September 2015 Moms


So I thought things couldn't get much worse after the nausea and exhaustion I endured for 8 weeks straight. Now that has all stopped, thankfully and I have moved on to debilitating headaches. My sinuses feel like they're on the verge of exploding. I'm afraid to take too much ibuprofen, but I have been sometimes taking 9 a day. People say how much they love being pregnant, and all I have done os been miserable. I'm not even 16 weeks along yet and have had miscarriage scares to top it all off. (We did mc in November) Is anyone else suffering with these headaches like I am? Is there anything that has helped you? I want to enjoy my pregnancy, but lately I feel depressed and hopeless:/

Re: oh the HEADACHES!

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    Hot showers, lots of water, and Tylenol as needed! I had awful sinus headaches on Sunday, luckily it resolved. Hope you feel better!
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    Don't take ibuprofen unless your Dr. tells you it's ok!! Ibuprofen has been linked to birth defects. Drink lots of water, take Tylenol as soon as you feel a headache coming down and try a cool wet washcloth on your head and your sinuses. Also, avoiding caffeine can help. If nothing is helping, talk to your Dr. because you might have a sinus infection or some times allergies can cause sinus headaches. At the very least there are some prescription meds they can give you to help with the pain. 
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    I have been getting a ton of headaches, though mine seem to be migraines and light and sounds exacerbate them. Same spot everytime, behind my left eye. You are not alone, but I hope you are able to enjoy the pregnancy. When I close my eyes and relax the headaches let up a bit and I can feel baby move around a bit. It is wonderful.
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    I'm dying gfrom a headache today! It's the 3rd morning I've woken up with a headache which is awesome. Water really helps, ice on my shoulders. I'm thinking mine is so bad today cause I didn't sleep with my humidifier last night. My sinus get so dry since I got pregnant that I have to have a humidifier. I'm fixing to go take some Tylenol. Also you can take Sudafed and Tylenol sinus according to the list my Dr gave me. There's a good bit of med you can take after 12 weeks.
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    I'm 16 weeks and have headaches almost everyday. It makes me not want to do anything. I'm also the person to always worry about everything so I never take any Tylenol...I just try to deal with it. I'm so tired of them though :(
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    Tylenol, water or Gatorade.. I keep a cheapo bag of frozen peas just for headache relief. Alternate between putting it over my eyes and on the base of my neck. (with a washcloth in between, of course.)

    They suck. I totally understand. I had pretty regular headaches before getting pregnant, and Aleve or Excedrin would be the only thing to kick it.

    I had one last week that caused me to have to wear noise cancelling headphones and sunglasses in the house. I literally had to crawl to the kitchen to make Ds a pb&j sandwich, because walking made my head hurt so bad I threw up!

    You may also want to get your eyes checked, sometimes pregnancy can change your vision and wearing the wrong glasses/contacts, or none at all can make things worse on the headache front!
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    I meant acetaminophen! Idk why I put ibuprofen...I blame the brain pulsing! But yeah, I have to work still and taking nothing is not an option for me. Plus, I still have my 7 year old to think about. I already am at 50% with the amount of fun stuff I'm up for. The headaches take me down to nothing:(
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    Same here. These headaches are miserable! I can't bring myself to do anything when I have them & I just lay with a warm cloth over my eyes & forehead for an hour & drink tons & tons of water but of course, that makes me run to the bathroom every 20 minutes but they're just so awful!
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    marceedeemarceedee member
    edited April 2015
    After the rager of a headache I had last night I can completely relate to this topic.  I ended up eating a portion of the dinner my fiance made (at my request) and lay down the rest of the night.  I find ice or a cool cloth on my head and a warm blanket on my body do wonders.  

    One of my contributing factors is posture.   I sit in front of a computer all day at work and I know I didn't have the best posture before pregnancy.  I have been trying to take frequent breaks, stretch my neck, shoulders and upper back as much as possible and take Tylenol as soon as I start to feel pain.  I definitely need to focus on getting more water again, so thanks to everyone who mentioned it. 

    **edited for spelling**

    CafeMom Tickers

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    I have suffered from migraines for years. The best thing I have come across is peppermint oil, you rub in on your temples and anywhere you feel pain. It's all natural and non toxic and of your dr allows you have caffeine that's helps tremendously!
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    kjs08kjs08 member
    I get migraines and I was given the ok from the maternal fetal specialist I see to take aleve/motrin when I got a headache, but not to take it more than 3 days in a row and stick to the directions on the bottle. I've only been taking one aleve instead of my usual two when I get a headache, making sure I'm getting enough fluids, and drinking coconut water a couple times a week to make sure I don't get dehydrated. I've had two headaches and one migraine since finding out I'm pregnant, but it's been a few weeks since I've needed anything.

