June 2015 Moms

Anyone else feel like they're behind on the whole nursery/baby supplies stuff?

I'm so NOT nesting. The baby room is currently storage, I started to clean it out but I just can't get the energy to do it even though we need to do some construction on the room before we can even paint. The only things we have gotten are some clothes and toys. How can I get myself motivated to actually do stuff? Ack!

At least I have daycare mostly sorted out...

Anyone else finding it hard to get going on prepping for baby?
🌈  Preemie 2016  🌈
♥ Stillborn 2015 

Re: Anyone else feel like they're behind on the whole nursery/baby supplies stuff?

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    I'm right there with you! First two kiddos, I had everything done way before June. This baby, I've done nothing. ;)
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    KaLikeAWindKaLikeAWind member
    edited February 2015
    I have started an amazon wish list for baby supplies thanks to my sister who is helping me figure out what I need (I'm totally clueless). She has sent me two boxes of hand me downs from her twins. And other than that I have done nothing. Our nursery is still our game room, with our secondary Xbox and gaming systems set up in it. I feel bad making DH take down his little game nest and we got some time yet so I'm not feeling the pressure yet.

    Glad for this post, I was beginning to wonder if I was a slacker ;)
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    This is baby #3 and I have done nothing and have no interest in doing anything. We are busy getting ready to put our house on the market. We have no idea what house we will be in once the baby is born.  
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    Our nursery is also storage right now. I organized a bit in there the other day but we still have a lot of work to do. We need to find other places to store all of the things, deep clean, paint... The list goes on. You're not the only one!
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    Thankfully, we live in an apartment and aren't allowed to paint, so that's one less thing I need to worry about. I did clean out the nursery, which had previously been basically a junk room, so now it's at least ready for other stuff to be moved into it. My parents gave us a dresser and I bought curtains, but that's about it. I have lots of ideas and I did find a crib that DH and I both like, just haven't gotten around to buying anything. Thankfully we do still have time... DH wants to wait till the end of May and EDD is June 2 so I think that's not really a superb idea, but I'd say as long as I have it ready by the end of April we should be in good shape. Not too worried just yet!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    jbatch said:

    Well we are in the midst of selling our house and will be moving beginning of June. We will probably move in with my parents if our house sells before June if not we will move to our new house sometime around June 6.. And yes I am due June 21 so it will be great.. But oh well. So I don't want to buy much just to store it until we move.. So, our nursery won't be done any time soon. I guess I just don't think its a huge deal because baby has no clue whether its done or not when they are born :)

    This! Except I am starting to get anxious about not having a nursery, I'm an interior designer and I always thought I would have a nursery done, I didn't picture we would be moving When I'm 8 months pregnant with twins.
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    Our nursery bedroom is a MESS. We just shove stuff we aren't using in there..... And yes. I am behind and it's starting to stress me out. Also..... I refuse to spend 300 on crib bedding but hate all the cheap bedding so our baby doesn't have that stuff ready either!
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    So glad to know I'm not the only one thinking this. We are in the process of looking at a house. It's so hard to get a nursery together when you don't know what size the room will be or if you will even find a house before the baby comes. I had a minor breakdown thinking about everything i needed to do on top of the possibility of moving an entire house. I just keep telling myself to take it one step at a time. Buy a little here and there versus all at once. That makes it a lot less stressful and doesn't hurt you pockets all at once. Good luck ladies! I'm sure we'll all have it figured out before our little ones get here :)
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    I bought a crib and STARTED clearing out the space but its nowhere near complete. Im holding out until the baby shower to buy anything else. We have a very large generous family so im trying to let them splurge ;)
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    We are currently living with my MIL. We have a gutted house that still needs an addition built to even have a nursery. We weren't prepared for this pregnancy at all and probably won't be in our house until after baby arrives. DH isn't a bit worried, I'm panicked! We've not bought anything other than a crib either.
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    Ugh, this makes me feel so much better! We have day care figured out and our crib came in last week but other than that I've got nothing. I thought I'd be out buying diapers left and right from day one, and "super prepping" but it hasn't happened yet. I think we're going to go register next weekend.

