May 2015 Moms

CPW: Staying home or going back to work?

texasmama15texasmama15 member
edited January 2015 in May 2015 Moms
After the baby comes, what are your immediate plans?


CPW: Staying home or going back to work? 276 votes

Become a SAHM
11% 31 votes
Already a SAHM/SAHW and will continue
18% 52 votes
Go back to work
48% 133 votes
Go back to work but just part-time
15% 42 votes
6% 18 votes

Re: CPW: Staying home or going back to work?

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    I will have about 3 months of maternity leave and then back to work for this girl. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
    Married: 9/21/13
    TTC #1: 4/1/14
    BFP: 9/16/14 (A damn good 1 year anniversary present)
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    @veganontuesdays Exactly the same for me! 12 weeks then go back. I've already registered for daycare starting in August. Hoping I can work up until the last minute then take the 11/12 weeks at home with the baby. 

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    @veganontuesdays Exactly the same for me! 12 weeks then go back. I've already registered for daycare starting in August. Hoping I can work up until the last minute then take the 11/12 weeks at home with the baby. 
    That's definitely my game plan too. My H just switched his schedule at work to be Tues-Sat so that he can have the babe on Mondays. Saturday he will only work until noon so we will still have the whole day as a family. My dad works at a newspaper and he will be able to take the baby one other day during the week which is incredibly helpful. So looks like 3 days of daycare for us right now. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
    Married: 9/21/13
    TTC #1: 4/1/14
    BFP: 9/16/14 (A damn good 1 year anniversary present)
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    Already a SAHM. I worked til DS1 was 8 months old and have stayed home since then(8 years now). I plan on going back when all the kids are in school full time.

    DS1 2-26-07
    DS2 10-18-10
    M/C 8-5-12
    DS3  6-21-13
    #4 Due May 2015

    IT'S A BOY

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    I am already a SAHM, but babysit my niece during the day (she's 15 months). I won't be watching her anymore once the new baby comes.
    BabyFruit Ticker
    Married 5/2/09
    B/G twins born 37.5 weeks 10/25/11
    Baby 3 due 5/20/15 - It's a Girl!!
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    Until like a month ago I was a SAHM and a student but I am not taking any classes next semester and possibly the one after that.
    DS2: 8
    DS3: 2
    Due May 2015 with twin GIRLS!

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    lauranicole91lauranicole91 member
    edited January 2015
    I already work (PT-23hrs a week) and will go back to work afterwards. I plan on getting a new job though. So I'm unsure of hours.

    We moved at the beginning of 2014 and I'm 30mins away from work now. My pay and hours barely make the drive worth it so I want to find something closer to home. I've only stuck it out because I finally qualify for paid maternity leave with my current company and didn't want to risk an unpaid leave with a new job.

    Dx w/Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy 3/3/12
    Induced 3/13/12 @ 37w2d | DD born 3/14/12 6:31pm 6lbs 15oz 19"
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    I've been on a leave of absence from my school district since April 2013.  I'll probably stay out for one more full school year and return in the fall of 2016.  (Daycare for 3 > teacher salary.)
    It's ridiculous how expensive daycare is! I wonder how much it varies from state to state. I can't imagine having to pay for 3--I can definitely see how the SAHM option is much better in this situation. At least being a teacher you always have the opportunity to jump back in when you're ready! 

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    I have a 52 weeks leave and will probably be returning to work afterwards.
    Well, by returning I mean finding a new job.
    I would like to be a SAHM until school starts but... Money.

    Pregnancy Ticker


    IT'S A BOY!
    Due 5/25/2015
    Likely to arrive via induction or c-sec 1-2 weeks early

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    I'll have to stay at home. But I have no clue how we will make it work yet. It's driving me crazy. I'm thinking of starting something on Etsy but idk yet. Has anyone else had any luck with Etsy as a seller?
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    I seem to be in the minority, but I will be staying home when baby comes. The cost of child care vs. what I make just does make sense (if I were to keep working 40 hrs a week, I would be netting roughly $15,000 pre tax after childcare. 40 hrs a week, at a stressful job I am not crazy about, plus not raising my little one for only $15,000 pre-tax? doesn't make sense to me).

    Hubby and I have been saving a lot, and plan on cutting back on a lot of luxuries when baby comes (less eating out, forgoing pricey vacations for a few years, getting rid of cable, couponing etc). If will be tough, but I feel that being home with lil Jack will be worth it!

