February 2015 Moms

Deleted thread

So I didn't violate any TOU, simply spoke my peace in a thread called "Destroyed A Good Place" and now that thread is mysteriously missing... Of all the 100+ threads I've made and thousands of comments, how convenient that one is gone. Smh...
Waited a long time, tried a lot of stuff, science made me a mom.
 Loss and IF veteran. Current mom of DS 5.5, DD 2, and sometimes DH 40. Due June 2021 with TWINS

Re: Deleted thread

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    Is it on the bumpHQ board? They seem to be moving everything relating to the fiasco over there.
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    Yeah, rather than actually answering questions, they're going around deleting threads that may possibly be against TB.
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    Ugh. There was nothing wrong with it- well said and truthful. Truth hurts!
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    That's bull!
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    HayleyBug55HayleyBug55 member
    edited January 2015
    My "Just a friendly recap" thread got deleted. I could see how that thread could possibly have violated the TOU, lol. I have a question though. Do we get notified if our thread is reported? I think there's a bunch of butthurt ladies running around now that so many regulars have left or been banned.
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    This place is gross now (seriously, is there a need to discuss last months bowel movement?) and full of drive by posters. I feel it will be full of "look I had my baby" aw posts from a million people who have *never* participated before. The 'look I had my baby but I think I'm going to go join the Jan BMB' had me lol. Seriously? Your first (or close to first post) is an "aw" and "see you chicks later" post?

    If the birth announcements thread doesn't get stuck then this place is soon going to be like a goggle image search of newborns.
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    This is just plain stupid!!
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    What bull. Now I'm counting down until this one is deleted.
    Awaiting our bundle of cute chaos.

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    No more freedom of speech for you! Oi.
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