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    Oh this makes me feel so much better!! I'm a FTM and have nothing so far. The nursery is currently my office/guest room/closet. We need to find a new home for all of that first which is a project in and of itself. I started making lists this weekend but that's as far as it's gotten.
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    This is baby 2 and we have bought nothing. We've started emptying out the office which will be this baby's room, but that's it. And there's still a lot of stuff in there haha. I am getting anxious to get going on things, though. I think this week we will really get the room cleared out and hopefully at least organize the new office/guest room.



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    Yeah. I actually have all of the furniture and supplies in there, just not in their proper places and the clutter cleaned up. I pretend I can't see it whenever I go in there (still being partially used as our office) and am hoping for a burst of energy to hit me so I can get the nursery into shape!

    Me: 31
         DH: 34
    Married 11/09/2013

    LO#1: LMP 09/14/2014  BFP 10/15/2014  EDD 06/24/2015  DS Born 06/14/2015
    LO#2: LMP 09/18/2016  BFP 10/19/2016  EDD 06/27/2017 DD Born 06/27/2017
    LO#3: LMP 05/16/2018  BFP 06/18/2018  EDD 02/20/2019

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    I literally have ONE thing in the baby room, and thats a baby monitor because I found a good used one for real cheap and had to buy it! Other than that, its empty. I'm waiting on my baby shower next month and then start getting filled little by little :)
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    All you guys cleaning, so on top of it. I have stuff for the baby clothes, toys, basic things not crib but I have a pack in play with bassinet, the baby's room is a nice super messy office right now. And to be honest it'll probably stay like that until aprilish. Dh wants to pick out paint samples then pick out crib and the other things. I wish I felt like cleaning I can barely get the energy to do the laundry for work clothes every week.
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    The nursery is storage room as of now, I went to clean it yesterday but got overwhelmed and took a nap instead lol. I have tons of newborn clothes and a dresser. that's really it. My sister in law is gonna give me her crib once she transitions her oldest to a toddler bed , but I need to paint the room first and I just have no motivation
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    This baby won't have her own room until we move (again) in June of 2016. So her room, will be with DH and I. We bought a crib, but it's sitting in the box in my ILs garage at the moment. As for other supplies. We will be reusing bouncers, swings, toys etc from DS, and I'm pretty sure MIL has been stock piling baby girl clothes, this will be grandbaby girl #1 for her (she had 2 sons and I have a DS and she is the most girly girl woman I have ever met = SUPER EXCITED FOR PINK). 

    There is still soo much time before our LOs arrive. Don't stress fellow mamas, we will get everything we need to get done, done!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Yes, totally!  I was already looking at daycare in December and felt so ahead... then the prep just came to a halt and I'm feeling way behind. I'm not even going to bother with painting... but the organizing and dealing with the crap just makes me want to cry every time I go in there. I feel the next few months are just going to go by so fast!
    Me-37, DH-38
    Married in 2006, TTC #1 since Jan 2012

    Baby Boy born June 1, 2015

    He settles her in her home as a happy mother of children, praise the Lord! (Psalms 113:9)
    And the peace of God, which surpasses all understand, will guard your heart and mind in Jesus Christ (Philippians 4:7)

