Pregnant after IF

Baby Shower/Sprinkle for 2nd Baby Question

I had a baby shower with my first child, and it was great. But let's be honest, you have these types of parties to get gifts, right? Well all of us should be able to relate to the fact that when you struggle with infertility, you HATE receiving baby shower invites during the getting knocked up process. And not for nothing, even before I started trying for my first son, I hated baby showers/bridal showers/wedding showers, whatever shower. With this being my second baby, I do actually need stuff, even though it is another boy. 99% of my kids clothes came from my sister who had 2 boys before me, then I passed them back to her for her 3rd son (I swear her husband looks at her & she gets pregnant, but that's neither here nor there). So being through 4 boys, we donated everything as her 3rd is growing out of them. I gave my infant seat to a friend who could not afford one, and it will be 5 years old (the car seat) therefore it will be "expired" (did you know car seats should not be used more than 5 years?). I do have a crib, pack n play, and baby blankets, but that is really it. Sold the swing & high chair in a garage sale. We really didn't have the storage space, and with the struggle of conceiving, who knew that a second baby would have happened.

ANYWAY- Here is my question/point- is it totally rude to have a virtual baby shower? They exist, really, google it. Most of mine & my husbands family is out of state, to ask my sister to host again with a full time job and 3 kids is insane, and honestly I just want the gifts. I would be thrilled if my friends just sent me a link to their registry & said, look I know we all hate showers, here's my registry, thanks for the gift. That would be amazing!

Thoughts, suggestions?! 

My History:
Lots of BFN's & failed IUI's w/clomid and/or femara
Finally BFP with femara & t.i.- son born 6/17/2010
Started TTC again around when DS was 3ish
Lots of BFN's with femara & t.i & ovidrel
Tubes clear, S.A came back low motility but high count
About to switch to injectables w/femara, did one last cycle with just femara & an IUI with ovidrel- stupid motility was fantastic in the sample, but count was 700,000 AFTER wash! Had to sign a paper to even still do IUI- BFFP (big fat freaking positive) Go figure!

1st Beta 13dpiui 54, 2nd beta 48 hours later 115, 3rd beta 48 hours later 310, 4th beta 72 hours later 1748.

Re: Baby Shower/Sprinkle for 2nd Baby Question

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    I've had friends who had Baby "Sprinkles" thrown for their 2nd child.  As much as I'd love one, now that we are having twins, I just don't feel comfortable with it.  God knows I will need a LOT of things since DD will only be 20 months old.  That's just me. 
    Me 35, DH 36
    TTC summer 2008
    Diagnose me. DOR, DH perfect
    IUI # 1 6/2010, BFN
    IUI # 2 8/2010, BFN
    IVF # 1 10/2010 Canceled poor response
    IVF 1.2 12/2010 BFP! mc 6 weeks 2 days
    Mental health break for 10 months
    IVF # 2 10/2011 BFN
    IVF # 3 5/2012 BFP! 10 eggs retrieved (best ever)
    7 fertilized transferred 3
    Beta #1 14dpo - 72, Beta #2 17dpo 145 Beta 3 20dpo 521
    First u/s June 15 saw HB 126 bpm missed m/c 7/5/12 10 weeks D&C 7/6/12
    IVF#4 ER 9/30 ET 10/3 Beta 10/16 BFFN. IVF #5 final with o/e. ER 1/21 only 1 retrieved, hoping my lonestar is the one. Beta #1 2/6/13 = 209.... please let this be it! Keep growing lonestar! Beta #2 2/8/13 - 586! , Beta #3 2/10/13 = 1898. First u/s perfect little heart beat at 116 bpm. Measure 6 weeks 1 day. EDD 10/14/13
    3/4/13 measuring right on track beautiful heartbeat 171 bpm, graduated from RE to OB... bittersweet.
    PAIF/SAIF always welcome! Its a girl! 

    Maggie Grace is here!  10/5/13... 8lbs 6 ounces of pure joy!

    TTC#2  No birth control since DD was born.  Getting ready to jump back in the saddle.  Weaning this month. RE
    appt scheduled 5/8.   Here we go again!

