2nd Trimester

Co-Workers commenting on your big belly

How do you deal with co-workers who constantly tell you how big you are getting and say you have to be having twins because your belly is so big? I'm 22 weeks and I've gained 6 lbs so far. Most of my pre-pregnancy clothes still fit except recently my skinny jeans have become tight but I can still button them. I'm trying to let their comments go in one ear and out the other but as a person who has always struggled with my weight and I'm trying to accept that I will gain weight during pregnancy it is really hard for me to hear these kinds of comments. I really want to punch them in the face but I'm at work (plus I'm not that kind of person it just makes me angry!)

Re: Co-Workers commenting on your big belly

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    I'm sorry your having this problem. But 6 lbs is nothing. You're doing great! I work with 98% men and they can be very stupid with their comments. I'm 24 weeks and have gained about 30 lbs. The only advice I can give is just to comment on something back. Like their receeding hairline. That's what I will be doing. It's funny how someone can tell me "wow, you've really let yourself go..." when they only have FOUR teeth!
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    Like PP said I mostly work with men...they don't have filters.there have been some comments that certainly be construed as rude, it all depends on how you take it. I tend to make a joke out of it or ask what they'll think in a few more months when I am still pregnant. To some any size pregnant belly seems huge. They aren't used to it. I dish it back sometimes too. Thankfully the men I work with will accept and laugh at an FU for the comment! If it truly bothers you though, find a way to say so.
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    Today I had a client ask how the baby is doing and how my maternity leave was. Apparently I look more like I haven't lost the weight yet than 6 months pregnant. For some reason it bugged me even more than the people who say I look ready to pop! It's really tedious to have people comment on your body, especially when it feels so unfamiliar. I try to remind myself that they mean well. I think you should say something along the lines of, "you can't possibly think saying that will make me feel good, please don't comment on my body."
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    Being the snarky bitch I am I would say yours is too! Smile and walk away. That will stop them in their tracks and think again. It's hard enough being pregnant without people's stupid comments, this is the time you can get away with it and blame it on your hormones.
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    I would ask them "really? And how far along are you?"

    Just what I would say!!
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    cherylann1222 It's actually a violation of most company policy and can be considered harassment. Commenting on a person's physical appearance has zero place in a the workplace and if it's something that's truly bothering you and/or people are really being rude or out of line, you have the right to speak with your HR Department and have it addressed.
    Even if you are comfortable enough speaking to the person directly, I would honestly speak to your HR Dept. anyway -- just in case anything came of it.
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    I think people want to talk about the baby/pregnancy but are ignorant in their comments. One co-worker told me that I was too big, was I having twins. I told her that she is not the baby whisperer and she can keep her comments to herself. That stopped it so far.

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    It's almost like that's a thing people think they're supposed to say. Like appropriate pregnant lady small talk includes "you look ready to pop!" or"are you sure it's not twins?" or "better get that extra sleep while you can!"

    It's absolutely a dick move to comment on a coworker's body, pregnant or not, but in the interest of keeping your sanity and self esteem, just try to remind yourself that they don't MEAN to be assholes.
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    I think a rolled up newspaper or a spray bottle could be used to correct bad behavior if only because they'd be completely shocked. The news of the crazy lady would spread. No one wants to mess with a crazy person.

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    I work with mostly men. On particular guy gives me crap all the time saying I'm always eating (even though I haven't even gained weight.......yet). I gave him a wine cork with a note saying "open mouth. Insert" in his Xmas stocking.
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    I had a co-worker yell down the hallway "you totally look pregnant from behind" I glared at her and said 'thanks I really needed that' /sarcasm. She then came back to tell me that she did not mean to offend it was just that I DID look like a pregnant woman, even from the back. I did not know if that was an apology or reprimand. Not that I really cared. I just gave her the pointed look at her protuberant belly, raised an eyebrow, and let the uncomfortable silence fill the room. Honestly if the pregnant woman says anything or reacts harshly most people are just gonna think she is super hormonal. I prefer the uncomfortable silence (count to ten) everyone hates it and it makes people less likely to engage the next time. Also good practice for parenthood. Basically (most) people are basically harmless. They want to say something but have no idea what to say. I stand by the opinion the only appropriate thing to say is congratulations or you look great.
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    Just say "thank you doctor." in a sarcastic tone and walk away.

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