September 2015 Moms

Whooha pierced..

first of all I just wanna say thank you to all of the lovely ladies that reached out to me the other day.. I wasn't able to reply to everyone but I love that you all are so compassionate.. It's hard going through situations and being pregnant .. I love this group, it really helps me.

Ok!!! Now to the nitty gritty- I have a hood piercing, my gyno said there's no need to take it out.. I saw a post similar about belly piercings but idk if I should .. I'm nervous ab everything these days

Re: Whooha pierced..

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    I have a hood piercing also. Should be fine. I've taken it out for months and it's still open if you do decide to take it out for delivery.
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    I have my clitoris pierced. My husband asked me to take it out. We waited until marriage to have sex & isnt into that stuff. I wasnt attached to the piercing so I took it out. Alot of women keep genitalia piercings secret so @tattoosnpearls30 I applaud you for starting this thread.
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    I had my hood pierced for my 1st and the hospital did make me take mine out. Well, the nurse ended up taking it out because I couldn't reach. You might want to double check with your doc or call your L&D ward to ask.
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    This is completely different but I have an industrial piercing in my ear and one of the FIRST signs I was pregnant (other than constant sneezing lol) was that my I suddenly started having an allergic reaction to the metal from my industrial! I've had it for 5 years with noo problems and BAM, I got pregnant and had to remove it. Just keep an eye out that your body doesn't suddenly start rejecting the piercing like mine did ( especially down there!! Lol).
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    My doctor told me that I would need to take mine out before delivery. She said that if I didn't and she was delivering me that she would just in case I tear that way, which is unlikely, but happens. That being said, any of you ever, pre-pregnancy, had a hip x-Ray to a much surprised tech? Lol
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    No piercing here... ouch!! Just wanted to say I LOVE that you call it a whooha! Thats what ive called it since I was a child :)
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    Same as @firsttimemamabeare piercings but I think you ladies rock! If you can get the hooha pierced, I just imagine you can do anything!! \m/
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    I was instructed to take it out before delivery. I already took mine out just because.
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    Lol lol thanks ladies!!
    I guess I have to take it out ..ohh the sadness lmao
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