    IFV# 6.  10/27  6 retrieved 4 mature 3 fertilized.  2 made it to 3dt 10/30. 1"very pretty 8 cell" and 1 6 cell.  Beta
    11/13.   Please stick embies!!!!  We love you so much already! 11/12/14  POAS, BFP... beta tomorrow!
    11/13 beta #1  924!!!  2nd bet 11/15 1906, one more on 11/17 3rd & final beta 3430.  First u/s 12/5, 7w4d, 2 heartbeats,
    both measuring right on track....2nd u/s... all is well... both beans measuring right on track... released from RE... first
    appointment with MFM 1/5.  Looks like this is really happening!


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    A friend of mine did a spa/relaxation day instead of a shower when she was expecting her second.  A few people still brought gifts, even though she said not to.  So you could have a girls day and if people bring gifts, it's a nice treat.  But I wouldn't necessarily expect it.

    Me 33, DH 37 -- TTC since Jan'12 -- Low AMH (0.78) & endo, SA w/ low motility
    IUI's 1-3 = BFN, IVF converted to IUI 4/13 = BFN
    IVF 1.2: 8R 6M 4F -- 2 blastocysts frozen, FET 8/15 = BFP!!
    Beta #s = 445;1,098; 9,545  -- EDD 5/2 -- Team Pink!
    Camila Josephine arrived 4/30 :)
  • Options
    I think a sprinkle thrown by someone else is fine. In my experience, that's usually a simple meet up tea or dinner and you bring a cute outfit kind of deal, but I would definitely side-eye a full second shower and registry, especially if it came straight from the mom. Unless you had 10+ years btw kids, etc.

    I agree with PP. Start an online registry, and if/when people ask what you need direct them to the link. I have an ongoing Amazon wish list that is private. One for me, one for DD and even one for this LO and whenever people ask for birthday or Christmas recs. I send them there. 

    Done and Done!
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

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    If I have a sprinkle, I just want it very simple- no decorations necessary, just maybe a small cake/cupcakes, and like small sandwiches or something- it would be just my close friends, and my mom, sister, since like I said most of family is out of state. My sister would throw it, even with her crazy schedule. I just don't know.

    My History:
    Lots of BFN's & failed IUI's w/clomid and/or femara
    Finally BFP with femara & t.i.- son born 6/17/2010
    Started TTC again around when DS was 3ish
    Lots of BFN's with femara & t.i & ovidrel
    Tubes clear, S.A came back low motility but high count
    About to switch to injectables w/femara, did one last cycle with just femara & an IUI with ovidrel- stupid motility was fantastic in the sample, but count was 700,000 AFTER wash! Had to sign a paper to even still do IUI- BFFP (big fat freaking positive) Go figure!

    1st Beta 13dpiui 54, 2nd beta 48 hours later 115, 3rd beta 48 hours later 310, 4th beta 72 hours later 1748.
  • Options
    If I have a sprinkle, I just want it very simple- no decorations necessary, just maybe a small cake/cupcakes, and like small sandwiches or something- it would be just my close friends, and my mom, sister, since like I said most of family is out of state. My sister would throw it, even with her crazy schedule. I just don't know.
    Make it easy, meet for brunch, lunch or dinner with your small group at a restaurant. No clean-up for your sis at her house!
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

    VOTE on my Name List

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    I think it is fine to do a sprinkle/shower for the 2nd with the idea is to see / spend time with people - but not throw it yourself (hence a sip n see).  

    This is our first and I did not do a shower (I personally just don't like them / being the center of attn, etc - and there were a lot of logistical issues to consider since neither family lives nearby - nor do our friends - all of whom have kids).  I did eventually register on Amazon - mainly for the completion discount.  I then gave that info to both moms so they could pass on to family / their close friends that asked.  Same with my friends - my closest friends asked for the info so I shared it (and I have gotten stuff for all their kids so I didn't feel as bad).

