February 2014 Moms

Monday Monday Monday Randoms


Re: Monday Monday Monday Randoms

  • I'm up. Got myself ready for work and am downstairs making my (first) cup of coffee. 

    DD joined the ranks last night of the other F14 babies who have begun waking up screaming. That happened right around the time we were going to go to bed. I went in and rocked her to sleep, put her down, and she started screaming again. Then DH went in to rock her and the screaming was awful. Luckily, he is very patient and calm and got her to relax and go back to sleep. 

    Finally, we had peace and quiet, and fell asleep only to be woken up by DS running in to ask me (again) why the smoke alarm went off while I was cooking dinner and if there was a fire in our house. No, just some smoke because the oven was so hot. Ugh. 

    ~O)  ~O)  ~O)
    F14 January Siggy Challenge: Gym/Fitness Fails


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  • I'm up! LO is still sleeping. DH is still home. I have to call the dentist at 8, so DH is waiting to see if/when I get an appointment. I hope he goes to his office to wfh. This is my reading time!!
    F14 January Siggy Challenge: Gym/Fitness Fails
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  • I'm going to the dentist at 11. :|

    And DH is wfh until I get home. At least this breaks up my 14 hour solo day! (I did not do this on purpose.)
    F14 January Siggy Challenge: Gym/Fitness Fails
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  • Blah, Monday.

    I haven't posted much the past few days but I have been lurking (I tried to find a creepy/lurky emoji but no luck)!

    So I've picked today to tell my supervisor that I will only be working a few more weeks before becoming a SAHM. Ahhh :-SS I don't know why but I am terrified.
  • 5 interviews@elf828? That sounds exhausting! Do you know how many candidates are coming in for the final interview?
    F14 January Siggy Challenge: Gym/Fitness Fails
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  • @sjelwood‌ thanks, I can't wait for that feeling of relief after its all over! But I have to wait until our meeting at 2pm. So I'll just be sitting here stumbling over what I am going to say the entire day.
  • @elf828‌ ugggh. Will you have a pump break? I'm really crossing my fingers that it goes well!!
    F14 January Siggy Challenge: Gym/Fitness Fails
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  • There was horrible traffic this morning and A threw up in his carseat.  Not the best start to a Monday.
  • @djtippietoes‌ poor A! Hope he feels better after he's out of the car!
  • Thanks @kella0708  He just started coughing really hard and it all came up.  Ugh.  He seemed fine after though.
  • Sorry to hear that @lalaprep.  Hope she feels better soon.
  • So my dental appointment was at 11. I'm still waiting. I know it's a last minute appointment, but I can't stand this kind of stuff.

    LO was fed and drowsy when I left. And in his crib. But apparently no nap happened. So that's fun. I'm scared to think of what the rest of the day might look like.
    F14 January Siggy Challenge: Gym/Fitness Fails
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  • @katybriggs, I hope the Tylenol kicks in and A starts to feel better soon. Poor little bugger. 
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  • lalaprep said:
    So what I thought was an eczema outbreak on her chin started spreading. Went to the ER last night. Hand, foot& mouth. Poor baby. No fever, so just the rash and cranky.

    lalaprep said:
    So what I thought was an eczema outbreak on her chin started spreading. Went to the ER last night. Hand, foot& mouth. Poor baby. No fever, so just the rash and cranky.

    This has me wondering if this is what R has.  We assumed it was eczema but now I wonder.  I hope your LO heals quickly.
  • Hi ladies!

    I hope A feels better soon @KatyBriggs‌ ! Poor little guy.

    Hugs @lalaprep‌ I hope your LO feels better soon!

    No advice on paci weaning @JoyBaby5‌ just wanted to offer hugs! I know how hard and frustrating something like that can be.

  • @sakura0019 Sorry she didn’t gain more weight, but that’s great that she didn’t slide lower down the chart.  I know how stressful weight issues are.  If you ever need someone to commiserate with, PM me!

    @katybriggs Maybe it’s teeth?  I hope the Tylenol works.

