January 2015 Moms

Friday Randoms

(Zoe Claire- born at 33.6 weeks- November 19, '14 - 5lbs 15oz)

Re: Friday Randoms

  • Tossed and turned all night. Woke up around 5:00 am naturally and had a cuddle session with DH, so that was nice :)

    Friday!!! Finally!
  • It's Friday! YAY! DH left for work so I am alone getting kiddo to daycare. NBD, but I hope there's a donut waiting on my desk when I get in to work. Happy Friday everyone.

    I need so many donuts. Happy Friday!
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  • I got up at 5:15 to get DS ready for DH to drop him off at DC, and I haven't been able to get back to sleep. I need to get up at 6:15 anyway. I have a meeting with my director from about 8:30 to 10:30. When am I going to eat my second breakfast?
  • Just smashed some frosted flakes and have crawled back into bed. Surprised I'm not more sleepy for only getting 3-4 hours of sleep... It'll prob hit me later when it's time to get ready to go on my date with DH. Boo.

    Just realized tomorrow is 12/13/14. That would be a special birthday date! Too bad it's just a little too early.
  • Holy cow my first pregnancy leg cramps happened about 20 mins ago and it was awful... I wow up screaming and scared my husband lol... I told water and heating pad now, like a trooper he got right on it. Here's to drinking extra water today never want that to happen again.
  • Had my doctor appt yesterday and I'm fully effaced and 3 1/2 cm dilated... Doctor's thinking it could be this weekend! So, so close for team green to find out the sex! I'm most definitely driving out of my way to work for dunkin doughnuts this morning!
    How exciting, appointment twin!  Today could be your last day of driving to work; I'm so jealous.  All I found out is that I'm GBS+ and the baby is a normal weight…  No end in sight still.
  • Mini MIL rant:

    DH calls her the other night with a list of names.  She likes some, dislikes some, fine.  He then talks about what to do with our kids when I'm in the hospital (we literally only have her).  She volunteers her 91 year old mother for the job.  I love DH's grandma, but 3 kids for 2 days seems like WAY too much.  Why does MIL have to suck so bad?  Last time she babysat was on my 30th bday and we had to be back in 2 hours because she had to work in the morning.  I will be 32 in February.  I just wish they had a normal grandma...
  • @snowbaby1214‌ glad your little one can cook a little longer! My body, supposedly can't hold a baby very long. The doctor's said that I have a short gestational age.

    Sorry to hear that you are GBS+. That antibiotic sucks but is totally worth it if it protects the baby!
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  • I haven't been on TB in a long time and it makes me a little sads. Work is busy, and I have trouble keeping up and it's rare I get on any time of social media after work.
  • Heading out to a cabin tonight for the weekend.  For the most part I'm looking forward to it even if it does mean more work for me.  I laughed this morning when dh tried to put his meal suggestions in.  Seriously, we are leaving at noon and you think that 7:30 am the day of is a good time, especially when you can see I have the counters covered in food.  

    I'm proud of myself for laughing at him and not hurling food at him.
    After 8 yrs of ttc little one is due Jan. 28

    Big brother is excited to meet this little one!

  • Happy Friday! Only one more until I'm done working until the end of March!

    I am very ready for the weekend, hoping to have DH build the crib and me do absolutely nothing!

    @Maebb‌ I really need some of that monkey bread!
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Had my doctor appt yesterday and I'm fully effaced and 3 1/2 cm dilated... Doctor's thinking it could be this weekend! So, so close for team green to find out the sex! I'm most definitely driving out of my way to work for dunkin doughnuts this morning!

    You and me both!  Except I'm only between 50-60% effaced, but 3.5cm dilated and found out at our appointment yesterday.  How exciting that we could both have adorable squishy faced babies any day now?!  Enjoy your Dunkin!
  • Day off! Coffee date with a good friend this morning, then home to prep for weekend guests. I'm fending off a cold which sucks but I have some time to rest this weekend. All our guests are old friends and won't mind if I waddle off to bed early.
    Now to plan a doughnut procurement strategy...
  • @saiven‌ me toooo, baby is taking allll my energy. I hope it means they're doing well in there!
  • @snowbaby1214, I often wonder if I'm babying my 11 year old with the whole santa thing too. I was never formally informed by my parents and that's basically what I've done with my daughter- even though I am certain that she knows. I never felt lied to about him either... it really made my childhood magical even though my younger cousin told me the truth when I was 9- I still believed. :)


  • @saiven‌ ahh I have nightmares about leaving my oven on all night. Glad you all are alright!
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • My randoms-
    I hate when my SO leaves for work at 4:30 am... I can't sleep now.

