March 2015 Moms

Asshole things family said over the holidays.... Just to make you feel warm and fuzzy.

My family is full of assholes. These are just a few of the dick headed things they said.

Grandma bought me an xxl bath food because "it will be nice at the hospital and even after, because you probably won't lose all that weight."

Husband's grandma "oh, how much have you gained? Forty? Is that healthy? I gained 50 with my oldest, but it was all water. It doesn't look like any of your weight is water"

Husband's uncle "when are you due? March 20th? Looks like if could be tomorrow"

And personal favorite.

Salvation army bell ringer. "you look like your ready to pop! Me: not until March 20th. Her: you sure there isn't a twin hiding in there?"

What is the worst thing someone said to you over the holidays?

Re: Asshole things family said over the holidays.... Just to make you feel warm and fuzzy.

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    @jarrard1983‌ - I had a Salvation Army bell ringer say something very similar to me.
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    "Wow, look how wide your ass is!"
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    A hole at work asks when I'm due "march 11th". "Oh wow you look ready to go into labor any second", keep in mind I've only gained 13 pounds.....
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    I can't stand "Are you sure it isn't twins??"

    No one could believe how big I was, (I'm 27 weeks) and everyone thinks it's a girl (we're team green) judging by the way I look. Which basically means they all buy into the "if you are huge and are showing all over and your face looks like dog shit, you must be having a girl" old wives tales. :)

    So far, nothing crazy from strangers. Just smiles and "when are you due?"

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    "I hate to say it but N is really a polite little girl" (my mother to me about my dd). I know mom it really is so awful to pay me a compliment.
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    I've gotten the twin comment like everyone else but stranger at Subway told me after asking how far along I was, "Wow. Isn't it crazy how much bigger you get with your second. "


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    I posted this in the "thanks but no thanks thread" but dh's step mom told us "don't worry, next year when you have a little one you'll get more presents too." (in regards to how much we got vs. how much dh's stepbrother got)
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    My FIL asked me about how big the baby was at this point in pregnancy (28 weeks). I said 1.5-2lbs and 12-14 inches long but really skinny because they are building up fat in the end. He looked at my belly, then asked "So why is your belly soooo large if the baby is still so small?" Thanks dude. 

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    All from my husbands crazy bitchy aunt:
    1.) "oh, you can definitely tell you're pregnant with a girl"
    2.) After overhearing me tell someone that my feet are swollen.."oh yeah, you look swollen everywhere"
    3.) "are you tired? You look very tired", I'm creating a human and working full time while chasing around a 4 year old..not tired at all.

    And my grandmother likes to constantly say "I just can't believe how big you are!" Really? You can't believe I look like I'm 7 months pregnant? Grrrr
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    Yup I got "looks like she's ready to come tomorrow." I'm due March 8. Also got "everyone gets bigger with their second." I've gained the same amount of weight as my first. Same size... "No way you're over 160." Uh, yeah...I'm normally around 140, which is healthy for 5'7. Put on about 22 lbs now. I think for 30 weeks, that's not bad.

    Then hearing my teeny tiny sis in law (who is 24 wks) tell her anorexic-looking friend "Guess how much I weigh? 117!!" Calm down dear. You're not a cow.
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    My aunt said "wow look at you are you sure the baby is due in march and not sooner?"
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    What is wrong with people??????
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    My SIL (also pregnant) "How much have you gained so far?"
    Me "unfortunately I just hit 20 pounds"
    My MIL "I only gained 10 with Andy (my husband) and he was 8 pounds when he was born"
    Awesome, thanks ya jerk!
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    thursdaythursday member
    edited December 2014
    My SIL's brother tells me please don't give my baby a muslim name because all my brothers kids have muslim names... Please keep in mind I am the only actual muslim in my family my brother is not.. Also keep in mind that out of his four daughters only the oldest has a Muslim name the rest have made up names that have no origin but in the mind of their crazy parents... My daughter is named Sofia which is a pretty common name around the world and in America so I don't even know what he is talking about!
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    I always get comments from my FIL's gf. 

    "Oh wow, you look big! My niece is due with twins a few weeks after you and she's super skinny and still small."