  • Morning! I'm about to dive into the randoms. I'm waiting at court to testify on a work matter. I've been here a few other times but never had to actually testify. I'm scared!! I don't want to screw it up!
    I hope to create a real siggy but first I need some sleep!

    Mom to Lily and Colin!
  • Wow.  I feel like I haven't "seen" you guys in weeks....

    @elf828 GL with the interview prep and the interviews tomorrow!
    @shellbell3845 I hope they got you in/do soon and that it goes well!
    @mosaicmoscato I agree with @squirm - PIP please!
    @Sakura0019 - I'm in favor of you having 4 lo's because SUPER CUTE!
    @armfruit - you have a trick to having LO not throw his cup???  babyG doesn't exactly throw it (not yet anyways) but he deliberately reaches his arm out and drops it...
    @utpony - Have you seen Rio2?  I about died with this...

    babyG is finally healthy.  Took him to dc Thursday for the first time since before Christmas and he was ecstatic!  dcp and another parent were talking about how the other parent's 5mo had a little low grade fever but no cough and they were chalking it up to teething....  babyG crawled right over to the 5mo to say "Hey Buddy, long time no see!" - was really cute....  Until Friday we found out that the 5mo actually has RSV and was having some breathing treatments...  Now I've spent the weekend with DrGoogle, bc I have no idea how to know if babyG's got RSV or not...   So far, so good, no cough/fever, but he did wake up 7 times between 9p and 7a this morning (which is only 50% unusual, so it might be nothing)

    Also, I'm feeling so far behind on this birthday thing...  His birthday is 2 months from this past Saturday (but it's on a Tuesday) so I guess we have to figure some s**t out...

    And I think I might have to start this TriviaCrack business...Sudoku is getting boring.
    formerly skoczera
    38 y.o. w/PCOS

    F14 October Siggy Challenge - Animals in Costume

    August Siggy Challenge-Rainbows & Unicorns


    March 10, 2014 - G was born

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers    Anniversary       
  • Lo loves to watch other kids play, but she just will do her own thing as she watches.
  • @iwubrory‌ how's your lo after the lip tie revision? How are the stretches? I feel so bad doing them! It looks so sore
  • hammysmommyhammysmommy member
    edited January 2015
    @squirm - I'd take the watching but not interacting...  According to dc, babyG will notice his dc-girlfriend eyeing a toy and speedcrawl over to grab it - it's like he's saying "Oooh, she likes that toy.  It must be cool.  I must have all the cool toys".  Not that he takes it out of her hand or anything, but still, I keep worrying that he's going to be a bully...  And since it's really just the two of them (and the 5month old who's not yet mobile) they have an interesting interaction...

    When he goes to play in the toddler room, they all want to play with him and he loves that - as in they crawl around with (guarding) him and they love making him laugh & smile.
    formerly skoczera
    38 y.o. w/PCOS

    F14 October Siggy Challenge - Animals in Costume

    August Siggy Challenge-Rainbows & Unicorns


    March 10, 2014 - G was born

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers    Anniversary       
  • @CiaoMama did you ask daycare about the sign from Saturday?
    formerly skoczera
    38 y.o. w/PCOS

    F14 October Siggy Challenge - Animals in Costume

    August Siggy Challenge-Rainbows & Unicorns


    March 10, 2014 - G was born

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers    Anniversary       
  • Congrats @ChiaWombat‌ ! So exciting!
  • Congrats @ChiaWombat‌! Please tell me that the short list of names is Sam, Josh, and Toby.
    F14 January Siggy Challenge: Gym/Fitness Fails
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  • Mevaroo said:

    @Mevaroo‌ and I would also approve of Leo, Charlie, or Josiah.
    F14 January Siggy Challenge: Gym/Fitness Fails
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  • Mevaroo said:

    I'm now really bummed that I didn't know about the fantasticness of West Wing before having DS1. I could have had a theme!
    You could have more.
    F14 January Siggy Challenge: Gym/Fitness Fails
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  • Omg my child hates life today. She is so cranky!
  • I love getting caught up like that @DreamingBabies‌ !
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