July 2015 Moms

Monday Symptoms/Lack of Symptoms

Feeling icky? Feeling great? Post about it here!

Re: Monday Symptoms/Lack of Symptoms

  • Feeling headachey. I can't tell if it is dehydration, tension, or something else.  Super annoying and makes me want to just go back to bed.  Happy Monday! :-/
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  • The dreams have started. Oh god, they can stop. They can stop right now. *thousand yard stare*
    July 2015 January Siggy Challenge
    H & I: 31
    Married: 06/04/2005
    BFP: 11/14/2014
    EDD: 07/26/2015
    (Fur Baby: Aspasia of Miletus)

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  • I'm cramping, I think it's just gas or poop. Also boobs hurt and nauseous. Symptoms are in full swing today.
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                           BFP#1- April 24th. M/c-April 30th. BFP#2-September 11th. EDD: May 25th. 
                                      It's a girl!!! (: Madison arrived on May 19th at 6:35 am (:
                                                               * July '15 January siggy challenge.*
  • So nauseous today. It's not even 9am yet and I've thrown up twice. Hopefully I can keep down all the water I'm supposed to drink before my first ultrasound today....
  • Wondering how I will make it through work the next couple of weeks. Dry heaving twice this morning and super exhausted. I am at the point where I can't think straight and I have no motivation. I feel worst for my husband and students because I feel pretty useless right now.

    July 2015 Siggy Challenge

    Snow Fails

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • After 2 weeks of intense gnarly symptoms, I have had nothing much the past couple of days but some fatigue. On one hand, yay I feel pretty much normal again. But on the other hand, now I'm all paranoid that something is wrong. 
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • My stomach is not my friend.  We haven't been getting along at all for the past three days.  I feel bad for DS because he's already getting bored playing alone. 


    @officedronette- praying that you have an amazing scan today!    

  • I'm an emotional roller coaster, ugh. I also feel really light headed and nauseous, like I'm gonna vomit and then pass out at any moment. I'm having on an off cramps and I'm really just miserable.

    Is it Wednesday yet?
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • MackalackMackalack member
    edited December 2014
    @dancingbelle that's me, 100%.  I just want to lay on the couch/in bed and do absolutely nothing.  I'm so tired I can barely function, and while I felt good Friday and Saturday, the nausea came back yesterday.  I heaved once this morning due to the trash in the garage - thank goodness it's trash day tomorrow.  I'm almost in tears because DH leaves in about an hour and a half for Seattle and I dont' know how I can handle all day of work and all evening with DD whose been a pill already today.  I have 12 hours to go until I can crash - I can make it.  Right?
    July '15 January Siggy - snow fails
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  • @Mackalack‌ we can do it! Yesterday DH asked if we were having a second child after going through this! Haha! I said, well other people seem to think it's worth it :) Sending well wishes for your DH's travels and your sanity :)

    July 2015 Siggy Challenge

    Snow Fails

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • So far, so good today!  A little nauseous first thing this morning, but it went away pretty quickly after I ate some breakfast.  

    I'm actually surprised I feel ok, since I had a pretty crappy night of sleep last night.
  • First ultrasound today... Nervous as hell!!!!
  • Violin recital today and I feel horrible. The struggle is real.
  • Today feels pretty typical ... Tired, headachey, a little queasy and my boobs are sore. I would love to be back in bed like I was practically all weekend! My DH said he can't believe how much I've been able to sleep lately. Anxious/excited for Thursday when I have my 7 wk ultrasound.
  • I am starving or nausous all day. I am also just so exhausted all the time. I am ready for some energy back.
                                                                              Married 12/17/2011
                                                                                  K born 8/31/12                                 
                                                                                  C born 1/11/14
                                                                  BFP #3 Nov 2014: D&C January 2015
                                                                  BFP #4 Sept 2016: Due May 31 2017

  • I did have a lot of energy last night/ this morning but I have crashed and can't wait to go home and sit like a lump on the couch. Hopefully the kids are ok with this plan.

