February 2015 Moms

Breast feeding issues

my baby is seven weeks old, and he's still not latching correctly to nurse. He's fully breast fed from a bottle, but it's driving me crazy trying to supply enough milk for him and then feed him as well. I'm the mother of a three year old as well, she stated nursing at three weeks. Both my babies were delivered three weeks early due to medical issues. I'm running out of ideas to get him to latch. I've seen lactation specialists and attended some classes. Help please.

Re: Breast feeding issues

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    Have you had him checked for tongue tie or cleft palate? Sometimes their mouths are too small or too big to be able to latch correctly. Or the tongue may be still connected to the bottom jaw by the frennulum. I would ask the pediatrician to check out his mouth anatomy to see if they can spot any direct latching issues.
    BabyFetus Ticker
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    Did you try a nipple shield? I had to use that for the first few weeks with my baby, and then weaned her off of it. My lactation consultant didn't want me using it but The nurses had suggested it so I gave it a try anyway and it worked! She seemed to wean off of it relatively easily but I'm sure it doesn't work out that way for everyone. But it's better than not nursing at all!
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    Aww sorry you're struggling. Pumping is such work. Good for you to keep at it!
    Sorry the LC wasn't too helpful? Can you find a La Leche League meeting in your area? I don't have one, but found a FB group where leaders and other moms advise and suggest things. sO helpful.
    I've known ppl who had a nipple shield that worked and eventually they stepped it down. It can be trickier because baby is used to a bottle, not impossible. Even call a LLL LEADER. It's all free. I've found them to be more helpful than some LCs. Keep us posted!
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    I second the comment on the nipple shield! I have an 8 week old and I had to use the nipple shield for almost 3 weeks. Every day I kept trying without it and one day she caught on! Good luck!
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    I'm right there with you at 8 weeks. Yesterday I had a lactation appointment and it was determined my son has an upper lip tie! DUH! Why this wasn't caught much sooner is beyond me. He is also going to be checked for a posterior tongue tie which is harder to see by the naked eye. With this fixed, latching should do a 180. Have you had your baby checked for this?

    I also have had a low supply, needing to supplement with breast milk and formula to keep him at a healthy weight. Hopeful that once latching is fixed, supply will increase. Hang in there, there's a lot of us out here facing the same problems and you aren't alone!

    Any one else deal with lip or tongue tie, btw??
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    @kp51907 I've had similar issues and I also need to supplement with formula..initially this made me feel like a failure as a mummy. My LO is on 50% EBM and 50% formula and I've come to terms with it. I had a lot of blood loss in the delivery and I feel this is the cause... I've had his tongue tie snipped and im on medication and herbs but my supply had not increased. I really hope your supply increases! please let me know if it does! I'll be so happy for you!
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    I'll be 6 weeks pp on Tuesday and within the last week my supply has seriously dwindled down to almost nothing, pretty much overnight. My daughter EBF's during the day and evening, but for her last feeding we give her a bottle of supplemental formula to stretch her sleep from 4 hours to 6 or 7. And I have been either pumping or giving her the breast during the day. But all of the sudden, I went from producing 4oz of milk/breast every 2 hours to 0.5oz/breast every 2 hours, and for no reason. Nothing has changed, not my diet, no new medications, still taking my prenatal and she feeds just about every 2-3 hours like clockwork; so I know it's not a stimulation issue.

    For the last few days I have been block feeding/pumping every 2 hours to keep the stimulation up in hopes that it would increase my supply. It's helped a little bit, I produce about 1oz of milk/breast every 3 hours. However, I didn't get a chance to pump when I woke this morning, and daddy fed her breast milk in a bottle twice in a row because we were out with family; so about 4 hours went by before I got to pump and I was only able to pump about 2oz of milk/breast. I then didn't get another chance to pump until 8 hours later and she only breastfed once during that time (daddy bottle fed the rest), and I was only able to pump another 2oz of milk/breast out. So it's like, once I hit 2oz in the boob that's my max and my body won't make anymore until I express it. But even then, it takes me 3 hours to get 1oz made per boob, so it still isn't enough.

