Natural Birth

"Home birth is selfish."

Hi ladies. Just thought I would share this gem. I have a friend who works and has a nanny watch her daughter during the day. I have become good friends with the nanny. The nanny is very into natural birth and is training to become a doula. When she has children some day, she hopes to have a home water birth. My friend knows all of this, but they were having a discussion recently and my friend told the nanny that she thinks women who plan home births are selfish because they are only thinking of their own comfort and not considering that the baby might need emergency personnel available. The nanny was offended and told her that in many other countries home birth is the norm and that it has better outcomes than hospital births, but my friend just brushed it off. She is pregnant and due next month and she has scheduled an ultrasound at all of her remaining appointments so she can bond with the baby. She is not high-risk, she just wants to see the baby. That's her choice, but it's so unnecessary. Anyway, I just wanted to vent about it here. It also annoyed me because my friend knows we are planning a home birth and when we told her she acted excited like she thought it was great. Guess she really thinks I'm selfish. 

Would anyone like to share other ridiculous comments you've heard about home birth or natural birth? Just for fun. 

Re: "Home birth is selfish."

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    Ugh! That's judgmental. I think they need to do their research. Assuming something did go wrong at a home birth and a hospital was nearby, it's not like a complication immediately jeopardizes the baby/mom. There's usually time for these things. And, she's low risk!

    I've been getting judgment left and right. Like the previous poster, lots of eye rolls and yeah rights. Sometimes I can shrug it off and sometimes it effects me (those hormonal days ;) when the words of "you're def getting an epi" start to effect me.

    Ignore them!!!
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    Not sure if I'll even go the Nat. birth route (I've been reconsidering over the past few days - fear I guess), but I told DH that I think a home birth would be neat (laid back, relaxed, not so much poking and prodding).  He thinks people would think we're weird.  He likes to go with the flow of traffic, so getting him to agree to something "different" can be quite difficult.  

    GSx1 - 05/13/2013
    GSx2 for T&B - EDD 6/21/2015 - They're having a GIRL!

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    Aw man, I probably would've enjoyed your angry response. I'm with you! 
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    Two of my four births were home births. They were awesome and my favorite births. I personally do not care for hospital births but will probably be having one with this one (my 5th) for various reasons. With my first they pushed a c-section because my dr was impatient. I had a perfect v-birth absolutely no tearing. Anyone who tells me home births are selfish or terrible has no idea what they are talking about so I just ignore it.
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     Also people do not like to believe that interventions CAN CREATE emergencies which require much more intervention. They like to believe, oh thank The Lord I was at the hospital when my baby started to have heart troubles after 30 hours on pit. I'm sooooo glad I had continuous monitoring. They were able to get me into a csection immediately. 
    Yes! I keep hearing stories like "Thank god I was in the hospital because interventions caused me to need a c-section!" It is so backwards. But I just smile and nod, if I told them what I know I feel like it would devalue their already difficult birth experience. A lot of women need to feel that their bad birth experiences were 100% out of their control. Sometimes true emergencies happen and thank goodness for hospitals and surgery, but it's not a common occurrence. Women in my midwives care have a 3% chance of cesarean, while low risk women with my old OB had a 30% chance. 

    My SIL is a great example of medical interventions ending in a cesarean. She truly believes her body is incapable of giving birth. Her membranes ruptured at 40 weeks but she didn't go into labor right away. She was immediately admitted and put on pitocin, then given an epi, and other drugs, and given 12 hours to dilate. No bishops score or anything was considered. Then she was rushed in for an emergency c-section with her doctor telling her that her pelvis is too narrow to birth her 6 lb baby, she would never dilate fully, and later that the cord was wrapped around the baby's neck so thank god they did a c-section because you know nuchal cords are death sentences (sarcasm - they are very common). She was so out of it and doesn't remember any of her daughter's birth. She didn't even see her for over an hour afterwards and has had a lot of healing issues, still dealing with pain at the incision site 7 years later. Who knows how different this would have been if she was given 48 hours for labor to get started and encouraged through a natural birth. It may have still ended the same way, I realize, but seeing what she went through makes me so much more sure of our plan. 
    BabyFetus Ticker
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    I think that what most of us want (assuming here) is for others to know that they have choices. Whatever choice they make is totally up to them and none of our business. We just want them to be informed!
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    Patrick: born at home on January 14, 2014

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    I think @paintheair14 put it so well. 