    I did buy a ton of stuff off it the other week as I am nearing my due date - things that I will need day 1, etc but any other stuff that was more for a couple months on, I didn't purchase (DH's family and many friends are Jewish so my MIL doesn't want to pass on the link until after the baby arrives - even though they have sent us stuff)

    Good luck whatever you decide!
    ***signature/ticker warning***
    Me:37 DH:39
    TTC#1 since 3/2012

    Diagnosis : Unexplained Infertility

    3 BFN rounds Clomid + IUI
    IVF 1 - BFN, 1 Frozen
    IVF 2 - BFN, 5 Frozen
    FET 1 - BFP!!! EDD 1/24/15 Beta 1: 700, Beta 2: 2,156; 1st U/S 6w3d: HB 118bpm, 2nd U/S 9w3d: HB 171bpm

    Pregnancy Ticker
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    edited January 2015
    LOL @missem15 - Haven't shared with friends, nor will I. I am just saying what I think here. I will probably end up doing a sprinkle, that my sister will host. The virtual thing started as a joke between me & my sister, then I actually googled it & found out they exist. So I wanted to see if anyone here had heard of them, or what they thought of them. There are actually sites that will host them. They are mainly for people who have friends & family far away. And honestly, I think showers are just for gifts, aren't they (for the most part)? That's mainly why I had my first one- just being honest. I mean you register, you put the info in your invite, and hope that people will buy the stuff so you don't have to. I'm just being honest, I'm sure there are many people who would disagree. I hope I didn't offend anyone or anything...

    My History:
    Lots of BFN's & failed IUI's w/clomid and/or femara
    Finally BFP with femara & t.i.- son born 6/17/2010
    Started TTC again around when DS was 3ish
    Lots of BFN's with femara & t.i & ovidrel
    Tubes clear, S.A came back low motility but high count
    About to switch to injectables w/femara, did one last cycle with just femara & an IUI with ovidrel- stupid motility was fantastic in the sample, but count was 700,000 AFTER wash! Had to sign a paper to even still do IUI- BFFP (big fat freaking positive) Go figure!

    1st Beta 13dpiui 54, 2nd beta 48 hours later 115, 3rd beta 48 hours later 310, 4th beta 72 hours later 1748.
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    Sprinkles are pretty common with the people I know. I have been to 5 in the last 2 years! They all registered, mainly for clothes/blankets/bottles, nothing big, unless they needed another car seat. And it didn't matter if second kid was same sex as first. I went to one that it was her 4th kid!

    My History:
    Lots of BFN's & failed IUI's w/clomid and/or femara
    Finally BFP with femara & t.i.- son born 6/17/2010
    Started TTC again around when DS was 3ish
    Lots of BFN's with femara & t.i & ovidrel
    Tubes clear, S.A came back low motility but high count
    About to switch to injectables w/femara, did one last cycle with just femara & an IUI with ovidrel- stupid motility was fantastic in the sample, but count was 700,000 AFTER wash! Had to sign a paper to even still do IUI- BFFP (big fat freaking positive) Go figure!

    1st Beta 13dpiui 54, 2nd beta 48 hours later 115, 3rd beta 48 hours later 310, 4th beta 72 hours later 1748.
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    AMSharkAMShark member
    edited January 2015
    I don't think letting your sister throw you a sprinkle, or pointing people who are interested to your on-line registry is outrageous.  I do think its totally a matter of knowing your audience.  

    There's always going to be someone who thinks your approach is against etiquette, or "gift grabby" (btw - this is a term that I totally learned on TB - do you think its a colloquialism they don't say in the Northeast, or am I just oblivious?) 

    Here's an example: I know a couple who've been together for almost 20 years.  When same-sex marriage finally became legal in our state, they had a full wedding ceremony and reception.  They didn't need anything really, since they'd been together for so long.  My friend was anxious over what people would think of a honeymoon registry, and I had to talk her in to doing one.
    The overwhelming majority of guests were really happy to have some direction regarding what to get them, and were happy to buy them something they'd never had before.  But, of course, there were a few gossipers who whispered that it was tacky.  And you know what - none of that whispering did a single thing to ruin their awesome honeymoon that they came back raving about.

