April 2015 Moms

Updated: Poking around for Ts and Ps.

NagaWaterNagaWater member
edited January 2015 in April 2015 Moms
Had a gush of blood earlier. Yes, I called me doctor immediately.
It seemed to have stopped almost instantly but I'm laying down with DS and will check later. Hopefully it was just an irritated vessel.

So I guess if I disappear for several hours I could use some Ts&Ps.
I keep telling DD January is not her month, but I'm about as hardheaded as they come so there's no hope for her.

Update: I get to get my rhogam shot. Woot. Waiting for HELLP panels to come back, BP was 146/107.

I lied. Rhogam is going to wait until Tuesday. Looks like just a blood vessel busted, cervix is dilated at the opening but not inside. Can't remember what she called that.
I had my first near black out experience, my BP dropped super fast and I had the feeling like I was under water, all I could say was "I can't hear, I can't hear, help me" and cry. Having to have your DH and a nurse walk you back to the bed from the toilet with you pants pulled half way down is so not embarrassing at all.

I'm just a damn mess. Thank you for all the thought and prayers. If anyone knows where I can get a new body let me in on it.

To all the high risk women out there I salute you. I turn into a whimpering mess at the drop of a hat. You brave things I could never imagine.

Re: Updated: Poking around for Ts and Ps.

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