LGBT Parenting

TTC Check In

I was up early for blood work, so I will get us started today.

Please share with us where you/your partner are at with your TTC journey.

******Please remember to refrain from posting anything BFP related in this thread. This is a safe thread for all of us on the TTC journey. Anything BFP related should be posted in a separate thread if you want to share. Thank you*******

QOTW: What's the weather like where you're at today?

Me: 30  DW (aka C): 29

Together since 2/15/11 ~ Legally married in NY on 9/29/12

***CP mentioned***

We've been working on baby #1 since July 2013 using Open ID donor sperm.  8 IUI attempts with 5 actual IUIs and one chemical pregnancy.  We have one fresh IVF cycle under our belts as well as a FET.  I have endometriosis and a uterine septum that was corrected via surgery in November 2013. 

11/14/14 -  Second HSG shows that tubes are still clear and ute is looking good. 

12/6/14 - Started BCPs in prep for IVF #2

12/22/14 - Saline u/s and endometrial scratch (All was clear and OUCH!)

1/2/15 - Began stimming for IVF #2

 ****All Welcome!****

We are Mommas to four fur babies - 3 dogs and 1 cat.


Re: TTC Check In

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    I'm 4dpo -- this month, we did ICI one day before ovulation and ovulation day. (Yep, New Year's Eve and New Year's Day! Ha.) This is attempt number eight (3 IUI, 5 ICI). We are off to Portugal on Thursday and I'm hoping (HOPING) to not give any of this a thought while we're away. 

    We are still considering the known donor route if this isn't our cycle but we'll cross that bridge mid-January... 

    QOTW -- It's 51F here today. Overcast but some lovely light on the way back from converting our civil partnership into  full marriage this morning. (Yay!) Sort of can't believe how much warmer it is here than where everyone else is! Then again, the temperature is usually between 35 and 65 all year round. 
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    StacyLH24StacyLH24 member
    edited January 2015
    @sarahtrpt‌ - Ask away about IVF! Many of us on the board have done it, so feel free to use our knowledge and experience.

    @TwoMomsInTX‌ - I hope things get moving quickly so that you can get an IUI in this month.

    @CrazyAunt84‌ - I'm glad to see that you're staying busy. I promise that the time will pass quickly. It'll all be here before you know it.

    @channe9 - FX that this cycle works for you. I hope you enjoy your trip!

    I had just blood work this morning. The nurse called a bit ago and I'm staying at 450 Gonal-F and 10 units HCG. I started stimming on Friday. We go back on Thursday for blood work and u/s. I'm excited to see what's brewing in my ovaries.

    I had my second appointment with the chiropractor today and she commented again that getting everything lined up and in the proper place may help with my fertility. I hope she is correct. I go back one more time this week and then probably just once next week.

    ETA - I realized today that my ER will be some day next week. Time is flying by this time!

    QOTW: It is cold, snowy and windy here! Our trip to and from Buffalo wasn't so fun - that's what prompted the QOTW. It's about 14F here. The low for Wednesday is -3 the last time I checked with a high of 8. Yesterday it was 51F - no lie! What a change in 24 hours.

    Me: 30  DW (aka C): 29

    Together since 2/15/11 ~ Legally married in NY on 9/29/12

    ***CP mentioned***

    We've been working on baby #1 since July 2013 using Open ID donor sperm.  8 IUI attempts with 5 actual IUIs and one chemical pregnancy.  We have one fresh IVF cycle under our belts as well as a FET.  I have endometriosis and a uterine septum that was corrected via surgery in November 2013. 

    11/14/14 -  Second HSG shows that tubes are still clear and ute is looking good. 

    12/6/14 - Started BCPs in prep for IVF #2

    12/22/14 - Saline u/s and endometrial scratch (All was clear and OUCH!)

    1/2/15 - Began stimming for IVF #2

     ****All Welcome!****

    We are Mommas to four fur babies - 3 dogs and 1 cat.


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    @stringy813‌ - I'm sorry for your BFN. I'm glad that you have found a way to move forward with a plan that you feel comfortable with.

    An addition to my earlier post....stimming was easier when pants were optional. In July I could wear loose summer dresses. Not so much in WNY during January.

    Me: 30  DW (aka C): 29

    Together since 2/15/11 ~ Legally married in NY on 9/29/12

    ***CP mentioned***

    We've been working on baby #1 since July 2013 using Open ID donor sperm.  8 IUI attempts with 5 actual IUIs and one chemical pregnancy.  We have one fresh IVF cycle under our belts as well as a FET.  I have endometriosis and a uterine septum that was corrected via surgery in November 2013. 

    11/14/14 -  Second HSG shows that tubes are still clear and ute is looking good. 

    12/6/14 - Started BCPs in prep for IVF #2

    12/22/14 - Saline u/s and endometrial scratch (All was clear and OUCH!)

    1/2/15 - Began stimming for IVF #2

     ****All Welcome!****

    We are Mommas to four fur babies - 3 dogs and 1 cat.


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    Nothing happening with us yet, still too soon. But we do have a phone appointment with our OB in Saskatoon for a bit of a review and to rule out any additional testing I might need to do before we try again.

    I hope we can start trying again asap.

    QOTW: it was about -30 here today. Right now it's -19, feels like -27. At least it's not -41 like it was a few days ago. Warming up again next week, so that's awesome!
    I'm 35, DW is 33
    Together since Dec 2007
    Married since 18 June 2011

    TTC #1
    1st IUI - trigger, 9 July 14 at midnight, IUI - 11 July 14 at noon - BFP!!
    10 Dec 14 - Lost our Baby Girl to Hydrops & Cycstic Hygroma due to Turner Syndrome
    TTC #2
    2nd IUI - hoping to try for our Rainbow in the Spring
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    We are buying the swimmers TODAY! I have a preconception check-up with my gyn next Tuesday, and then we are going to an RE seminar on Wednesday. We already know we are going with this RE (they have rave reviews, a good track record for IUI and are covered under my insurance) and it looks like we are going to be going for all the tests next cycle, which should begin around February 5th. At my preconception check-up/annual women's wellness, I am going to ask my gyno if she can go ahead and book my HSG for the following day just to get it out of the way this month. I have to wait unto February to get my baselines.
    In the state where I live, ICI using a sperm bank is not allowed, so up on the table it is for us. However, we are actually kind of glad about that small detail. It may be a discriminatory law (there is only one other state that has this law) but for some reason, being "banned" from other options makes me feel confident in our personal choice. We are going with a bank that is not local with a completely anon donor. After a year of working out the details, this is the decision we have made, and now I can't wait to get started!
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    What I meant to say was that we already know we are going with this RE clinic, but by going to the seminar, we get some credits towards various procedures. Saving money is always a plus!
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    Sorry, I am new to this whole forum discussion thing, so to answer the QOTD, when I woke up this morning to temp, it was 19 degrees outside. But now it is sunny, clear and 49 degrees! Still a little bit of a bite, but it is very nice out. 
     I have been distracting myself from counting cycle days (I have looked at my chart and monitor three different times today....still CD4....damn....) by cleaning and getting other stuff in order. I am off work today and working on some graduate admissions applications.
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