    You know your friends and family.  You should know how they would receive it.  If you are close with your sister and you trust her opinion, ask her.
    I also like @steph1673 's advice - If your busy sister is throwing a sprinkle, keep it simple, and go to lunch/brunch at a restaurant - or tea, if you have a nice tea room near you, or a bakery that hosts afternoon tea.  Heck, I'm from Jersey - meet at a diner and order the Happy Waitress Special or pizza fries.  :D  People who want to bring you gifts will bring you gifts.  People from out of town who want to send you gifts will be happy to see that you're registered on Amazon, or where ever.

    *** eta - damn you, grammar **

    *** Ticker Warning ***

    Me: 37, DH: 39, TTC 5 yrs

    2013 summary: Diagnosed with Hypothyroid; Cervical polyp removed (benign); 
    2 rounds ovidrel with timed intercourse (no result): 3 rounds IUI with clomid + ovidrel (no result)
    2014 summary (to date):
    IVF cycle 1 - ER: 4/17 (28 follicles, 3 fertilized, 2 survived to day 3);
    ET: 4/20 (3rd day, 2 embryos - 1 @ 6 cells & 1 @ 4 cells); Beta 5/1 - BFP!; 
    1st scan 5/13 - development behind, no heartbeat detected; D&C 6/2; WTF 6/13
    IVF cycle 2 - BCP begun 7/12; stims w/ HGH begun 7/26; 
    ER: 8/6, 12 follicles, 7 fertilized w/ ICSI; ET: 8/11, 3 blastocysts left, 2 transferred, 3rd arrested 8/12 - none to freeze :'(
    1st beta 8/19 - BFP! 294; 2nd beta 8/26 - 4976; 1st u/s 9/2; 2nd u/s 9/9 - two little heartbeats at 140 each!!! 
    EDD: 29-April-2015
    Other Meds: Synthroid 100 mcg/daily

    Pregnancy Ticker
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    bunnybun4bunnybun4 member
    edited January 2015

    just being honest- throwing yourself a shower seems really tacky. and I also side-eye showers for second babies...a virtual shower seems extremely gift grabby and tacky to me.

    although you get a ton of gifts at showers- that is not the point of them.  The ultimate point is for your friends to celebrate you becoming a mom...the gifts are just an awesome bonus.

    honestly- i buy gifts for all of my friend's babies...whether it be 1st or 10th child, whether there is a shower or not...i think whoever wants to buy you a gift whether you have a shower or not...I would just register and that be it.

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

    8/12-Suprise BFP- Sweet Bunny Born Sleeping 11/21/12 (19 weeks)

    -5/7/13- MMC (8 Weeks)

    11/6/13- BO discovered at 7 weeks- natural MC 11/25/13

    8/14- Surpise IF dx...low AMH (.24)- moving on to IVF

    IVF #1- 11/14- 6R5M4F=2 perfect frosties

    12/19/14- FET of 2 embabies = BFP!!!  One Little Bean EDD: 9/3/15

    Everyone Welcome.

  • Options
    Knowing my friends & family, they would find it funny if I actually had a virtual shower, or just emailed them my registry. I guess It's just my sense of humor, you know?! I'm not going to do that though. I will ask my sister if she even wants to host a sprinkle, and then go from there!

    My History:
    Lots of BFN's & failed IUI's w/clomid and/or femara
    Finally BFP with femara & t.i.- son born 6/17/2010
    Started TTC again around when DS was 3ish
    Lots of BFN's with femara & t.i & ovidrel
    Tubes clear, S.A came back low motility but high count
    About to switch to injectables w/femara, did one last cycle with just femara & an IUI with ovidrel- stupid motility was fantastic in the sample, but count was 700,000 AFTER wash! Had to sign a paper to even still do IUI- BFFP (big fat freaking positive) Go figure!

