July 2015 Moms

Facebook... hot topic.

I know this has been an incredibly hot topic here in the past and I know posting this could cause some snark, as you guys know I take the punches pretty well ;) when they are deserved lol.

I was just wondering if there has been any thoughts or talk on starting a facebook group in light of the new TOU here on the bump?  I am happy to stay right here with you ladies and continue to support one another 100%, however, I am so sad to see some of the ladies understandably choosing to leave and would like there to be an alternative option for all of us to stay connected.  Just wondering how everyone feels about this!


Hailey Jo born 1/11/2011 after successful IUI


TTC #2 Since 06/2012
Me: 28 - PCOS w/ IR
DH: 29

Cycle #1 
Clomid + Ovidrel + TI = BFP

BabyFruit Ticker

Re: Facebook... hot topic.

  • Did you get a pm
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                            Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
                           BFP#1- April 24th. M/c-April 30th. BFP#2-September 11th. EDD: May 25th. 
                                      It's a girl!!! (: Madison arrived on May 19th at 6:35 am (:
                                                               * July '15 January siggy challenge.*
  • Loading the player...
  • I would be up for it.  My BMB that started a facebook group early on in first trimester when I had my son, had NONE of the crazy snark and fights that happen consistently on the bump. 

    BabyFetus Ticker
  • @cgiles - no I haven't received any PM's.  I haven't been super active on the board lately due to some things going on with my kiddo but I would certainly love to join you ladies wherever you are!

    Hailey Jo born 1/11/2011 after successful IUI


    TTC #2 Since 06/2012
    Me: 28 - PCOS w/ IR
    DH: 29

    Cycle #1 
    Clomid + Ovidrel + TI = BFP

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Am I a lunatic and not checking my PM's properly?? lol I still don't see any new messages.

    Hailey Jo born 1/11/2011 after successful IUI


    TTC #2 Since 06/2012
    Me: 28 - PCOS w/ IR
    DH: 29

    Cycle #1 
    Clomid + Ovidrel + TI = BFP

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I'd be down for a FB group.  I prefer it to the bump.  I can't connect well with screen names.  My last BMB started a FB group and while we had a few crazies it has been weeded down to a stable group of really awesome women. 

    My little goofball born 1/2012
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Could someone please pm me where everyone has moved too?
  • I can't find my PM's  :((

    Hailey Jo born 1/11/2011 after successful IUI


    TTC #2 Since 06/2012
    Me: 28 - PCOS w/ IR
    DH: 29

    Cycle #1 
    Clomid + Ovidrel + TI = BFP

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • PC

    Hailey Jo born 1/11/2011 after successful IUI


    TTC #2 Since 06/2012
    Me: 28 - PCOS w/ IR
    DH: 29

    Cycle #1 
    Clomid + Ovidrel + TI = BFP

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I'd like to do a Facebook group
  • The bump is being really glitchy right now
                              Image and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPicphoto r0614p_zpsojhlssmw.gif
                            Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
                           BFP#1- April 24th. M/c-April 30th. BFP#2-September 11th. EDD: May 25th. 
                                      It's a girl!!! (: Madison arrived on May 19th at 6:35 am (:
                                                               * July '15 January siggy challenge.*
  • That's what I thought.  Damn.  No messages.  I guess there's an issue of some sort because I also was unable to post or reply at all for a bit.

    Hailey Jo born 1/11/2011 after successful IUI


    TTC #2 Since 06/2012
    Me: 28 - PCOS w/ IR
    DH: 29

    Cycle #1 
    Clomid + Ovidrel + TI = BFP

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • @hjhmomma‌ if you're on mobile search "pm mobile" in the search bar and the first thing that should come up is a link @cookiesandwine posted. That's how I was able to check my PM and find out where all the regs went :)
  • Thanks ladies, my pm's aren't showing on PC or mobile... hopefully they will pop up soon so that I can join you all!

    Hailey Jo born 1/11/2011 after successful IUI


    TTC #2 Since 06/2012
    Me: 28 - PCOS w/ IR
    DH: 29

    Cycle #1 
    Clomid + Ovidrel + TI = BFP

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I just tried PM-ing you, @hjhmomma. I'm not confident that it worked though.. TB is being glitchy today

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • I just tried PM-ing you, @hjhmomma. I'm not confident that it worked though.. TB is being glitchy today

    I tried as well, and although the PM sent, when I checked my inbox it said I was the only one in the conversation.
  • Maybe one of you lovely ladies could email me normally since the site sucks right now. 


    No worries, this isn't an email I still use, it's pretty old so any assholes who want to send crazy stuff go right ahead.

    Hailey Jo born 1/11/2011 after successful IUI


    TTC #2 Since 06/2012
    Me: 28 - PCOS w/ IR
    DH: 29

    Cycle #1 
    Clomid + Ovidrel + TI = BFP

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • amc2511 said:

    I tried as well, and although the PM sent, when I checked my inbox it said I was the only one in the conversation.
    That's what happened to me, too!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Where has everyone been heading to? I have seen one place but when I looked last I didn't see anyone I recognized.
  • Where has everyone been heading to? I have seen one place but when I looked last I didn't see anyone I recognized.

    @kmiller102391‌ Assuming you're in the right place, then scroll down to almost the bottom of the main page. We have a BMB over there too!
  • I would also like to join a Facebook group. I also have had lots of problems sending and receiving PMs on The Bump. If someone could email me at this address to help me find a group to join on facebook as well I would appreciate it very much!!
    (This is an old email I use for junk mail not personal use.)
    Thank you ladies!!
  • I'm not sure why everyone is being so secretive about the new board.  All you have to do is go to the parenting board and the website is given in one of the board topics.  You don't need a special PM to find the place.  

    BabyFetus Ticker
  • Hi can someone send me a PM? I really like my PGAL group and I hope folks stay but just in case. ..
  • ceci8876 said:
    Hi can someone send me a PM? I really like my PGAL group and I hope folks stay but just in case. ..

  • READY4TWO said:
    I'm not sure why everyone is being so secretive about the new board.  All you have to do is go to the parenting board and the website is given in one of the board topics.  You don't need a special PM to find the place.  
    because they are also banning people who link it.
  • Make a Facebook group! Seriously!! If it gets more users off this site then I'm all for it. Just don't send me an invite. I already know where to find my friends. 

    But seriously, make the FB group. 
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic    Image and video hosting by TinyPic    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    BabyFetus Ticker
    TTGP since September 2013. All cycles were annovulatory due to Depo. 
    Surprise BFP: November 5, 2014

  • Can I get a PM?
  • Sweet Jesus I have missed a lot.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I would much rather be part of a fb group!! I'm on fb a lot more than on here
  • Can someone PM where to go? I didn't get the "hint." And when I looked for the link in the parenting board, it didn't work. I'm a bit confused..
  • Could someone please pm me where everyone has moved too?

    Me too
  • If you go to the Parenting board, it's the 3rd or 4th discussion down. It's the name of it.
    Pregnancy Ticker
    EDD 7/16/2015
    MC 8/30/2014

  • I have tried to send pm's to a few people asking and it isnt working.  Can someone pm me where to go or email me?  dickinlm@gmail.com.
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Where has everyone gone ?? Can someone please PM me ??
  • Me too! PM me so I can follow. This place is fucking terrible now
  • I'd like to join a FB group if it's created. I have zero desire to join pro boards as in my experience they never last. Please let me know if you create it.
  • I think a Facebook group would be great.
  • I went to Parenting just now and can't find it. :-( Any suggestions?
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