September 2015 Moms

Just ate an entire bag of chips & salsa for breakfast

JayKaygillJayKaygill member
edited April 2015 in September 2015 Moms
I woke up this morning, saw the bag of chips laying there and just couldn't stop eating them. Lol. Anyone else do something like this yet??
AND now I'm going to make cinnamon rolls for lunch!
(I usually eat very healthy but just having one of those days I guess)

Re: Just ate an entire bag of chips & salsa for breakfast

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    Chips sound really awesome! So jealous of your breakfast!
    Mommy to an angel baby and a sweet little girl Earth side.
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    I had an ice cream sandwich along with jalapeno dip and chips.  I normally mix what I eat and have never really followed the "norm" for when to eat things but during pregnancy it is worse.
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    Last night for dinner I ate a big bag of jalepeno cheddar potato chips. Of course my heart didn't appreciate the burn all night, but it was worth it. I've been making up for it today, though, with lots of raw fruits and veggies.

    Me & DH: 32
    Married 2013
    Kiddo #1: Sept 2015
    BFP: 1/19, EDD: 9/30

    "I'm having fruit salad for dinner. Well, it's mostly just grapes, actually. Ok all grapes. Fermented grapes. Fine, I'm having wine for dinner."
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    I have been so hungry lately! I am now obsessed with the tgif potato skins chips, so salty and good. Yesterday I had a steak n shake burger for lunch and I bought a ton of Easter chocolate on clearance yesterday lol
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    I had two eggs with sausage and toast and a pear haha now i want chips and salsa
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    ktewart said:

    ...whole bag of goldfish for breakfast right here... -_-

    I want Goldfish so badly!
    Mommy to an angel baby and a sweet little girl Earth side.
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    Chips & salsa is probably the thing o crave the most, I can never get enough!

    I don't think I've had any crazy pregnant meals. I usually eat small things here & there.

    Except for chips & salsa. Guacamole. Cheese. I love it all!
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    Yay! That's awesome... Yup one of those days!!
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    Sadness and oatmeal for breakfast so buffalo chicken wrap and onion rings for dinner. Me and baby are full and happy.
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    I am so glad somebody posted this. It makes me feel so much better. I have been craving things like Taco Bell, pizza, and (thanks to Big Bang Theory) Chinese food. I have tried to be good and eat things I should, but sometimes its just so hard when those cravings hit! I was getting a little down on myself for not eating as healthy the last couple of days.

    Oh, and dont even get me started on chips and salsa. I was addicted before I got pregnant. Now, its worse!
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    Cool ranch Doritos bag gone in about 20 minutes while watching dancing with the stars. They just disappeared!
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    I started out breakfast yesterday with 2 eggs and toast and then saw the salsa in the fridge, so of course I ate it and half a bag of corn chips. I just couldn't stop eating...
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    I don't know how you girls are doing all the salsa!! Sounds amazing, but for me would mean heartburn worse than death at this point!!
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    But the salsa tastes soooo good, I'm prepared to put up with the HB lol.

    Want some now!! Yum! :-)
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    Grilled cheese with tomato for breakfast...I FINALLY gave in and started eating salt for breakfast.

    No more oatmeal sadness! No more sugar foods! Breakfast salt for me!!! \m/
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    Bahaha I'm dying. I just ate poptarts, a glass of juice, and a banana for breakfast and then asked my husband if we had any chips!!! Lol I never used to drink juice or buy poptarts....I used to be a protein shake and piece of cheese girl...sigh... Lol
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    You guys are making me feel so much better about when I have bad eating husband yells at me and says I'm not feeding the baby good things, but sometimes you just gotta have some pizza!!
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    I ate two pieces of leftover pizza and leftover popcorn with extra butter from the movies! Then I might have had peanut butter and jelly sandwich and Pringles for lunch, followed up with fried potatoes that my mom made. LOL Now I want chips and salsa!!
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