    1st Beta 13dpiui 54, 2nd beta 48 hours later 115, 3rd beta 48 hours later 310, 4th beta 72 hours later 1748.
  • Options

    I agree with PPs. If your sister offers to hold a sprinkle, I think that's ok. Personally, my friends keep saying they're holding a shower for me and I've politely let them know that is not necessary. I feel weird having another one. You could also create a registry for some smaller needed items and point people in that direction if they ask.

    Whatever you do, don't post this on your BMB (if you post there). I really can't believe some of the users comments I read on them when I check them out. If you don't have anything useful to add, then don't hit reply. Just move on.

    MC Sept '10, MC Dec '10, DS born 2012

    Clomid + TI = BFP #1 March '13, MC April '13

    Gonal F + trigger + IUI #1 = BFP #2 10/21/13, MC 10/31/13

    Gonal F + trigger + IUI #2 = BFP #3 1/16/14, ectopic w/ heartbeat & rt salpingectomy 1/29/14

    IVF #1 - ER 5/9/14 transfer cx'd due to high P4

    FET #1 -  6/26/14 transferred 1 AA blast BFP!! Beta #1 13dp5dt - 1548 Beta #2 15dp5dt - 2748 Beta #3 18dp5dt - 7586





    BabyFruit Ticker
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    2 of my best friends from college did virtual showers.  I know it's because they are far away from friends and family that would traditionally host a shower.  One hosted her own and the other had a friend host the virtual shower.  I thought both were pretty tacky.  I would have sent something either way, even if it was for a 2nd or 3rd child. 

    Most good friends will want to send you something regardless, same with family.  And they should have no problem asking "hey are you registered anywhere" or "what items do you need for the baby"

    If it was me, I wouldn't even ask a family member if they would or wanted to host a shower, this is my first, and especially not a sprinkle for a 2nd.  If it was offered, that is one thing, but I'd never ask.  I would have a registry and just tell people if they ask.


    Me: 34, DH: 32
    TTC Since September 2012
    Dx-PCOS, Anovulation, highly irregular cycles
    March 2013 Comid 50 mg+ TI #1: BFN
    April 2013 Clomid mg + TI #2: BFN
    IVM#1 Aug 2012: BFN
    20 FEB 2014:  CP
    IUI #1 Clomid 100mg  24 FEB 2014: BFN

    IUI #2 Clomid 100mg  21 MAR 2014: BFN

    IUI#3 Follistim & trigger 21 May 2014: BFN

    IVF #1 Follistim & Menopur: 14R, 9M, 7F, transfered 2 day 3 8 cell embies

    Beta #1: 7/30: 41  Beta #2 8/1: 96   Beta #3 8/4: 796   EDD:4/9/15





    All Welcome 

  • Options
    IFinTN said:
    Knowing my friends & family, they would find it funny if I actually had a virtual shower, or just emailed them my registry. I guess It's just my sense of humor, you know?! I'm not going to do that though. I will ask my sister if she even wants to host a sprinkle, and then go from there!
    Is there a reason your sister would not offer anyway? I think it's bad form to ask someone to host the sprinkle for's different if they offer unsolicited. But I guess you know your friends/family best and how it will be received....
    We have talked about it already, just never decided on if I even was going to have one. She had asked if I wanted one, and said that if I did, she would host it. I would just want to ask her again to be sure she still wants to & has the time.

    My History:
    Lots of BFN's & failed IUI's w/clomid and/or femara
    Finally BFP with femara & t.i.- son born 6/17/2010
    Started TTC again around when DS was 3ish
    Lots of BFN's with femara & t.i & ovidrel
    Tubes clear, S.A came back low motility but high count
    About to switch to injectables w/femara, did one last cycle with just femara & an IUI with ovidrel- stupid motility was fantastic in the sample, but count was 700,000 AFTER wash! Had to sign a paper to even still do IUI- BFFP (big fat freaking positive) Go figure!

    1st Beta 13dpiui 54, 2nd beta 48 hours later 115, 3rd beta 48 hours later 310, 4th beta 72 hours later 1748.
  • Options
    IFinTN said:
    You did not offend me, I was just giving my opinion. However, you might now want to post on the Baby Shower board...they will roast you over it :)
    I just read a few discussions over there- they are funny! Yikes! Who knew baby shower etiquette was taken so seriously...

