Secondary IF

Frustrated Clomid is not working!

Hi Everyone...I am not sure if my signature is still visible as this is my first post since The Bump has gone under some kind of makeover.  I am wondering if I maybe have always been a late ovulater.  For my son born 3/5/14 we did an FET, but before that we did the IVF and I think I remember my trigger shot being on CD 15...can't be too sure I did 14 days of stims.  My LO is 12 months and I am only nursing him 2 times a day (morning and night).  Last cycle I did clomid 50 mg and think I got a positive LH on CD 17...I had bad ovulation cramps the next day. Now I am on CD 14 and still no positive.  We even upped the dose to 100 this round.  I am trying my best to take my temp every morning but it's never know when your baby will wake up, when you might have to get up and pee in the early morning hours, or you might drop the thermometer under the bed. Info on clomid says you should ovulate 5-10 days after taking last pill...and cycle day 18 is not in that range.  Any advice? I took mine CD3-7

Re: Frustrated Clomid is not working!

  • Raising the dose doesn't necessarily mean you'll ovulate earlier, and the day you triggered with IVF has nothing to do with how you'll respond to clomid. Different drugs. Unfortunately it's one of those wait it out kind of situations.

    I am surprised your dr is allowing you to BF and do fertility meds at the same time. Your hormones can be wonky even with limited BFing. Perhaps if you are willing to wean 100% you'd get a more consistent response to the clomid?


    June 19, 2010 - Miracle Baby Girl

    Round 2
    Since March 2013
    BFP April 2013 - Missed M/C July 2013 @ 12w6d
    BFP December 2013 - CP @ 4w3d
    Eight medicated cycles, three IUIs: FAIL
    IVF #1 Antagonist - January 2015: CP/FAIL

    IVF #2 April 2015: Microdose lupron Flare
    ICSI, CCS Freeze all
    6 blasts biopsied/5 normal

    FET #1 June 25, 2015 6AA and 5AA blast transfer
    BFP 3dp5dt!
    Beta 8dp5dt 195.2, 10dp5dt 474.8, 12dp5dt 977, 22dp5dt 25,580
    <3 Twins! Our boy and girl coming end of February!  <3

  • RoeniRoeni member
    The only possible bad effect it could have on nursing is to make supply go down...which has not happened for me.  It could also be not as effective due to prolactin levels, but I am only nursing twice a day.  If I don't ovulate this time I'm going down to once a day and skipping a cycle.  I hate to think i can only take this a limited number of times and nursing might not be allowing its full potential.  I just wanted to try to get pregnant as close to "the real way" as possible before shelling out $4k for another FET with our last remaining embryos.
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  • RoeniRoeni member
    Sorry ya'll find it insulting.  My friends and I that have all undergone fertility treatments call it just that...the old fashioned way, the real way, etc...I'm here asking for help, not to be chastised for my choice of words because some people can't take a tongue in cheek comment that meant no harm.

    And to the person who asked why I am trying this, I just am.  We have unexplained infertility so it is just a shot in the dark.  My husband doesn't have the best sperm, so I don't think it will work, but I need to feel like I am doing SOMETHING.  We can't go through with our last embryos yet.

    And I am being monitored btw. My OB is giving me ultrasounds.  
  • RoeniRoeni member
    I didn't ask for your opinion about nursing with clomid.  I am asking people about taking clomid and not ovulating within the 5-10 day range.  So if you can't answer that questions, move on.

    Again, I used the term REAL to describe things like food for instance...I only eat real food...which to me means organic, unprocessed, natural.  I used the term here in the same way-the real method, the natural way, the way without assistance.  I am sorry some people are a little overly sensitive about the way I presented it, but it meant no harm.  We are all in the same boat here and attacking someone looking for answers because YOU took something the wrong way is what I see going on here.  My doctor is on board with me nursing through clomid and I did tons of research on the topic as well to get comfortable with it.  I don't need your opinions on this.
  • RoeniRoeni member
    I was posting on these boards long before some of you!!!!  I came back after a break, because I am pursuing a 2nd child and do fall in the category here of secondary infertility.  Obviously some of you did not read my signature and are quick to jump to conclusions.  IT seems to be a different tone than the last time I was an active poster because we all made light of our situation instead of getting all butt hurt. I'm out...I have my answer and wish you all the best.
  • Peace out!
    (Former UN: iloveshanej)

    Birdie born 05/01/2007
    Rainbow Surprise Baby due 05/26/2017                                          

    Potato Launcher

  • Congratulations, you win at the bump.  You must be so proud of yourself.  


    June 19, 2010 - Miracle Baby Girl

    Round 2
    Since March 2013
    BFP April 2013 - Missed M/C July 2013 @ 12w6d
    BFP December 2013 - CP @ 4w3d
    Eight medicated cycles, three IUIs: FAIL
    IVF #1 Antagonist - January 2015: CP/FAIL

    IVF #2 April 2015: Microdose lupron Flare
    ICSI, CCS Freeze all
    6 blasts biopsied/5 normal

    FET #1 June 25, 2015 6AA and 5AA blast transfer
    BFP 3dp5dt!
    Beta 8dp5dt 195.2, 10dp5dt 474.8, 12dp5dt 977, 22dp5dt 25,580
    <3 Twins! Our boy and girl coming end of February!  <3

  • annibes said:

    Aww, as an oldie, you should know that the GBCN/GBCB was weak. At least make it entertaining.

    Bwhahahahaha yes @annibes


    June 19, 2010 - Miracle Baby Girl

    Round 2
    Since March 2013
    BFP April 2013 - Missed M/C July 2013 @ 12w6d
    BFP December 2013 - CP @ 4w3d
    Eight medicated cycles, three IUIs: FAIL
    IVF #1 Antagonist - January 2015: CP/FAIL

    IVF #2 April 2015: Microdose lupron Flare
    ICSI, CCS Freeze all
    6 blasts biopsied/5 normal

    FET #1 June 25, 2015 6AA and 5AA blast transfer
    BFP 3dp5dt!
    Beta 8dp5dt 195.2, 10dp5dt 474.8, 12dp5dt 977, 22dp5dt 25,580
    <3 Twins! Our boy and girl coming end of February!  <3

  • image

    Spontaneous pregnancy #1
    DD1 July 31, 2011

    Trying for #2 since Oct 11
    732973 Clomid Cycles
    2 IUIs 
    3 Fresh IVFs= 1 Ectopic treated with MTX
    Spontaneous pregnancy #2= Ectopic #2= lost left tube
    Spontaneous pregnancy #3= DD2 January 29, 2016
    Spontaneous pregnancy #4= Ectopic #3
    Spontaneous pregnancy #5= Baby #3 is a BOY!!! 

    BabyFruit Ticker
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