Trouble TTC

2nd Clomid cycle- different experience

This is my 2nd cycle with Clomid (both cycles I stair stepped, 50 to 100 the 150 and 150 again). Both times I had 1 mature follicle before triggering with Ovidrel.

Last time I started having cramps 2 hours after the trigger which lasted through AF. My breasts were sore, and I was very dry. This time I did cramp after the trigger, but it only lasted 2 or 3 days, my breasts aren't sore, and my CM is thicker (sorry, TMI).

This cycle my husband gave me the Ovidrel shot at home. Now I'm a little worried he somehow messed it up, lol. We also had a snowstorm, so I had an ultrasound the morning before we triggered that showed a 17 mm follicle. They said I coukd trigger the following night, because they from 2-3 mm a day toward the end.

I'll get bloodwork done Thursday which will tell us more. Last time they said I needed a "stronger ovulation" (why they moved me to 150 mg) due to my lower progestertone level.

Anyone experience completely different symptoms on cycles with the same medication? I'm trying not to obsess, but you know how the 2WW is.

Me (28)- PCOS, no natural cycle since stopping BC pills in 2013
DH (29)- SA= all good
Married since March 2013 (together since 2004) + TTC since April 2013

Provera 12/13, 6/14, 8/14, 10/ 14, 12/14

Clomid 50 mg 12/14- no follicles big enough, stair stepped with Clomid 100 mg (1 follicle 22/25 mm) + Ovidrel trigger shot 1/15- BFN

Clomid 150 mg 1/15- no follicles responding- repeated 150 mg + Ovidrel trigger shot + IUI- BFP 

BabyFruit Ticker

Re: 2nd Clomid cycle- different experience

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    Yup. I've had every combination of symptoms in the book. They amounted to nothing :-( Don't worry, you didn't mess the trigger shot up. Hang in there and I hope your stay here on the IF board is short.
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    Thanks @Knottie4978096

    Me (28)- PCOS, no natural cycle since stopping BC pills in 2013
    DH (29)- SA= all good
    Married since March 2013 (together since 2004) + TTC since April 2013

    Provera 12/13, 6/14, 8/14, 10/ 14, 12/14

    Clomid 50 mg 12/14- no follicles big enough, stair stepped with Clomid 100 mg (1 follicle 22/25 mm) + Ovidrel trigger shot 1/15- BFN

    Clomid 150 mg 1/15- no follicles responding- repeated 150 mg + Ovidrel trigger shot + IUI- BFP 

    BabyFruit Ticker

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