January 2015 Moms

Noah's birth story!

lelly0086lelly0086 member
edited January 2015 in January 2015 Moms
I'm not sure which board I technically belong to now, was due Feb 4th but delivered Jan 16. So I'm hoping I can join everyone here in celebrating our January babies!! Our birth story was quite a journey. I ended up on hospital bed rest the week before Christmas due to complications with my type 1 diabetes. I also was being watched for my high BP and placenta previa. I went into pre term labor a few times between 29 and 34 weeks, we never thought I'd make it to term. After lots and lots of waiting we hit 37 weeks and the doctors gave the go ahead to perform an amniocentesis to check out baby's lung maturity and then proceed with delivery. To my surprise we also found out that my placenta moved enough to also try a vaginal delivery. So at about 2pm we started the induction. They started with cervidil to soften the cervix since I was not even dialted at all. That kick started the whole thing and by early the next morning I was 2cm and 50% efaced. So after that they started me on pitocin and the party really started. At 8 am they broke my water and by the after noon I was fully dilated and ready to push. 3 hours of hard labor and pushing later, baby still hadn't made any progress. His heart rate started to spike into the 200s and I was exhausted. My doctor then decided it was time to give in and go for a c section. The surgery went really well and within a few minutes of being prepped, Noah was born. I was very emotional. I cried as soon as I heard him crying. It was beautiful! So after all that struggle my little man was born at 7:51 pm on Jan 16. He weighed 7lbs 13oz & was 19.5 inches long. We came home 3 days later. Today he is a week old, and life has never been better :) here is a few pictures I'd like to share with all of you! Thanks for letting me share our story

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