April 2015 Moms

Experienced Mamas-Labor length?

Have any of you experienced a long labor with your first and a much shorter labor second time around?

From the time I started counting contractions until my little lady arrived it was 34 hours. I'm not saying that to scare anyone I'm just hoping second time around will be much faster!

Re: Experienced Mamas-Labor length?

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    My labor started truely overnight. I didn't go to the hospital till 5 o'clock the next night. I labored all night and didn't have my son till 7 in the morning via c-section. I would say that would be around 35 hours of labor.
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    With DS1 I was in preterm labour at 31 weeks that they were trying to stop, and did for over 12 hours. When it started up again, from the first contraction to when he was born was 2.5 hrs.
    With DS2 from first contraction to birth was about 12-13 hrs.
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    With my first, I was in labor for about 30 hours and pushed for 3.5. Hoping this one is much quicker!!
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    My DD was a week late and I woke up around 6am with what I thought was a stomach ache then realized it was labor. I didn't go to the hospital until about 4pm and had her 5 hours later after about 20 minutes of pushing. So about 15 hours. I'm hoping for about the same or better this time around. I feel for all you ladies with long labors and hours pushing. Ouch! Hope this one is easier for everyone!
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    My first was an induction due to pre-eclampsia. My body was no where near ready for labor. It took 48 hours, but I was not in active labor for most of it.

    Second was natural. I woke up that morning knowing something was off, by 4PM I was in active labor and she was delivered at 10PM.

    Third I had prodromal labor for 4 days with some intense contractions on & off. Then Day 5 my water broke. I was induced because I was Strep B positive. The induction was 6 hours.
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    With my first, I was in labor for about 30 hours and pushed for 3.5. Hoping this one is much quicker!!

    That's how I'm feeling! By the time the 34 hours were up I was so tired and hungry I pushed like hell and had her out in 36 mins.

    Weird thing happened that I think slowed down the process last time, my water was broken by the doctor once and it twisted off like a balloon animal, broke naturally again and twisted off again, they broke it a third time to get labor going and it twisted off again, after my daughter was born the final bag broke. I've never heard of that happening before!
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    With my first my labor from the onset of spiradic contractions was about 12 hours pushing for almost an hour. With my second labor was about 7 hours only pushing for about 15 minutes.

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    With my first i delivered almost 24 hours after my water broke, with my second it was 8 hours after my water broke. Will not be wasting anytime getting to the hospital for # 3!
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    Yes. 12 hrs of labor with the first one, 4 hrs of pushing, culminating in a third degree epi. Baby two had me terrified bc of that and bc she was over 2 pounds bigger and over two inches longer, but in the end, I had her in like three pushes, total labor time from pain one until birth was probably 5 hours).
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    My labor was very short since I was in preterm labor. Went into labor at 1130 and I was 6cm. I delivered at 1:19pm.

    They had to break my water. I pushed for about 15 minutes.

    Hoping for a longer labor this time.
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    My first I was in labor -26 hours, 2nd -16 hours, 3rd and 12 years apart. My water broke 12 hours prior to delivery and had to get induced -2hrs of labor and pushed for 4 mins.
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    With my first I was induced at 7:00 am, dr broke my water at 1:30 pm. DS was born at 5:36 pm about 30 mins of pushing. I won't be wasting any time getting to the hospital this time unless they induce me again. The nurses already told me this one will probably be quicker.
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    My dd was a week late. The dr stimulated my cervix and had me going into the hospital for 8pm that night for an induction. On the way to the hospital I started having contractions. I was at the hospital at 8 and my dad was born 4:05 the next evening so all together about 20 hrs. With 20mins if pushig. I have my dr to thank for all he did to help me progress as well as I did.

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    My second labor was actually longer than my first…my water broke with both…my DD (#2) was 6 hours from when my water broke to when she was here and my DS (#1) was 3 hours.  I'm a little nervous about #3…I'm just keeping my fingers crossed I have enough time to get an epidural!!  My MIL is scared I'm going to have him or her in the car on the way to the hospital!  LOL!!  
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    My first was 7 hours, my second was less than 3.
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