January 2015 Moms

Sharp pain in nipples?

I'm still trying to hang in with bf'ing but it's getting harder and harder. My doctor suggested I pump immediately after I breastfeed, as opposed to waiting 30-60 minutes after like I had done. So I did that this morning, pumped 1 oz total for both sides combined, and now I am literally crying in pain because I have a sharp pain shooting through both of my nipples. What can I do to ease this??? I am at my wits end with breastfeeding!!!!
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Re: Sharp pain in nipples?

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    Thank you @AmyG*‌ . I did lower the suction halfway through, so I will start out lower next time.
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    Sorry if I missed it, but why are you pumping? I had a much easier time with BF #1 when I stopped pumping and just fed on demand ... extra naps and food/water for me helped with production.
    DD#1 (6), DD#2 (4), DD#3 (0)
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    Beckyboo71Beckyboo71 member
    edited January 2015
    @Trek3‌....I have been wondering how much I am producing because I breastfeed her on both sides, and she is still hungry afterwards so I've been supplementing with formula. She was jaundice in the hospital, and that's where they first suggested supplementing to get her weight up. So I pump to see how much I am producing but also to try to increase my supply. I wasn't producing enough with DD1 and ended up formula feeding her, so I am trying to stick it out this time. But I am not beating myself up about it, as long as she's being fed.
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    If you don't already have them, buy some of the reusable "ice packs" medela or lanisoh sells. Also, I really liked the Angel Baby Earth Momma brand nipple cream. Try a warm compress to get more milk before you pump and nurse. I always felt that eating oatmeal helped a bit too and the lactation cookies can't hurt! Good luck!
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    Ditto everything that amyg* said. I could never let down while pumping either and just ended up frustrated and doubting my supply.

    If your baby is 3 weeks old, they are probably cluster feeding. They will be hungry frequently and nurse often, especially in the evening. It doesn't mean that you can't make enough milk just that it will take a few days for your supply to increase.
    I thought that I wasn't making enough milk with my first, but we went to the hospital and weighed her before & after a feed and she was drinking more than enough.

    You can also take galactologues to help increase your supply (fenugreek, lactation cookies) - but for me, as I mentioned, just getting lots to eat, drink, and sleep helped my supply a lot.
    DD#1 (6), DD#2 (4), DD#3 (0)
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    mshepherd20mshepherd20 member
    edited January 2015
    AmyG* had a lot of great points. I second going to a LC or hospital and doing a weighted feeding. It will give you so many answers...how much is the baby taking in, do I really need to pump as often, is supplementing even necessary...

    I went when I was having problems in the beginning and was extremely surprised that Lillian was getting 2.5 oz per feeding. The LC said that normal for her age (2 weeks old) was between 1.5 - 3.0 oz.

    Good luck! It is so tough at first but if you can make it work, it really will get easier and will feel more natural.
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    I want to second amyg's flange theory too, I would have thought flange had something to do with breast size or that standard was equal to medium, not so, a lc can help fit you, but honestly I'd ditch the pumping and just try to concentrate on breastfeeding, a baby is way more efficient then a pump and stress hurts your milk supply. I know I was frustrated at first because lo would beat my breast and seem hungry but then we got in a good pattern and it was almost second nature. Good luck!
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