    I shouldn't have eaten a carne asada burrito and special quesadilla with a side of beans at 9:30 last night. What was I thinking?!?!


  • @saiven:  Thank you!  You definitely made me feel better.  MIL just sucks; there is no reasoning with her.  She is the most selfish person I know.  She just throws cheap gifts at the kids and never spends any time with them.  She'll drop by sometimes on the weekend since she's been engaged to this guy but she barely talks to the kids; she just tries to gossip with me.  She doesn't even say goodbye to them when she leaves!  She is always promising to take them out and never does.  Last year, for the boy's birthdays, she said she would take them to Toys R Us and let them pick something and then never delivered.  I ended up doing it and saying the gifts were from her but she was busy.  And she usually has a sports bottle filled w/ white wine w/ her.  She knows her only son is dying from the same thing she lost her DH to 2 years ago; you'd think she would care more about her family than skinny jeans, tacky jewelry and stilettos.  Wow; I need to stop.  I appreciate the gesture of the gifts and drop-bys, even if it is totally for show.  Holy shit.  I'm a naggy bitch.  How is your day going?

    @megan81112:  Happy 8th birthday to your LO!  Still a baby to me ;)
  • While eating biscuits and gravy, one of my coworkers came up and asked me to help him with something. "um I don't think so, you can wait until this prego finishes stuffing her face!" I think I woke up a little cranky today. Haha he looked at me rather frightened. [-X
    Thank goodness it's Friday!
  • @snowbaby1214, I often wonder if I'm babying my 11 year old with the whole santa thing too. I was never formally informed by my parents and that's basically what I've done with my daughter- even though I am certain that she knows. I never felt lied to about him either... it really made my childhood magical even though my younger cousin told me the truth when I was 9- I still believed. :)
    Glad I am not alone!  Last year, DS eluded to the fact and I looked at him square in the eye and said, "Santa will not come for you if you talk like that out loud."  There is usually just one or two small things from DH and I and the rest are from Big Red.

    I remember being super pissed that my parents lied to me.  I was 8 and Gremlins was on TV.  It was one of the two times in my life that I yelled at my mother.
  • Made it through yesterday with my contractions sitting about 7 minutes apart. Finally, got them to stop around 9 and got some decent sleep only waking up with some pretty rough contractions a few times! I am def paying for it today as I waddle down the hallway! 
  • Kids are at school and fiance is at work. I'm trying to relax some before I do any final christmas shopping today. My body is sore and I have been cramping for 2 days now, I'm assuming its my cervix dilating/ body prepping since apparently my mucus plug has been falling out, gross! Also waiting for nurse to call to give me the all clear to travel 2 hours away for my great aunts memorial. Until then I think a nice warm/hot shower is in order.
  • @SaraBilly10315‌ the exact same thing happened to me !!

    Worst Charlie horse in my calf in the middle of the night. Woke up screaming and scared the bejesus out of DH who thought I was going into labor.

  • Wicked hip pain yesterday.  Last night I had a warm bath after dinner and had DH help my stretch out my hip flexors with my awesome physio cheat sheet.  I was able to stop waddling like a pirate and woke up this morning  with above average mobility.  Hooray! 
  • so I just found out that someone I know wife left him with his three kids. The kids are all under ten...What mother leaves her children, let alone right before Christmas, youngest is like 4...I'm so devastated for him and his kids. :( 
  • @britb618, I just teared up a bit :-(
  • So I already had two biscuits with gravy this morning as stated earlier. One of my regulars just brought in DUNKIN DONUTS!! So I of course just ate one with sprinkles. Little lady is going to be bouncing around all day. I guess I should drink extra water to try and wash some of the sugar out. Lol
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