    My History:
    Lots of BFN's & failed IUI's w/clomid and/or femara
    Finally BFP with femara & t.i.- son born 6/17/2010
    Started TTC again around when DS was 3ish
    Lots of BFN's with femara & t.i & ovidrel
    Tubes clear, S.A came back low motility but high count
    About to switch to injectables w/femara, did one last cycle with just femara & an IUI with ovidrel- stupid motility was fantastic in the sample, but count was 700,000 AFTER wash! Had to sign a paper to even still do IUI- BFFP (big fat freaking positive) Go figure!

    1st Beta 13dpiui 54, 2nd beta 48 hours later 115, 3rd beta 48 hours later 310, 4th beta 72 hours later 1748.
  • Options
    bears1011bears1011 member
    edited January 2015
    Haha @amshark! I feel the same way! I've always been a bit of a germ freak, but this winter with being pregnant and the flu and stomach bug going around, I feel like I've crossed into "crazy" territory. There is hand sanitizer in every single room of my house and both of our cars. I worry when baby comes that I'm going to like hide my baby from everyone because I don't want people holding/touching/kissing him/her! At least in the summer people tend not to get sick so maybe that will help.
  • Options
    @AMShark‌ I don't think I could ever do a sip and see! Having a new, vulnerable baby is hard work! Especially when they are born during flu season :( we didn't allow visitors in the hospital with A, mostly because we wanted our privacy (our parents did come the next day in the hospital). When we got home we only allowed one family at a time, otherwise we would have been overwhelmed! Never feel bad telling sick people to stay away!
    TTC# 1 since 5/10
    Me:34 Type 1 Diabetes, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Hypothyroid DH:35 Perfect
    DX: Unexplained IF
    Many IUI's with various meds all BFFN
    IVF #1 11/11 canceled due to OHSS
    IVF #2 Feb/March 2012 ET of 2 on day 3 4/7 BFP! 5/1 u/s blighted ovum
    IVF #3 July 2012 ET of 3 on day 3 7/24 BFP!
    Healthy baby girl born at 36w4d on 3/9/13

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    TTC #2
    IVF #4 May/June 2014 ER 6/4 18R 8M 8F ET 6/9 1 blast, 2 frosties
    Beta 6/18 BFFN

    FET of 2 blasts 7/24...BFP!
    Healthy baby girl born at 36w3d on 3/17/15

    IVF #5 June 2018- PGS planned, no surviving embryos
    IVF #6 August 2018- ET of 2 on day 3 - Chemical pregnancy
    IVF #7 August 2019-....?
  • Options
    Instead of a sip & see, I would have a come over & watch the baby while I sleep- is that wrong?! KIDDING!

    I was the crazy germ lady when my first was just born, then as he got older, I am way laxed now. I'm still about him washing his hands, using a tissue, clean nails, etc., but not having other peeple disinfect before they get near him.  I feel like I'm that lady on the commercial where she is so protective against germs with the first, then the second she is at the mechanic & she hands her baby to the dirty mechanic to hold.

    My History:
    Lots of BFN's & failed IUI's w/clomid and/or femara
    Finally BFP with femara & t.i.- son born 6/17/2010
    Started TTC again around when DS was 3ish
    Lots of BFN's with femara & t.i & ovidrel
    Tubes clear, S.A came back low motility but high count
    About to switch to injectables w/femara, did one last cycle with just femara & an IUI with ovidrel- stupid motility was fantastic in the sample, but count was 700,000 AFTER wash! Had to sign a paper to even still do IUI- BFFP (big fat freaking positive) Go figure!

    1st Beta 13dpiui 54, 2nd beta 48 hours later 115, 3rd beta 48 hours later 310, 4th beta 72 hours later 1748.
  • Options
    Second showers are not really my bag. We always buy gifts for each baby of close friends and family, but the whole big shower again seems like too much.
    My husbands family started the "sprinkle" for 2nd and so on children. I was pretty annoyed with the idea at first, but I was also gearing up for IVF and admit I was jealous they were on their second and we weren't sure we could even have one.
    They do a simple lunch out at a cute restaurant, and it only includes closest family.

