
BF and flu

this feels like a ridiculous question but since BM is a bodily fluid, can you transmit things like the flu through it?

The stomach flu is going around here and my stomach is feeling off. Trying to figure out if I should pump and dump and use my stash to minimize the chances of my nine month olds getting it.


Re: BF and flu

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    No! Your milk will provide antibodies to ward off the flu if nothing else. I'd just practice extra hand washing and trying to avoid kissing baby til you feel better. Good luck mama, try to get some rest and drink extra water!


    -My step-daughter is 12 years old.

    -BFP #1 on 9/2/12, D&C 10/18/12 no heartbeat on US @ 10 weeks.

    -BFP #2 on 1/7/13, R was born on 9/22/13 via C-Section

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    Exactly what pp said. You are baby's best defense. Also keep separate hand towels for your famy!
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    Thanks all. Hate feeling like this for babies' first Christmas but at least I can give them some good antibodies!
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    Definitely breastfeed while you are sick! As hard as it is to do (and as insane as it sounds) I used to love when I'd get sick while breastfeeding because I knew I was passing along all of those good antibodies. Last year, when LO was 7 months old, me, DH and DD1 all got the stomach flu. Bigtime. I had it a couple days after DH and I pretty much laid in bed half dead all day, but DH brought me the baby and I breastfed while resting, and she did not get it! This stuff is gold.
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