Trying to Get Pregnant

Hello there! Just another intro

Hi ladies,
I've been lurking for about 3 months and decided it's finally time to introduce myself.
I'm 26, H is 27, we been married for a year, I stopped taking the pill about a month after we got married and have been temping and charting for about 6 months using FF.
We've been TTC for 4 months and I started using OPKs from Wondfo last month (thanks to a post I read here I made sure to get the right ones from Amazon).

I've had what feels like a million questions and without knowing it you all have helped me so much! I've spent endless hours searching and reading posts and already feel so much support from this community. I honestly don't know how people go through this process alone.
I am also addicted to lovetits so brace yourselves!

I promise to always google before posting any questions, I promise to offer advise and support and mostly, I promise to NEVER post pictures of pee stick! This is my promise to you, the TTC bump community, now, will you take me in as one of your own?

Married 02/2014
Me:26 Him:28
TTC since Oct '14

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