2nd Trimester

staying well during flu season

How are you keeping colds/the flu at bay? The front page of Fox News didn't ease my fears this morning, lol....ah well. (https://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,559062,00.html) 

I've been taking my prenatal vitamin, drinking a little V8 every morning before work (and keeping little cans at my desk!), using hand sanitizer constantly, and have stopped biting my nails/touching my face. I really think it's staved off some stuff already--everyone in my office is getting sick with SOMEthing. I'm also trying to sleep a lot more and not stress out... reminding myself work is work, just get er done, and it's not worth fretting over. Good lessons to learn overall, I guess!

I'm thinking to myself, why am I not always this diligent during cold/flu season?? I probably could've avoided tons of colds from previous years! :) 

Re: staying well during flu season

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    using hand sanitizer constantly, and have stopped biting my nails/touching my face...everyone in my office is getting sick with SOMEthing. I'm also trying to sleep a lot more and not stress out... reminding myself work is work, just get er done, and it's not worth fretting over.

    Same here.  Those that are sick know to stay far away from me!  I make sure my family washes their hands as soon as they walk in the door every day.

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    Everything that you suggested sound fine...I'm basically doing the same. Also keep Clorox wipes/Lysol and wipe down your desk, keyboard, mouse, and phone every few days. And I find that drinking Airborne really helps me (if your doctor allows it).

    My other suggestion is that if you feel like you are coming down with something, stay home from work and rest up so that your body can recover before it gets a full-blown illness. Then hopefully you will only be off work for that one day and not many more!

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    You are not the only one... I have been freaking out about germs... anytime I sneeze (or anyone else for the matter) the hand sanitizer comes out... I sing happy birthday to myself while I wash my hands (sometimes twice)... and I've been disinfecting my house constantly. Yup, if only I could be this much of a germaphobe when not pregnant. lol
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    i didn't read the article BUT....don't listen to fox new....EVER...they are the devilDevil
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    Actually, the article just explained why pregnant ladies are more susceptible to sickness: a) we have a vulnerable immune system, and b) if we happen to get something like pneumonia after having the flu, that's when the serious complications can really happen. So take good care!

    Those are just facts! :)

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    I'm a stickler for sanitation, when someone coughs or sneezes near me I even hold my breath for 30 seconds or so....but I'm sick right now with a terrible cold anyway so....yeah I have a feeling it's going to be a long winter! 

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    I was trying sooooo hard, but it didn't work.  I got a cold this week.  And we leave tomorrow for a week's vacation Sad
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    I was trying sooooo hard, but it didn't work.  I got a cold this week.  And we leave tomorrow for a week's vacation Sad

    Aww, I'm sorry to hear it. Well, if it's gonna happen it happens! I hope you feel better soon!!

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