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    The baby's nursery is still currently DS1's toy room so I don't intend on cleaning it out and reorganising for a few more weeks. I have bought all the clothes, pram is sorted...but thats about it! It's still quite early I think...I am only 24 weeks...dont feel too bad :-)
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    I have a list on my phone....none of which I have bought. Does that count as being prepared??
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    Ordered the crib from buybuybaby and there is a 14 week back order waiting period. We have daycare lined up and that is all I have done...other than grow a baby. :)
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    I have bought a blanket.  That is it.  At some point I will need to bite the bullet.  We just moved countries so I'm blaming my laziness on that.
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    so far all we've bought is a stroller/carseat set and then we have a couple things that were gifted to us around the holidays, no nursery for baby as we live in an apartment and we really dont have anything else. oh well. we've still got some time.
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    We are currently "squatting" at my parents place...finally under contract - but earliest move in date is end of April this baby will be lucky to have a crib set up ;)
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    The nursery is painted and we have our mobile! Lol It was on clearance so we grabbed it in case it was going to be discontinued. We know where we want to place everything, we just need to buy it.
    I'm dreading looking for a rocker. So expensive and I'm not sure where to even begin.
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    I'm dreading looking for a rocker. So expensive and I'm not sure where to even begin.

    Try consignment shops! They're a hit or miss, but my aunt got my cousin a super nice one and because it was at a consignment shop the price wasn't bad at all.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    The nursery is painted and we have our mobile! Lol It was on clearance so we grabbed it in case it was going to be discontinued. We know where we want to place everything, we just need to buy it. I'm dreading looking for a rocker. So expensive and I'm not sure where to even begin.
    Got ours off of Craigslist. Along with a lot of other baby stuff. Already trolling for a crib for this one, since DS is still using his (bought off of Craisglist)
      Blessed Mama to the sweetest boy in the world (11/9/13), one angel baby, and two fur babies: Mattie Dog and Stanley Cat.
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    If it makes you feel any better, we don't actually have a nursery :-) We live in a small two bedroom and for the first few months the baby will co-sleep with us (or near us in a mini crib). Then she'll be moving to what is now our office, and will need to remain so for a while since we're both full-time graduate students. In any case, I'm not too worried about it! There's time and the baby won't remember if her "room" is decorated or not.
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    Just moved my 4 year old out of the crib/toddler bed and am planning on taking that down till the beginning of June. I've gotten rid of everything baby except the bed, mattress, bedding, and cloth diapers.
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    I finished early. I have been nesting for about 6 weeks now. I already assembled the walker! I can't help myself. I even caught myself looking at potty seats! It's horrible to begin nesting this early, now my countdown seems to have stopped. I wish I hadn't started yet. With my first daughter I didn't get the bug until I went into labor, I was running around the house trying to situate everything in between my contractions. I don't recommend that. During the birth the only thing I could think of was I forgot to buy dreft. Lol seems silly now
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    I am at the stage of making plans to go get paint chip samples at the paint store...
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    CateOfChicagoCateOfChicago member
    edited February 2015
    I have everything planned (thanks to Pinterest) but haven't done a ton yet. I too need to do some construction. I hope to get the workers in this month. Once that's lined up, I'll move pretty fast.
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    Franco Paul born 6/4/15 at 39 weeks.  Mila Francesca born 10/19/13 at 37 weeks.  Both born via C-Section after 6 years of fertility treatments, disappointments and losses. Love them!!

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    Makes me feel better! We are not painting because we painted a year ago and we like the color but we are doing new baseboards, closets, & blinds...only painted the new baseboards. H is in grad school also so he doesn't feel like doing anything. Got everything out of the room and moved to the basement. We have a diaper bag for me and a Russell Wilson onesie! But do not have a single piece of furniture or car seat!
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    The room we are going to use as the nursery is currently Storage as well. This is our first child and we had a miscarriage before, so I am still kind of nervous even though I am 22 weeks. Part of the reason the room is storage is we purchased the house back in September and a month later we found out we were pregnant.  I did sign up for some registries but haven't picked out any furniture. I do have some room ideas in mind. I am crazy for not doing anything to the room yet?
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    I'm definitely nesting in my mind but just can't really do anything it sucks so bad I constantly have the nagging feeling that I need to be doing something but I'll just watch TV instead lol
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    jlpcdt2015jlpcdt2015 member
    edited February 2015
    I would love to start setting up my nursery but can't do anything til my mom moves out. She was only supposed to stay til march but now looks like it might be a little longer. It frustrates me but I got to help my mom out.
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