September 2015 Moms

Anyone not feel pregnant?

I'm 6w2d and aside from mild nausea and sore breasts, I don't feel pregnant at all. Anyone else feel like this?

Re: Anyone not feel pregnant?

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    If you have symptoms at all its a good sign, but then again I've had two babies with no real symptoms, so who knows. Are you a FTM? Sometimes I think our brains just can't absorb the news early on.
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    I'm 6w2d and I have nausea & cramps intermittently throughout the day. I woke up without anymore breast soreness which has me a little concerned. Yesterday I didn't feel very pregnant...but each day is different. I'm certainly tired as hell so that's a nice reminder.
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    I'm 5w 4d. All of my 4w I felt every symptom in the book; chest was so sore I couldn't sleep. Now I just get some little pains in my abdomen at night and I'm kind of lethargic/blah. I was a little worried, but I've been prowling the blogs and this seems to be normal.


    Happy thoughts for everyone <3

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    Yeah. First time!!!
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    FTM as well, and I don't feel pregnant yet! No sore boobs, no nausea, but I am dealing with bloating. Hard to believe there really is a little one growing inside me and I'm not just bloated from big lunches :)

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    For the first week or two after I found out i was only bloated. So much so that it looked like I was showing! It's all hit me full force now though.
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    I'm 5w5d today and there are definitely days where I don't feel pregnant at all. Aside from sensitive nipples and some bloating and gas, I don't have any other symptoms. 
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    I'm 4w 4d and I can relate to wanting to "feel" more pregnant. My boobs are def sore, but not alot else. Not that I want to be nauseous... but a couple more symptoms of reassurance would be nice!
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    I'm a third time mama and I still can't believe I'm pregnant!! I take pregnancy tests all the time! I have no symptoms except hunger!!
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    snikai said:
    If you have symptoms at all its a good sign, but then again I've had two babies with no real symptoms, so who knows. Are you a FTM? Sometimes I think our brains just can't absorb the news early on.
    No. Symptoms or lack of symptoms have no connection at all to the health of your pregnancy.  If you have no symptoms, thank your lucky stars. 
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    I'm 8 weeks and so very tired... With insomnia.
    My "symptoms" in a nutshell which are basically a description of my life normally.. Lol.
    They may just be slightly exaggerated now ..
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    I'm a FTM, 5w6d and the only symptoms I've got are sore boobs and I'm tired more often. I frequently tell my hubs "I can't believe this is real" and every time I'm at the store I contemplate buying more pregnancy tests- even though it was confirmed at the doctor last week! Glad to hear I'm not my own special brand of crazy and that some people are with me on this!
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    Im a FTM too and I felt the same way. I had zero symptoms....but I went to the Doctor today and saw our little peanut and the little flicker of a heartbeat! So do t worry yourself too much!!
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    Sore boobs like I never thought possible! And I have to pee literally ever 20 minutes. Other than that I feel great!
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    snikai said:
    If you have symptoms at all its a good sign, but then again I've had two babies with no real symptoms, so who knows. Are you a FTM? Sometimes I think our brains just can't absorb the news early on.
    No. Symptoms or lack of symptoms have no connection at all to the health of your pregnancy.  If you have no symptoms, thank your lucky stars. 
    actually, you are incorrect, sickness does tend to mean a healthier pregnancy.  HOWEVER, it's important to note that the inverse is not true. That no sickness doesn't necessarily mean anything is wrong.  It also doesn't mean that you won't miscarry if you are horribly sick.  Really its a crapshoot, but sickness IS a strong indicator of a healthy pregnancy.

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    I'm a FTM and am 8 weeks 1 day. Have also been concerned that something's wrong if I'm not puking my guts out. I have sore boobs, waves of nausea that come and go, insomnia and tiredness. But no puking so far... I'm probably jinxing myself as I write this :) I already went for an ultrasound at 6 weeks and saw the heartbeat. Have another ultrasound this week. Fingers crossed!
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    I'm 5w4d, and get nauseous every once in a while and keep waiting for the sore boobs. I feel like I want the symptoms... I have seen losses, and clearly know what can happen. Just freaked.
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    I don't feel pregnant at all. I've been having some bleeding and cramping, just waiting to hear back from the doctors to see if its a miscarriage.
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    I'm 6w today and I'm also just feeling extremely sore boobs and slight nausea.
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    I'm 7w2d. Some sore boobs and intermittent cramping. Oh, and fatigue. I have no nausea, no vomiting, no cravings, no mood swings. I'm 38 and a FTM so I'm always psyching myself out that something is wrong or I'm not pregnant... First ultrasound in about 5 weeks. Not that I want to be sick, but I feel like more symptoms would make me feel "more pregnant" or something :/
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    ClaireCeciliaClaireCecilia member
    edited January 2015
    7 weeks and usually by now I feel crappy. I have moments here and there I feel yucky, but nothing like usual. I'm breaking out more than I usually do. I have it in my head my first appointment won't be good because of it. This pg is the opposite of my others. Trying to keep my mind off it till Monday.
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    I was going to do the same take another home test to be sure the bloods and my first home test are still right LOL so glad you said that as I thought I might be mad!
    I'm mainly exhausted, sore boobs and aching when I think I'm not feeling pregnant because I'm not
    Getting morning sickness I list off what I did have and think "why do I need more symptoms" lol but id like more, just to feel like "yes I'm pregnant". Seems weird...:-)
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    My first pregnancy I was so sick, I ended up losing almost 10lbs my first trimester even though I looked bigger. Everyone told me that meant I was having a healthy pregnancy. This time around I feel really good. I just have slightly sore boobs and I have a much bigger appetite. It does make me nervous in the back of my mind about this pregnancy. I know it's all in my head so I'm just trying to be thankful for no sickness this time around.
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    K1AK1A member
    Yes I do I am 5 weeks 1 day and apart from light cramping fatigue and nausea sometimes I don't feel prego at all.
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    snikai said:
    If you have symptoms at all its a good sign, but then again I've had two babies with no real symptoms, so who knows. Are you a FTM? Sometimes I think our brains just can't absorb the news early on.
    No. Symptoms or lack of symptoms have no connection at all to the health of your pregnancy.  If you have no symptoms, thank your lucky stars. 
    actually, you are incorrect, sickness does tend to mean a healthier pregnancy.  HOWEVER, it's important to note that the inverse is not true. That no sickness doesn't necessarily mean anything is wrong.  It also doesn't mean that you won't miscarry if you are horribly sick.  Really its a crapshoot, but sickness IS a strong indicator of a healthy pregnancy.