    I've been super stuffy the past week due to allergies I didn't know I had, or I'm getting a cold. Fluids, warm showers, and peppermint oil under my nose have been helping. 

    Hope you feel better. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    MiromiMMiromiM member
    edited April 2015

    I saw a few people mention the risks of Ibuprofen during pregnancy. Here is an link from NHS (UK) about when they feel it is "safer" to take Ibuprofen during pregnancy. Of course, always follow your OBs advice! If your sinuses are clogged that could be the cause of your headaches. I would consider making an appointment with your PCP (Primary Care Physician) about this especially if it is ongoing. I actually just got back from one myself where I was diagnosed with rhinitis (sinus/nasal passage swelling) a fairly common pregnancy ailment. Your doctor may suggest you do things like use a humidifier, netty pot, prescribe anti-histamines or even antibiotics. The good thing is that there are some low/"shown to have no" risk drugs for women in their 2nd and 3rd trimester.

    PS: I've yet to meet a IRLM who admitted to enjoying their pregnancy during their pregnancy.
    *Siggy Warning*


    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    Just wanted to pass this along. I was suffering from a bad migraine today & had my 16 week monthly ob appt this afternoon. So I asked the dr what I can take. She said that I can take advil or excedrin migraine. I said "I can?!" She explained that advil is only not safe in the 3rd trimester! And that excedrin is just a little caffeine, Tylenol & aspirin. ALL are safe and it's better to take care of your migraine than to let it go. But if you have a migraine & haven't asked your own OBGYN what they recommend, just call them! That's what they are paid to do!
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    I agree with talking to your doctor(s) if it continues to be a problem.  I've found that pain-relieving medications like Advil and Tylenol don't really do anything for me when I have sinus headaches (might be why you're taking 9 without much relief), but hot showers, warm compresses, wasabi, and other home remedies to clear congestion from sinuses do help.  Sudafed has always been my drug of choice for bad sinus headaches, but from what I've read, it's a bit risky during pregnancy.

    Best of luck! 
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    So many headaches! Tylenol, lots of water, rest, and caffeine. There's not a whole lot in a can of Coke, and that's usually enough to take it down enough to feel okay. I agree with other posters about using a humidifier, getting your eyes checked, and talking to your doc about your sinus issues, too. Good luck, and I hope you get some relief soon.
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    Saline nasal spray had been a life saver!!!
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    blondiebootsblondieboots member
    edited April 2015
    I suffer from migraines before and during pregnancy , its awful!! when I get a really bad one I take Excedrin tension headache... It only has Tylenol and caffeine and it really helps. No aspirin in it so it is safe to take.this is my fourth pregnancy and I have taken it during each one .lots of water and sleep when you can.
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    I had the worst headache yesterday (finally had to give in and take Tylenol after about 12 hours)! Two recommendations that echo what others have said: 1) whenever I have horrible headaches, I use a Migrastick. You can find it online or at Whole Foods. It's a little rollerball applicator with peppermint and lavender oil and it has cured headaches that no medicine could. I keep one in my purse all the time just in case! 2) my headache was linked to severe neck pain so I went in for a prenatal massage (you can probably find discounts using groupon or other discount sites) and it helped SO much--I was so tense and holding it all it my neck.

    Feel better, everyone!
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    I am 19 weeks tomorrow and have been having horrible headaches and my nausea has returned, it's been about 5 days now. I live a very busy outdoor lifestyle (we raise and train horses) and I haven't been able to do much the last few days. The sun hurts, every step I take my head throbs. I feel horribly lazy!!! I am a FTM, and of course my boyfriend has been out of town so I'm stuck doing all the chores. Not to mention I have a mare about to foal so I have to get up all night to check her. I'm not a happy camper right now. I am going to try the peppermint, I also try to refrain from the medicine, Tylenol doesn't help me anyways.
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    I've had 3 to 4 days per week of terrible headaches ever since 2nd trimester started. My doc even has me checking my BP daily to make sure it's not related to that. Mine seem to be the sinus type...right above my eyebrows and down into my eye sockets. My doc has me taking the Tylenol Jr Meltaways when it gets too unbearable. I also got Peppermint Oil and have been using that when the headache is too "mild" for the Tylenol. I also agree with the water...I'll have caffeine if I'm really miserable. On Monday I had one so bad and had tickets for Maroon 5...I didn't think id make it through the concert. Took Tylenol, Peppermint, and 8 ounces of caffeine with must've been the adrenaline from seeing sexy Adam cause my headache went's that for pain relief!!!! :)
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