    BabyFetus Ticker
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    12 weeks maternity leave then its back to work I go. My BFF (a former daycare worker) keeps reassuring me that kids do better in daycare when they go from infancy than when they start as toddlers. So I guess there's that...
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    My plan is SAHM - although I'm thinking I will keep my hand in at my job by doing the minimum of one weekend a month. That way when LO starts school I can add more hours.
    Myself: 30 Hubs: 30  Married in 2010
    BFP: 9/17/2014 (and 9/18...and 9/19...)
    Estimated Due: 5/22/2015
    First one :)

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    I plan on going back to work after 12 weeks of maternity leave.  I make more money than DH and if anything he would become a SAHD, but that doens't make sense for us financially right now.  

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    This pregnancy, although unexpected, was timed perfectly. I graduate in May (2 weeks after I'm due) and I'm PT waitress and will do that a few days a week and hopefully start a teaching job in late July/August. So I'll have about 3 months off from full time work. Just can't understand why I have to pay bills *every month...
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    I get 12 weeks of maternity leave then it's back to work for me. I wish I could take off an extra 3 months but oh well.
    May '15 January siggy challenge:
    * Me: 33, DH: 34 * Married 11.10.06 *
    DS 10.2.07 | DD 7.27.10 | 4 angel babies
    BFP #7 | EDD 5.15.15 | It's a BOY!
     BabyFetus Ticker  
    image  image
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    I'm currently a stay at home mom and will probably continue to be one as long as I can. Daycare is expensive and since I'm not having to pay for it, even tho I'm not working, it's still saving money. But things may change.
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    The day before I got my BFP, I learned I would be losing my job in a few months.  But I get full coverage through April (with my severance package) and maternity leave through June.  The timing couldn't be better, so I saw it as a sign to stay home for a bit.  

    Me 33, DH 37 -- TTC since Jan'12 -- Low AMH (0.78) & endo, SA w/ low motility
    IUI's 1-3 = BFN, IVF converted to IUI 4/13 = BFN
    IVF 1.2: 8R 6M 4F -- 2 blastocysts frozen, FET 8/15 = BFP!!
    Beta #s = 445;1,098; 9,545  -- EDD 5/2 -- Team Pink!
    Camila Josephine arrived 4/30 :)
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    I am an IC so I pretty much work as I want/need to.i will probably work less, but I will still take jobs here and there.

    IAmPregnant Ticker
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    I desperately wish I could be a SAHM. I'll have 6 weeks off, possibly 8, then I'll back to work. So sad...

    TTC #1: June 2014

    BFP: 09/07/2014 EDD: May 18th, 2015

    Me: 27 DH: 30

    Married: August 31, 2012 <3

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    Hoping for per diem or id have to be sahm daycare for twins would be more than my weekly salary, which would make no sense
    TTC starting 8/2014 :)
    BFP 8/27/14  EDD 5/9/2015 9/25/2014 ITS TWINS!!! <3<3 
    12/25/14 twin boys <3

    BabyFetus Ticker

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    I voted SS.  I'm going to be working from home.  I know it probably won't be easy, but my boss doesn't want me to leave so we are both going to try it.  If I pull my hair out, I will probably do something part time.  I won't be returning fill time to the office. 

    TTC since March 2012
    DX: MFI (4% motility)

    Cycle 13: Natural cycle w/ HSG test = BFP
    Identical twins! 
    Lost my angel boys at 10.5 weeks

    Cycle 14-16: Natural Cycles = BFN
    Cycle 17: Follistim + Trigger + IUI = BFN
    Cycle 18: Natural Cycle = BFN
    Cycle 19: Follistim + Trigger +IUI#2
    Polyp found: SIS 11/11 - hysteroscopy 11/14
    Cycle 20: Follistim + IUI#2 = BFFN
    Cycle 21: Follistim (adj. dosage) + IUI#3 TI  = BFN
    IUI cancelled due to weather
    Cycle 22: Follistim + IUI#3.1 = BFN

    Cycle 23: treatment break, IVF consult
    Cycle 24 - 26: natural cycle w/ acupuncture + Chinese herbs = BFN
    Cycle 27: Follistim + IUI#4 = BFFN
    Natural Cycles until IVF
    Cycle 30: IVF#1 - Starting with Menopur + Follistim + Ganirelix
    17 retrieved, 12 fertilized, 5dt w/ 2 blasts, 5 frosties

    Betas:  #1-156(9dp5dt), #2-1200(13dp5) #3-6112(17dp5)
    Ultrasound #1 10/6: 1 bean!

    My Chart

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    I am definitely going back to work, at least for the first year. I will take 12 weeks (mostly), and then my dad will be watching baby full-time for free, so we can save up. I am thinking in a year I will go to part-time, so I can spend more time as a mom. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Luckily in the UK you can take a year if you want to and can afford it. We can't unfortunately, but I'll go back at 6months when statutory pay kicks in. Maybe 5, depending on whether hubs shares my leave with me :)
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    SS - I haven't decided yet, and it feels like possibly the most stressful baby-related decision so far. I currently work PT with no benefits. I love my current role at work, but I'm 99% sure my non-optional transition to a different team is going to be finalized this week. I'm extremely bummed about it and upset about how it was handled, so that has soured the whole decision and made it incredibly difficult to make the decision with a clear head.