    The whole sip and see things are baffling to me, but maybe that's just bc I've never been to one or been invited to one. They don't seem to be a thing up here in the Midwest/or my home town.

    I agree, create a registry for discounts and completion codes. People who want to give you a gift will and if your busy mom sister offers for a sprinkle, have it be very close knit family and/or friends.
    *******Siggy Warning*******

    *Married since 11/20/10*
    *TTC since 1/12*
    *Me - PCOS * DH - Azoo*
    *IUI clomid 5/13 - BFN*
    *IUI clomid 6/13 - BFN*
    *IUI clomid 7/13 - Cancelled due to poor response*
    *IUI follistim 9/13 - Cancelled due to over response*
    *IVF #1 - 13R, 5M, 4F, 2 transferred on day 3 - BFN & nothing to freeze*
    *IVF #2 - 7R, 4M, 4F, 2 transferred on day 3 - BFP!!!!*
    *Beta #1 15dp3dt >2,000, Beta #2 21dp3dt >17,000!*
    *U/S on 6/27/14 @ 6w4d - 2 sacs, 1 HB found @ 125bpm!*
    *First OB appt 7/24/14*

    BabyFetus Ticker
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      Once you have a child, you cannot be rewelcomed.


    My History:
    Lots of BFN's & failed IUI's w/clomid and/or femara
    Finally BFP with femara & t.i.- son born 6/17/2010
    Started TTC again around when DS was 3ish
    Lots of BFN's with femara & t.i & ovidrel
    Tubes clear, S.A came back low motility but high count
    About to switch to injectables w/femara, did one last cycle with just femara & an IUI with ovidrel- stupid motility was fantastic in the sample, but count was 700,000 AFTER wash! Had to sign a paper to even still do IUI- BFFP (big fat freaking positive) Go figure!

    1st Beta 13dpiui 54, 2nd beta 48 hours later 115, 3rd beta 48 hours later 310, 4th beta 72 hours later 1748.
  • Options
    @AMShark‌ - I totally meant sip n see after 4 or so months! lol! I only am having my parents and DH's parents (who have gotten flu/tdap shots) in first month. Sister is visiting mth 2 but only if her kids are not sick (she isn't bringing them at that visit). I have relatives in the area but going to hold off having them visit until month 2 or 3 - and these are close family members!! I am completely paranoid about germs!
    ***signature/ticker warning***
    Me:37 DH:39
    TTC#1 since 3/2012

    Diagnosis : Unexplained Infertility

    3 BFN rounds Clomid + IUI
    IVF 1 - BFN, 1 Frozen
    IVF 2 - BFN, 5 Frozen
    FET 1 - BFP!!! EDD 1/24/15 Beta 1: 700, Beta 2: 2,156; 1st U/S 6w3d: HB 118bpm, 2nd U/S 9w3d: HB 171bpm

    Pregnancy Ticker
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    I would say go with sip and see. when the baby is born, everybody wants to see the newborn. 

    We didn't have a baby shower with DD, but once she was born everybody came to see her. We didn't do a registry, since people in our families like to give money when they come to see the new baby. Instead of gifts we did end up with around a thousand from friends and family. With this one we are having people come see them after they are born. 
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    I think all babies should be celebrated. I'm all for sprinkles or pampering that pregnant mom. Lately with friends we have just enjoyed hanging out together and have done things like book sprinkles for the new baby and sit around and gab or out to dinner together and gifting mom with a certificate to a mobile hair person and then maybe a onesie for the baby.