    Also have a mild headache and since Tylenol is not worth my time, I'll just sit here in annoyance. And I'm super hungry!! I'm using all my willpower to not go get a snack 1 hour before lunch.
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  • Young_LoveYoung_Love member
    edited December 2014
    Young_Love said: After 2 weeks of intense gnarly symptoms, I have had nothing much the past couple of days but some fatigue. On one hand, yay I feel pretty much normal again. But on the other hand, now I'm all paranoid that something is wrong.  ~quote fail~
    Well, I guess the good(?) news is that I dry heaved all the way to the office thanks to cafeteria smells, so I guess I don't need to be
    that paranoid.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • Lots of pressure and pulling today. I just had a bite of a jack in the box donut and now I feel like I'm going to throw it back up.
    I also have the start of a headache. Upping my water intake and when dh gets home I'm taking a nap. Slept 9 hours last night and feel like I barely slept.
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  • So tired. It's really starting to interfere with my normal functions. I slept from 9p to 8a this morning. Still feel like I got hit by a bus. Hoping it gets better in the 2nd trimester!
  • I'm still freaking exhausted. Thankfully the spotting I was having stopped over the weekend.

    MH and I got in a big argument last night. Turns out he thought I wasn't even happy to be having a baby and that I didn't want it. I felt awful and explained that I am happy but I'm still so worried that it's hard for me to just be joyful and carefree. 

    I realized that just because I share how I'm feeling on here I need to remember to share it with him too. 

    I'm glad we talked and hopefully I'll feel less anxious after my next appointment on Wednesday. 
    Married 2006
    Surprise BFP Feb 2008 MC at 6w2d

    TTC since May 2014       
    BFP! 10/28/14       EDD 7/5/15

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  • I have been having pains in my lower right quadrant - it comes in spurts and is around my groin and lower abdomen in specific spots. Have a call in to the nurse to see if it's something to be concerned about. Has anyone else experienced something similar?

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • ecgal87ecgal87 member
    edited December 2014
    Young_Love said:
    After 2 weeks of intense gnarly symptoms, I have had nothing much the past couple of days but some fatigue. On one hand, yay I feel pretty much normal again. But on the other hand, now I'm all paranoid that something is wrong. 
    ~quote fail~

    Well, I guess the good(?) news is that I dry heaved all the way to the office thanks to cafeteria smells, so I guess I don't need to be that paranoid.

    With my first, I lost typical symptoms by 9 weeks. I only had some nausea about weeks 7-9 and my boobs were never really sore. Hopefully you'll be done with the nausea soon!

    I'm having so much more nausea this time around as well as sore boobs from the start. Smells are awful this time around, too. I'm hoping this doesn't last several more weeks.

    BabyFetus Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    June 2010- Got married after 6 years of dating
    May 2013- Bennett was born
    Nov 2014- BFP! Due Date 7/27/2015

  • I feel like death. I didn't leave my bed yesterday except to pee and fill my water. Luckily dh is a sweet heart and he picked me up some soup and apples and ginger ale. Today I am still feeling terrible hoping it lightens up a bit soon.
  • Was nauseous all night and finally puked at 4:30. Been dry heaving since. 24 hour nausea has set in.
    Pregnancy Ticker

  • I'm feeling ok a little worried thinking that I over did it by carrying my three year old a few blocks while I was out earlier....so I'm about to drink some water and relax a bit until I have to go get my two from school.
  • I'm also feeling extremely tired and I can feel my heart beating a bit faster - nothing too alarming but I was anxious at my physical on Friday and it was speeding along. My doctor wants to me to monitor it but didn't seem too worried. I can sense my resting heart beat is up a bit- maybe 10 points or so. I'm tired as hell and my boobs are sore otherwise I'm feeling lucky that I haven't gotten sick. I had a bit of cramping and pulling in my 5th week and my doctor had me go for an ultrasound to make sure it wasn't a tubular pregnancy - good news it wasn't and we could see a faint heartbeat. Encouraging news this far.
  • Urg! Serious case of vomiting over strong smells, causes me to shake. It's awful, I wish I didn't boast about my morning sickness dissapearing now! :-t
  • Feeling crampy. After being highly active in weeks five and six, everything seemed to have calmed down, and now at almost nine, things seem like they're moving again. Just a lot of random pulling sensations and some tightness. I'm also hyper aware because I'm in the middle of my loss milestones and going in for a scan this afternoon. Hopefully all is well and I'm reassured for a little bit.
    Good luck today!
  • dalia123 said:
    First ultrasound today... Nervous as hell!!!!
    Good luck!
  • SAHMommieSAHMommie member
    edited December 2014
    well m/s got the best of me yesterday but I was fine the rest of the day until the evening. I went to bed so nausea. Night time seems to be the worst for feeling awful and I'm thinking its because my prenatal which never bothered me before.
    All was fine this morning except that I REALLY didn't want to get out of bed.
    I am starting to feel a nausea right now. I should probably eat something before it gets to bad.
    Also my acne EVERYWHERE is still in full force but my bad/big ones are finally shrinking thanks to my awesome skin care products. 
    Oh and greasy so greasy! My hair and skin. I do usually get oily but I can usually go every other day without the need to wash my hair and its so bad I feel like I should wash it everyday!

