June 2015 Moms

gaining to much weight....

arduaaaarduaaa member
edited February 2015 in June 2015 Moms
Is it bad if I'm gaining too much weight? Am I the only one that is having this problem :/

Best Answers

  • sidebothsideboth member
    Answer ✓
    Can I offer a suggestion?  Don't think about weight gain in a pure number sense.  It will drive you crazy.  We have no idea where you started at.  Were you overweight/underweight etc?  We will all put on weight at different speeds and rates depending on genetics and our lifestyle.

    Instead focus on your lifestyle.  Are you eating for two?  Indulging in every craving.  Not being active.  I was overweight with baby #1 and in a pure number sense didn't put on any weight because I improved my eating habits.  I ended up a normal, healthy weight six weeks after my child was born.  This pregnancy, I am putting on weight because I started at a normal weight.  I'm less concerned about the number and more concerned that I am eating healthy and right.

    That is not to say that I have my moments where I say...baby needs Taco Bell.  :)  But I make sure that those are far and few between.  I promise the true test of whether you are putting on "baby" weight or just "feeling indulgent because I'm pregnant" is what you look like three months post-partum.
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  • gaylew5gaylew5 member
    Answer ✓
    I'm 23 w 4d and am up about 22 lbs.  I started out this pregnancy being told by my doctor that my ideal weight gain based on my pre-preg weight would be 30-35 lbs.  I wish they didn't tell me that because I feel like I will hit that weight in 2 months.  Oh well.  I eat pretty well. still work out. and when i look at myself naked i feel like i have a nice pregnant lady body.  my baby is in the 63rd percentile for her weight, so i am trying to focus on her being healthy and me still feeling good, even though as a women we tend to focus on the # on the scale.

Re: gaining to much weight....

  • I think if you're eating right, staying active, and taking all your doctors advice you shouldn't worry! I have a friend who gained 30 pounds during her pregnancy and I have one who gained 100. They are both back to pre-pregnancy weight and have healthy perfect little babies. Don't stress! Everyone's different and your body will tell you if something is wrong!
  • What did your doctor say? Andplusalso, you did not give nearly enough information in your post for people to effectively try and weigh in if they wanted too... although again, a question for your doctor since everyone woman's situation is different.
  • Can Bump introduce a down vote option? Like, can we vote to move weight, baby name and other such threads down off the front page? For reals!
  • FTM here...maybe it's naivety, but I didnt realize how I'd be getting so much bigger all over my body! My ass, my legs, even my arms?!? Grrrrr....I'm not permitted to exercise and cant wait to hit the trails again this summer!
  • The last month I've gained a lot! You're not alone on the weight gain. I'm going to see what my doc says next week and try not to overeat. Problem I'm having is I'm still having morning sickness & throwing up unless my stomach is constantly full so I think maybe I'm eating too much & not that healthy because when you're nauseous who wants veggies? I don't at least! Anyway I figure what's the alternative? We're going to get bigger cause we're growing babies! It is hard, I struggled with eating disorders & body image issues a lot of my life. I'm definitely getting bigger everywhere but it is what it is!
  • I don't know if it's bad. Because I'm not your doctor.
    Coffee Bean Born 6/13/15.
    2nd round exp 8/20/18.
  • I've gained 25 pounds at 23 weeks and feeling pretty bad about it. This morning I thought, new day, I'll be in control. When I husband went to buy some groceries I found myself downing a half a bag of chips! Wtf! Awful.
  • HoosOnFirstHoosOnFirst member
    edited February 2015
    @ElRuby‌ I agree with you - I'm just getting tired of the same posts over and over and especially when there's been somewhat of a consensus that some things are not really best served by these boards. I'm not trying to shut anyone down or prohibit free speech (it's the Internet, right?) but it's getting old to see the same things posted that multiple users (truly not just me) have mentioned as clogging the boards, etc. Ideally what would be interesting to me is if Bump could let users like or dislike threads so that the front page is based on "hot discussions" instead of just who posted most recently. Just a thought for improvement, not trying to shut anyone down.
  • I deff need to be eating better. I looove my fast foood.... lol but I've trying and been walking on treadmill for 30 min! I gained 34lbs and I'm 25 weeks today first baby! My mom and boyfriends mom told me not to worry cuz they ended up gaining more than they were suppose too and everything was fine. They ended gaining like 50 or 60 lb
    . I try not to eat when I'm not hungry but it seems like these days I'm always hungry!!! Lol
  • I was complaining (read: almost crying) about this to my husband yesterday. I have gained exactly 34 lbs with each pregnancy and this time I am further ahead of schedule in the weight gain department. I keep telling my self when it gets warmer I will be swimming and walking more which will slow the weight gain down then. If your doctors not concerned, don't worry too much, that's what I'm telling myself at least.
  • edited February 2015

    If you are tired of the thread, get off it! The negativity is unreal.

    Thanks KnottieNumbers

    ETA: Forgot my sarcasm font... in case people thought I really thanking Knottie
  • You all are soooo right : it's awesome for people to post the same questions every day! Really makes for a great user experience! I can't wait until we get moderators who can help organize this board. Sigh.
  • I feel the same way. I've gained about 25lbs and I'm only 23 weeks. If this keeps up I'll be way over that 35lb recommendation. It stresses me out and I've seriously considered throwing away the scale. I've always been thin so it really is just a terrible mind game I play with myself. After talking with a close friend she told me she gained almost 60lbs which I never would have guessed. And she has a beautiful healthy 5 month old now. She said our bodies tell us what we need. If you're not supposed to gain that much you won't. I told my husband even if I was eating nothing but fruit and veggies i swear I'd still be gaining cause I feel like a bottomless pit that is never full. As long as it's not causing medical problems like diabetes or high blood pressure I think we are right where we're supposed to be. Good luck.
  • I feel the same way as well, my weight gain seems to be right in there with the rest of you on this post, I am right around 24 1/2 weeks and I have gained 28lbs... I was at a normal weight range when I found out I was pregnant so I am only suppose to gain "25-35lbs", and that had me pretty worried, I don't want to gain to much weight that it is bad for me or the baby... I have not been actively working out since I found out that I was pregnant, pretty much just walking and stretching, I know that that is the majority of why I have gained so much... And I can really feel it all over( that I haven't worked out), I can't wait to get back into a routine... 3-4 weeks post pregnancy I will start up the C25K again and start https://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/jamie-eason-post-pregnancy-trainer.html I am so excited for this!!!... Right now I am just trying to eating healthy, mostly clean eating, nothing drastic, got to feed the baby what he wants, and trying not to worry or stress about weight gain or anything else I do eat a lot of fruit, and bread, and that is also a big contributor... But as long as the baby is healthy, I am happy... I'm sure the Dr. will let us know if we have gained to much, or if our blood/urine results come back questionable... Until then just be happy and enjoy this time, the happier and more relaxed you are , the happier the baby will be... =)
  • kbbtah said:

    FTM here...maybe it's naivety, but I didnt realize how I'd be getting so much bigger all over my body! My ass, my legs, even my arms?!? Grrrrr....I'm not permitted to exercise and cant wait to hit the trails again this summer!

    I'm with you! Not able to exercise and hating that I'm getting mushy and larger :( healthy baby is all I'm asking for...and time to lose the weight after!!!!

  • I wouldn't worry about it! I'm 6 months this Saturday and lost 2 pounds since the start of my pregnancy! I get a lot of comments like "you don't even look pregnant" "weren't you pregnant" "is there even a baby inside there?" Honesty I think everyone is different, my doctor has been watching my weight and she said as long as I'm healthy and my baby is healthy, there's nothing to worry about!
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