    It is really hard to hear some women say things like, "Can I refuse X?" or "My doctor won't allow...."  There are women out there who don't realize they have a choice, which is really scary to me. 
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    I've heard so many rude comments about home birth. I don't make rude comments about hospital births to people. It's all about choices available and no one should judge someone else for choosing something they wouldn't. I've had both hospital (pre-e) and home birth, and I would never choose hospital birth for myself because of how long it took me to recover both times, and my 2 babies from hospital births ended up jaundice where my home birther didn't. Go figure...
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    Stephij1 said:
    I think @paintheair14 put it so well. 

    It is really hard to hear some women say things like, "Can I refuse X?" or "My doctor won't allow...."  There are women out there who don't realize they have a choice, which is really scary to me. 
    This. Every time I hear a woman say, "My Dr won't let me..." without a good medical reason behind it, it makes me stabby. You are an adult and your Dr is not some all-knowing overlord. Of course listening to their advice is good, but making your own decision based on that advice (and research) is much more important.
    I agree with this so much. So many people treat doctors like they're gods. Yes, they are smart people who are knowledgeable in their field, but you still have to take responsibility for your own medical care. Informed consent only works if you're actually informed.
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    I'm so glad that I was lucky enough to have a home birth with family, two midwives, and a doula. What is fascinating is that a highly skilled midwife knows red flags to observe for which would make her want to transfer you to a hospital. I loved giving birth at home
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    I agree with PP who said judgments either way are wrong. I think that woman the OP knows should have kept her opinion to herself.

    It sounds so strange to complain about being judged as you completely judge someone else. (not everyone here but common with many homebirth and med free birth advocates I know) Not every woman is uninformed if they don't want a med free and/or home birth. It is not automatically ignorance if a woman is afraid of or just doesn't agree with a home birth. It is however rude and wrong if that woman insults someone else.

    Choosing a hospital birth, allowing interventions, ending up with a c-section, none of those means a woman is ignorant, fearful of birth or felt she couldn't do it on her own. Being glad you were able to have a c-section is not stupid or uninformed.

    I did not fear birth and I completely trust my body but I do not feel comfortable or safe having a home birth. I am aware of the facts. I have gone med free and had an epidural. Some people hate the epidural, some people find it evil. I loved it. Next time I will probably go med free but maybe not. I know women who also loved the epidural and see no reason to feel all the pain if they don't have to. That is just as valid a choice as anything else.

    We don't know what goes on during labour and delivery unless we are directly involved. I agree the c-section rate is higher than needed but who are we to decide which were necessary and which were not. No matter how the situation sounds you are viewing it from the outside. In fact, I don't think a c-section is a good choice unless it is required but I would never say anything negative to a woman who chose to have one for no medical reason. (and it does happen)

    Things are biased from both sides.
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    Hello! I'm new to the natural birth board but so glad to have found it! We are planning a home birth in May with 2 midwives and a Doula - no family :)

    Really the most ignorant comment I've heard so far came from my best friend when I told her how lucky I felt that my health insurance will give me up to $500 for home birth supplies. Her response?

    "What, like a bucket and a mop?"

    Honestly. How ignorant. Then I launched in to my spiel about midwives and how they are highly trained medical professionals who come fully equipped with oxygen, piticoin in case of hemorrhage, etc.

    I do my best not to be judgmental back when I hear things like that and just calmly explain why I believe this is the best option for me. I also love to throw out the statistic while only 10% or so of women medically need a c-section the rate at the renowned hospital near my house has a nearly 40% rate of c-section. 

    BabyFetus Ticker
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    With our first, my mom told me I was doing a home birth just to spite her and if the baby died it would be all my fault.  Thanks for the support mom.  She was much more open to it the second time and now this time around.

    Lilypie Maternity tickers

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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    This article about a recent study done in the UK on midwife-attended and home births should be helpful:

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