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    My H's friend saw me standing up and SCREAMS "WOW YOU REALLY GOT FAT!" My response was "I'm pregnant, what's your excuse?"

    We come from a big Italian family and I don't remember who said it bot I got "you don't look pregnant from behind, and that's because you aren't eating enough."

    Before Christmas, I was shopping at Kohl's. I got a pain in my side, so I rubbed it a natural reaction. This old lady who was standing next to me said "You are spoiling that baby already and it should be taken away from you the moment it is born." I turned around and said "Excuse me?" Thinking maybe there was some mistake, and she stated I was coddling the baby and will be a horrible mother, and that's what's wrong with America today.

    Then there was the 2¢ everyone put in because we don't have a name picked out yet.
    And finally "I think you have a name picked out but you aren't telling anyone because you don't want to know yet."

    Seriously we haven't picked out a name.
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    thursday said:

    My SIL's brother tells me please don't give my baby a muslim name because all my brothers kids have muslim names... Please keep in mind I am the only actual muslim in my family my brother is not.. Also keep in mind that out of his four daughters only the oldest has a Muslim name the rest have made up names that have no origin but in the mind of their crazy parents...

    That's so awful! What's wrong with Muslim names? That's not just a superficial remark- there's some weird hate buried in there. :(
    He is just an ass... He also told me I just need a beard. I guess cause I am fat (not seven months pregnant) like Santa Clause????
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    My Jerk of an uncle told me several times that I didn't look pregnant; just that I had been eating too much pie.

    And my grandma has been making comments to everybody else in the family that she isnt sure I am old enough or ready to have a baby and I have no idea what I am getting in to... I am 28 years old and shes been complaining for about 5 years that I wasnt settling down with a husband and kids.
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    @jennypm this isn't baby related, and didn't happen over the holidays, but my aunt said something similar to me at my wedding. She walks up to us as we're getting everyone ready for a big family group picture after the ceremony and looks at me and says "you look tired." I was so mad, I couldn't even think of anything to say at the time, but later I wish I would have said "well I just planned a wedding, what's your excuse?"
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    SO when I was getting ready the other day "wow your ass is huge!"
    Me: wow thanks.. (Insert death stare)
    He tried to recover by saying that's a good thing. Yeahhhhh nice try buddy

    Yesturday at a holiday get together I was eating a few mini powdered donuts when someone asked me if I'd had any weird cravings. I said just been craving a lot of baked goods. Then he said "clearly you are giving into those cravings!" *stares at my donuts*...
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    We are still working on picking a name and my stepdad vehemently insisted that we don't use our (right now) #1 name choice because they know people whose last name is that and they're not very good people. Then my mom goes on to talk about them like they are friends.

    Everyone wants to have a say in what we name our son. This is why I didn't want to tell anyone what we were discussing until we 100% picked a name.
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    Someone who knows I'm half black and white said "you thought of any names yet?"
    Me-"yes we have a few picked" (not keen on telling everyone just yet)
    Person- "omg! Don't give your daughter a black name! That would be horrible."

    Um excuse me? There are a million things wrong with what that whole statement. I couldn't even reply my jaw dropped to the floor.
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    My blood still boils thinking about it. I just couldn't believe the stupidity coming from someone's mouth.
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    Someone who knows I'm half black and white said "you thought of any names yet?"
    Me-"yes we have a few picked" (not keen on telling everyone just yet)
    Person- "omg! Don't give your daughter a black name! That would be horrible."

    Um excuse me? There are a million things wrong with what that whole statement. I couldn't even reply my jaw dropped to the floor.

    I can't believe someone would say that. I thought I had heard the worst. People become insane when they get around pregnant woman.
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    Step grandma: "you need to hold those legs shut 1 extra day so we can have a St. Patricks Day baby" (they are super irish obviously lol) i guess it really wasn't rude just weird lol btw I'm not irish and could give 2 shits less if we have a holiday baby. In fact my SO specifically DOES NOT want her born on St. Patricks day cuz he thinks that it will give her an extra excuse to drink on her birthday lol other than that i got really lucky. Mostly good comments! ;)
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    My aunt gave me some make up because "you really need to do yourself up. You're so blah lately."

    I almost punched her.
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