    On average, we should be producing anywhere from 25oz to 40oz of breast milk per day, and I've barely scraped by with 8oz to 10oz. Something isn't right and we've been checked for tongue tie, lip tie, cleft pallet, etc and nothing. Her latch isn't the issue, it's me somehow. So this evening I ordered a bottle of Mother's Milk Plus in hopes that it will help. Though the issue may be that I don't have enough milk producing mammary tissue and may need to try the Special Blend if the Plus doesn't fully take care of the issue.

    I am really upset and discouraged because I want to breastfeed until she's a year old, but at this rate, I am barely making enough to give her the antibodies she needs from me. In the past her intake was 95% breast milk and 5% formula. Now it's more like 25-40% breast milk and 60-75% formula. I would be ok with it if I could produce enough to make it 50/50. But I am not and I don't know why....
    BabyFetus Ticker
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    You may have symptomless clogged ducts, happened to someone i know. Try soy lecithin
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    @StephanieLBerg oh Stephanie, I'm in the same boat as you!! It's not a good boat to be in, but keep reminding yourself it's important to feed your baby and formula is not poison...we are doing everything we can and that's all we can do! Many babies are100% formula fed and are healthy and happy! Let's not be too hard on ourselves!
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    I have had a similar experience and it will get better...just keep trying. My baby started with a pacifier and bottle in the NICU. By the time we left the hospital I was feeding with a breastshield only. I got him off the breastshield at about 4 weeks old but breastfeeding was still quite painful since he was pinching my nipples. I saw an LC and she referred us to an ENT to have his tongue tie and lip ties clipped. He had a posterior tongue tie which is not really visible. At 6 weeks he had it clipped and did better. It wasn't until about 8 weeks that things fell into place, it takes a bit for them to learn to use their tongue properly. Now at 9 weeks things are finally going well. Just keep trying!! Also, formula isn't the end of the world if it's just too much for you. You are still a great mom!
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    I had a low supply of breastmilk in the beginning so my dr. Told me to go to Wal mart. It's over the counter, cheap, and all natural pill called fenugreek. I'm now making more than my baby can handle. I wish y'all all the luck and I hope it gets easier for y'all.
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    I've had issues, too. Tongue tie, bad latch, super suction (my LO is crazy strong and attacks when it's time to feed!) which is very painful for me, and low supply. I've tried everything- nipple shields, consultations, fenugreek, teas, the prescription Reglan....just can't seem to find a way to EBF. So, I'm settled with pumping as much as I can get and giving formula for the rest. He's getting about 1/3 breast milk, and as much as I want more, I know that any little bit helps! I've definitely had my moments where I feel like a bad mom, but then my hormones calm down and I realize that he will be perfectly healthy even if we have to supplement.
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    I'm with you @hrsheffield !! We are doing all we can and our babies will be healthy! A good friend of mine said it was like being on the pill and using condoms...like making sure the baby gets the right nutrients and being your bets...best of both worlds. The thought cheers me up when I get down about it! This'd is just a phase and I'm sure we'll laugh about how upset we were about it at somw stage!
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    I'm with you @StephanieLBerg ! LO was having a bad time last night so we gave him a bottle of bm. I went to pump and didn't even get 1/2 and oz. I went from over producing at 6-8 oz every pumping to nothing. I had a cup of mothers milk tea before bed and woke up to feed him feeling full.
    My diet did change however. I have to do an elimination diet and had to cut out all dairy which means I'm pretty much eating a vegan diet because I have been a vegetarian my entire of life to begin with.
    We are feeding our children which means we are good moms. That all the matters in the end.
    <Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker>
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    @tropicbreeze so are you topping up with formula too?
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    My sister in law is a np and before that she used to be a RN in labor and delivery her trick for me was dripping formula on my nipples, you can also drip breast milk on them to. My little guy took to this right away after struggling for 2 weeks.
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