    Those having headaches. Try putting a warm compress on your head. When I get headaches that works for me. I put my heating pad on low. If nothing else it takes the edge off while I waiting for the Tylenol to kick in. 
  • amc2511 said:

    So nauseous today. It's not even 9am yet and I've thrown up twice. Hopefully I can keep down all the water I'm supposed to drink before my first ultrasound today....

    Good luck today!!
  • Dreams.
    I had a terrible dream last night that I was miscarrying. I was crying and crying and I couldn't find SO. It was so horrible. Everything was so vivid. I was glad to wake up.
  • jgrace82 said:

    I had a terrible dream last night that I was miscarrying. I was crying and crying and I couldn't find SO. It was so horrible. Everything was so vivid. I was glad to wake up.

    @jgrace82‌ Those dreams are the worst! I just had one while I was taking a nap this morning.
  • Tired to the point of collapse...it's fine to have a nap in the middle of the afternoon at work right? No other major symptoms though so should count myself lucky!
  • so so tired. like Beyond tired. I'm normally not one to fall asleep while riding passenger in the car. I think every time DH and I have gone someone the last few days, I've dozed off!

    Also, shortness of breath. IDK if that's common with anyone else, but it is slightly concerning for me!

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    BabyFruit Ticker

    January '15 Siggy Challenge




  • I had a little bit of brown discharge today and freaked out. Still a little bit freaked, but I have a U/S tomorrow. I had a tad bit of nausea earlier, but besides that and a little bit of fatigue I feel pretty good.
  • I was so emotional last night. I cried about my grandma passing away two years ago!! I miss her so much!! Today- dizzy, exhausted and just blah. I had a tone of plans to do today...I will be happy if I at least find the energy to cook dinner today. I crave chocolate now, which is so weird, as so far it has been all salt and pickles. Also, a lot of pinching sensations today, and some last night. Kinda cool, because I know exactly where the baby is, and that is exactly where I feel it. Can't wait for the actual moves to start.
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          Me- 28, DH- 32 ----> together six years, married June 2012
    TTC ---> since the wedding night
    Initial diagnosis of PCOS, currently labeled as unexplained infertility
    Clomid and trigger shot regimen
    BFP 12/20/13, EDD 8/25/2014, baby got his wings at 11 weeks and 3 days.
    IVF - 2 day6 frozen embryos transferred 11/5/14, 9 frozen babies
    BFP 11/9/14, EDD 7/24/2015

  • TaraLinnetTaraLinnet member
    edited December 2014
    Fingers crossed!!! I'm right there with you!!! Monday is my second scan & I am in the middle of my loss milestone too... Hoping you see a healthy heartbeat!!! @officedronette‌
  • I don't know where to start!
    Extreme breast tenderness
    Abdominal tightness
    Week 10
  • kingsley123kingsley123 member
    edited December 2014
    Last night, I was so nauseous and emotional.  Today, I'm feeling pretty good.  I was even able to eat a regular meal.  Also, the palms of my hands and my feet itch.  Weird, right? 

    I'm still feeling really stressed about the brown spotting, which is leftover from Saturday's post-coitus monster afternoon bleedfest.  Heading to the OB tomorrow morning (as soon as they open) for a follow-up viability scan just to make sure all is still well in there.  So nervous.  Hoping it's just my cervix and we'll see the hb again tomorrow. 
    BFP #1: 7/23/14, EDD: 4/7/15 (No HB, measured 6w3d), Natural MC: 9/5/14 (9w)
    BFP #2: 11/10/14, EDD: 7/23/15 (hoping for a sticky baby!)


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