    That' said, I wouldn't be overly impressed by a virtual shower and none of the above was with the intention of gift gift gift but just a small celebration.
    Me: 32, DH: 33
    DS #1: April 2010
    DS #2: July 2015 (preemie born at 31 weeks) - our little miracle conceived through ART - unexplained secondary infertility/adenomyosis
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    I like the idea of a brunch type thing at a restaurant to hang out with friends. As for the registry - my dh has a cousin who just had her 1st and we are havingso much trouble trying to get her a gift! She's out of state and doesn't have a registry. I'd definitely recommend making a registry and giving it out when asked! It'll make life easier for you and the gift giver!

    *May Siggy Challenge - Parenting Fails*

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
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    My son is 12. I am not expecting another shower. I have literally nothing from when he was a baby. If someone offered to throw me a sprinkle, I would consider, but I'd have to really think about it. I do think it depends what is common in your social circle.

    I have to be honest though, the virtual shower thing does not sound good. (I did see that you were leaning away from that idea now).

    We *do* plan to do a registry so that if someone asks, we can pass along the information, and so that we can get the registry completion coupon.

    And of course we'll say we're due about two months earlier than we are so we can get the coupon sooner. ;-)
    **siggy warning**  **everyone welcome**

    DS- 11.07.02
    DSS- 6.26.04
    Married- 6.29.13
    TTC Again- Sept. 2013
    Test Results/Diagnosis- HSG & SA totally normal
    DX: 3/2014 Prolactinoma/Hyperprolactinemia- Started cabergoline 2/2014
    5/2014 Possible mild PCOS in addition to hyperprolactinemia??
    7/2014 Adding probable tubal factor to the diagnosis list
    9/2014 And now adding hypothyroid to the list- Started synthroid 9/2014
    Cycles 1-4 - Sept.-March- All Anovulatory 
    IUI #1 March/April-  Clomid 50mg + Clomid 100mg +Trigger + IUI #1 = BFN
     IUI #2 April/May-Clomid 100mg + Clomid 150mg + Trigger + IUI #2 + Endometrin=BFN
    IUI #3- June- Follistim 75iu + Trigger + IUI #3  Benched due to a 40 mm cyst. :-(
    IUI #3- July- Follistim 75iu + Trigger + IUI #3 + Endometrin = BFP! on 7/25/14
    Slowly rising betas - Ectopic suspected on 8/8/14 & confirmed on 8/11/14
    Methotrexate on 8/12/14 -HCG negative on 9/2/14
    IVF #1- November- Antagonist protocol: 11/1: start stims, 200iu of Follistim; 11/12 ER 17R/14M/14F; 11/17 5 day transfer of two blasts, 2 blasts and 2 expanding morulas frozen; 11/22 BFP!! (On FRER at 5dp5dt)
    Betas: 9dp5dt 205, 11dp5dt 497, 14dp5dt 1,709
    u/s at 5w0d- 1 sac; u/s at 6w0d 1 baby with heartbeat, another sac without a heartbeat

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    I don't know....maybe because I'm expecting number one, but I think the shower is to celebrate the baby. I realize that gifts are involved, but how terrible for that child to grow up seeing a big celebration for their older sibling and nothing for them! I had to beg my bff to let me do a "sprinkle" for her second child. She didn't need anything (both boys and she had all her gear) but I argued about the celebratory aspect. We did a really low-key dinner.
    Married 2007
    3 Clomid IUIs -- BFNs
    IVF #1 never made it to transfer
    On "egg health" cocktail DHEA/CoQ10/FRC/Pregnitude/Melatonin
    Starting IVF #2 for Feb 2013
    Cancelled mid-cycle due to high P4 levels early on.
    OCPs again for IVF 2.5 mid-March. IVF 2.5 transferred two "gorgeous" 5-day blasts and BFFN. Even REI is baffled
    On indefinite hold until a huge stroke of serendipity led me to IVF 3 May 2014
    Testing found positive cardiolipins/APS, now on lovenox and intralipid infusions
    Transfer of 2 5-day blasts and (FINALLY) BFFP!! 1st ultrasound shows two sacs and two HB, but one is sluggish, almost expecting vanishing twin Subsequent ultrasound confirmed vanishing twin, but my other Little critter looks fantastic!
    "You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it."
    -- Margaret Thatcher

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