    With the cost of part-time childcare, I was already leaning toward staying home. I'm really grateful that it's even an option for me to consider, but it's so hard to know how I'll feel once the baby is here and we settle into a rhythm. I guess if I'm totally stir-crazy I could try to find a new PT job.


    BabyFruit Ticker  image
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    When I have days like today at work I wish I didn't have to go back. However, we wouldn't survive on one income. That being said we are having a hard time finding childcare. DH works twelves so even though we both work full time, we only need part time childcare. Part time childcare is hard to find. :-/
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    I said special snowflake, because while i intend to become a stay at home mom. I actually wont make that decision until closer to the end of my maternity leave (1 year in Canada) I already have a daughter who will be 3 when baby comes and I just dont know how well i will be able to handle it, and whether or not i will miss the break of going to work. That being said. IF i do go back to work, it will only be part time as im currently finding it very difficult working full time and keeping up with the household without feeling guilty about missing time with my husband and daughter.

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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    Special Snowflake - I'm a PhD student and I have been saving up my fellowship terms/applying to fellowship terms so I will not have to teach all next year. I will effectively be a SAHM for a year, but it will be more like "work from home" because I will still have to write two chapters of my dissertation that year.

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    I voted SS as well.  I'm very lucky and get to enjoy the year off with our little guy. DH and I will sit down and evaluate our situation closer to my date of return. I love working but would really love to do it part time while the kiddos were small if we could swing it. 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    I already work part time and will be going back with the same hours ( 2 12 hour shifts per week).


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    I already don't want to think about leaving my babies :((
    Luckily I'm a teacher and get the summer off.
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    @ajzmommy My best friend is the same way -- can't fathom the thought of not working. She thinks it's weird that I want to stay home! I say do whatever works for you.

    @molls332233  I'm in the minority with you, based on what I was making at my old job it doesn't make much financial sense for me to work right now. Well, that, and...

    I've been planning to SAH for a while, and we're used to one income by now - I quit my job when I moved here from Canada 2 years ago. We decided I wouldn't look for a job after I got my green card because I absolutely can't wrap my head around the thought of going back to work after 12 weeks (...or less! and sometimes unpaid! and you sometimes have to use your vacation time!), since at home the norm was to have a full year's paid leave. I know you ladies all do what you have to do given the circumstances, all I can say is that I'm thankful that we are lucky enough to be able to survive on my husband's income (he makes more than 2x what I made at my old job). We don't live a life of luxury, but we are okay. Anyway, I was looking forward to some time off after a few very busy and emotionally exhausting years, and I knew we were going to start trying for a baby after a year of marriage (we dated long distance for 2.5 years and I moved here 6 weeks before the wedding so it was important to have that time for just us), so I wasn't too concerned with finding work. The long-term plan is for me to rejoin the workforce once we have kids (or at least one) in school.
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    I'm SS because I technically SAH, but I also watch a kiddo to earn the benjamins! ;)

    I'll probably take about a month off to recover a little and so DD and I can get settled into a routine with the new little one, then I'll start keeping the kiddo again.
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    I work from home. I get 8 weeks maternity leave and 6 weeks new parent leave.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    I am a nanny of two older kids and have a degree in teaching. Plan on working and having baby with me and other two kids. Will take off 4-6 weeks. Glad to have a job that will let me take my little one with me and have extra hands to help me!
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    I chose ss-- I will be changing careers and becoming a WAHM.

    Monster #1- Hunter Fillmore! 10.1.11
     MC 3.20.14 -- 8w3d
    MC 7.11.14-- 5w4d
    Monsterette #2- EDD  5.9.15


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    I was dead-set on going back to work after my twins.  Then I ended up on bedrest for 2 months and they were in the NICU for 6 weeks.  When they came home all I wanted to do was be with them so I never went back to work! I'm planning on going back part time when this baby turns 1.5.
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    I'm a student and work as a manager full time at a coffee shop. I won't get paid maternity leave and I'm a single mom, so I will be going back to work asap.
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    I voted SS* because I currently work full time, however we have a lot of things that need to happen before we decide on whether I will go back or not. We both feel I should stay home for a little while, but we need to officially buy our house, I have student loans and he has a car loan plus we need to factor baby in. I nervous about money if I stay home. If I could I wouldn't go back for a few years, but we will see.
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