can I just say thank you ladies!!!!!!

    Passed few weeks baby had deffo shown whos boss and my bump has grown (which I'm in love with) but my thighs have spread, my butt is the size of a small country and my waist is slowly going. I got so upset about it I ended up going through my clothes like a crazy women and now I have barely anything left!

    This time last year I was a few months away from getting married, I was kickboxing, horse riding, running and bootcamping every week. I was a vetry tidy uk size 8 and felt amazing. Now I'm pasty white, slowly creeping to a uk size 12 and generally feel out of shape and frumpy.

    However this post has just helped me kick myself in the butt and give my head a shake!! I'm pregnant, I have the joy of a baby inside me, I'm growing because they're growing, it's not fat it's nature and it's beautiful. Yeah ok I'll need to change up my style to suit my shape but why is that a bad thing!

    From frumpy to fierce, thanks ladies xx
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    I feel the same exact way. And I even struggled with eating disorders for most of my life. I had anorexia and was in therapy for years to try and get my weight up. Then I started getting into working out and it totally had helped change my mind set. Now that I'm pregnant I just look at all of my weight gain as a necessity. I know I want my perfect baby boy to be healthy and he can't be that way if I don't put on a little weight. All this weight game is for something greater than myself, it's to protect a life! And remember anything is possible after baby is born. With lots of hard work and dedication the weight will come off!
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