July 2014 Moms


Release those inners demons....


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    So after I made the comment Friday about rather having a baby that nurses in the middle of the night instead of having a period...well fuck you body.  I got my period THAT night.  Womp womp!

    On another note, I tried those soft cups(Diva cup, Luna) things instead of tampons (fuck you, too, tampons). I really liked them and will probably use those forever and always until no longer needed.  I won't go into detail on the first time I used it though....BLEEECCCHHH!

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    I am just tired, like the rest of you all.
    DD has started rolling to her tummy but hasn't figured out how to roll back. This is all fine and dandy except at night when she wakes up screaming because she is on her stomach and can't roll back. I'm sleepy!
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    I missed the last day to edit my subscribe and save shipment yesterday.

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    Forgot today is the office staff holiday luncheon, which means no baby/nursing time at lunch and my pumping output today has been crap.

    Also, it's the week of Christmas.  All my work was requested to be completed by the 15th.  I haven't had anything to do for over a week, yet here I am trying to find busy work.  
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    DH decided to install the fan in DD's room right at the beginning of morning nap time. I am now wide awake in my bed with my sleeping baby in my arms. I need to unpack the f*ing house still. He better hurry. Bless his heart.
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    My 3 year old is PMS'ing today. Holy hell, that child. I almost can't wait for work. Good luck, babysitter!
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    DD's Snuza went off at 5am so I had to hoof it upstairs to make sure she was ok. Since she was as sleeping so peacefully I picked her up to get some sweet cuddles in. When I went back to my room I slipped on the stairs somehow and crashed hard on my butt. I swear my coccyx or some other part of my pelvis is broken. It hurts so bad.
    Also I need to pack and clean and finish Christmas shopping today and DD is pretty much insisting that I sit around and hold her. She is being stinking cute so it's kinda ok. I'll suffer the wrath of DH tonight.
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    Need to vent. It's been the weekend from hell. Came home Friday to find DH completely disoriented. Went to the ER, can't find the cause. He knows where he is and who he is, but after 5 min he will ask what we are doing or where the baby is or what our plans are (think Tom in 50 First Dates). He doesn't remember anything. ER sent us home because they didn't have anything else to do and basically said find a neurologist Monday. That has turned out to be a nightmare. On top of it, I haven't been able to pump regularly and with the stress my supply has tanked. Thank God for our family and friends helping with LO. I just want my DH back.
    Oh my goodness, that sounds so scary!  Don't ever watch "Monsters Inside Me" on Animal Planet. I REALLY hope the specialist can find out what is causing it and pray that he returns to "normal". 

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    @bullybutt‌ I am now googling these mysterious period cups you speak of.

    It seems super gross, but it's actually less messy and a PITA than tampons/pads.  You can't feel it at all and once you figure out how to get it out, it's not that bad.  I'm sold on it!

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    Need to vent. It's been the weekend from hell. Came home Friday to find DH completely disoriented. Went to the ER, can't find the cause. He knows where he is and who he is, but after 5 min he will ask what we are doing or where the baby is or what our plans are (think Tom in 50 First Dates). He doesn't remember anything. ER sent us home because they didn't have anything else to do and basically said find a neurologist Monday. That has turned out to be a nightmare. On top of it, I haven't been able to pump regularly and with the stress my supply has tanked. Thank God for our family and friends helping with LO.
    I just want my DH back.

    I'm sorry you're going through this. My thoughts and prayers are with you and hopefully everything turns out okay.
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    mrscutforthmrscutforth member
    edited December 2014
    DHs regular days off rotation (this week) is Thurs- Sun. He just texted me and told me that he has to work the day after Christmas and and his entire days off rotation. He only gets half a day Wed and part of Thurs because he will go back to work around 8pm Thurs night. He seriously won't be home for more than 20hrs. He might as well not waste his time coming home when he won't be here that long. I'm beyond livid. 

    ETA: Spelling

    ZBC 11/2012 & SNC 7/2014

    bridemaids angry penis annie

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    My AC broke. It's 80 degrees in my house. Baby was up every 2 hours to nurse because he was so warm. I'm exhausted and hot. The ac guys better be able to fix it or I'm staying in a hotel. Or putting DH in charge of baby's night time feedings.
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    My LO got the flu last week, then gave it to me. My house is a mess since no one felt good enough to clean (and apparently my DH doesn't know how to do dishes...) and we are going out of town tomorrow.  I cannot stand leaving a messy house.

    On a positive note, I love Tamiflu.
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    darkangel42darkangel42 member
    edited January 2015
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    @LolaSimonLove sending lots of thoughts and prayers for you and your family!  That sounds so scary.  I hope it all turns out okay.

    MBF: LO had been doing pretty decent sleeping at night, except for one night last week when a storm scared him at night (understandable).  Then last night, he woke up crying at 2 am and finished eating around 2:45...then woke up again at 5:45.  So pretty much almost a newborn schedule.  My body's not used to that anymore, so all of my muscles and bones feel sore and tired.

    My fingers...even the bones of my fingers seem to be hurting from fatigue!  I've never been so tired that my bones hurt, but now I know how bone-tired feels!

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    Hope your DH gets some answers soon @LolaSimonLove‌ *hugs*
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    @LolaSimonLove‌ , hats so scary. Live and prayers coming your way

    MBF: at thanksgiving we agreed to host my husbands family for Christmas this coming Saturday. Meal planning and present delivery has depended on that. Today, after texting a cute picture of DS to MIL, she responds 'can't wait to see you Thursday at 1'

    Apparently the plan changed and no one notified us. And 1pm is in the middle of DD's nap time. And MIL still wants us to be able to have the magic of Christmas morning at our house. Even though we will just be leaving after DS's mid morning bottle so we can get there in time for the girl Tibet SOMETHING and start her nap before the grown ups have lunch. These are her only grandkids. I'm really curious, if not for my pic I text, if she would have called Thursday asking where we were.

    Oh yeah, and we are still hosting a gathering in Sunday, just not official 'christmas'
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    @LolaSimonLove‌ thoughts and prayers to you! Hopefully they find out what happened/he gets better soon!
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    I missed the last day to edit my subscribe and save shipment yesterday.

    It's prime .. Free shipping back!

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    @LolaSimonLove‌ that's so scary!! I hope you guys get answers soon. Prayers for you guys!
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