    Personally,  I think that's a load of crap. Researchers can make their data assert or look a certain way very easily. I was extremely sick with my first and miscarried right at the end of the first tri. I was miserable the whole first tri. This time it's been much milder and things seem to be going fine so far. I think saying things like that simply leads people to be scared and worried for no reason.

    Every pregnancy is different. 
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    If someone is extremely sick then everyone says "oh being sick means it's healthy." When someone isn't sick everyone says "oh you're lucky." Is it just me or does it just go with whoever the situation is about? Everyone is different. Every pregnancy is different. Stressing symptoms isn't helping. Be happy in the moment. You'll either be sick or you won't, don't let it bother you so much.
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    Symptoms or not is it normal this early to not feel connected? I just simply don't feel like I'm going to have a baby! After seeing the heart beat and everything I'm just having a really hard time believing it!
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    I never heard anything about being sick makes a healthier pregnancy! Oh and rain is good luck on your wedding day too right? Um....seems like old wives tales to make people feel better. With my daughter I had severe nausea until month 4. Never threw up just could barely eat and lost 16 lbs. Can't see how that's "healthy." It was hell and finally at month 4 it vanished and I felt great for the rest of the pregnancy aside from normal pains, backaches and such. My daughter was absolutely perfect., now she's 5 and with this pregnancy so far (though it's early) I'm only 6 weeks but aside from mild cramps, and little bouts of nausea I'm okay. I do get severely hungry which I never got this early with my daughter! Every woman and every pregnancy is different!!!!
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    I haven't thrown up yet, but my puppy pooped in the floor in front of me this morning and I was literally dry heaving through my hands, screaming for my DH to come and clean it up. haha! Boobs are only a little sore...but bloated like crazy (already in maternity pants at 8w5d), peeing all night long, and sleepy ALL DAY. Even though I feel this way and I've seen a heartbeat, it is STILL hard to believe it is real and that I'm actually going to stay pregnant for 7 more months. It is hard to explain, but reading your all's posts make me feel better!

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    I have slight cramping and the fatigue. I do pee more now. But other than that nothing. I feel so unpregnant and it just worries me all the time that it's not there ! X
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    I'm with @heatherlee0900‌. This is my first pregnancy and i definitely have physical symptoms but I am missing the emotional connection. I'm 7w6d right now and we saw the heartbeat at 6w. I know it's real and I really wanted to get pregnant, but the connection is missing. My SO is over the moon right now. I hope after feeling the baby moving this changes.
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    LAC8488LAC8488 member
    edited January 2015
    It's funny that you mentioned this because I was thinking the same thing last night! I am really anxious for my first ultrasound and worried about miscarriage. I have never had one myself, but several of my friends and family members have, so it's makes me nervous. I haven't felt sick at all or any exhaustion, just my boobs feeling fuller and a little tender. I HAVE felt very mild cramps, bloated/gassy and possibly had a few sensitivities to smell/taste... although that could also be my brain playing tricks on me haha. It's good to know that just because we don't all experience the same symptoms, it doesn't mean that there is something wrong with the baby. I definitely don't mind the absence of the nausea and exhaustion, that's for sure!
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    I'm feeling in denial that I am pregnant. It feels really surreal as a FTM. Experiencing fatigue and nausea but nothing too intense that impacts my daily functioning. I'm hoping the ultrasound will make it feel more real
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    I also felt this way a few days ago! I was like, I think I'm going to have an easy pregnancy! Then literally, the day I was 7weeks, it hit. I'm nauseous all day, drinking water is a chore, I can't sleep but I'm exhausted, I'm so agitated, my boobs are so painful it hurts to breathe, and I'm miserable all day... Enjoy it while it lasts!! Because the symptoms hit me head on and I was not ready for all this. Did I forget to mention the bloat and gas pains???
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