March 2015 Moms

Bad mom?

So today is my 30th bday, and a co worker asked me is I was doing anything. I told her my friends invited me to a local VFW to sing some songs then to a drag show. She told me that im going to be a mom and need to start thinking about my choices, that i am making a horrible decision going out to places like that while pregnant. And she can only imagine it will be worse after i have my daughter. Wtf? All i could do was turn and walk away. I just wanted to go out and enjoy my bday, i will NOT be drinking, only shirley temples for me. Am i a bad person for this?

Re: Bad mom?

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    Absolutely not. Your coworker is judge and way out of line.
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    Im guessing for going out? She is 62 and old school so I feel like she thinks I should just stay at home at all times.
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    Happy birthday! Don't let her get to you. Have fun!

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
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    What the fuck? Screw that old lady.
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    Happy birthday... No not bad. Screw the old lady
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    Lol this is why i love you ladies, thank you so much
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    Happy Birthday!! Your co-worker is an idiot
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    Drag shows are always fun! Girl, you go and have fun :) It's the big 30! Happy Birthday!
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    kncole28 said:

    I think im gonna find the queen in the skimmpest clothes and take a pic with her and put it up in my cubbie. Lmao.

    ETA: words are hard.

    I think that's a wonderful idea! Your coworker is obnoxious. Happy Birthday and I hope you have a blast tonight!
    Surprise! Baby #2 EDD 7/28/17
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Happy Birthday! Your coworker is an asshole! Have a blast!!!


    Married the love of my life: 5-17-14



    Step Mom to Z: 4-11-06

    IT'S A BOY!!!!!!

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    Happy birthday! Tell her to mind her own business! There is nothing wrong with going out now or after baby is born. She sounds like an ass!
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    Happy birthday! Sounds like a fun night! Have a great time & enjoy yourself. Your coworker seems like a bitter person. Being a parent does not mean you can't have fun!
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    Your coworker sounds like she has a stick up her a$$!
    BabyFruit Ticker

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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    Happy birthday! She needs to fuck off. Your baby isn't going to know the difference between a drag show & church. I can't imagine how this would make you a bad mom.
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    @colleen4019‌ she never really liked me till I got pregnant. Mainly BC before I bar tended at both is these places im going to tonight as a second and third job. And "that is no place for a lady to be." I always just laughed it off and said in making drinks and money not stripping or selling my body.
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    @colleen4019‌ I like to say I never claimed to be lady like EVER lol
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    OMG I'm so pissed at your asshole co-worker --- happy birthday girl, hope you have fun!!
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    kncole28 I'm late, but happy birthday!! Enjoy your night out, even if people are tucking things other than their boobs into their wadded panties. <:-P

    Whitfry That sounds AMAZING. 

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
    BFP: 01/10/2010, EDD: 10/10/2010, Loss: 03/16/2010

    Lilypie Maternity tickers
    BFP: 07/14/2014, EDD: 03/04/2015
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    Late I hope you had a fucking awesome birthday night out!!
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    I would go to a burlesque/drag show in a heartbeat if we had them around here. Went to a drag show in Vancouver a couple years ago and it was AWESOME - still have the keychain, haha. Hope you told your coworker to stick it where the sun don't shine. I think a last birthday before having a baby should be treated like a bachelorette party (without the booze). Too bad I wasn't yet pregnant at mine and didn't know it would be the last one... Anyway, happy birthday and you go girl!

    Married the most patient man on the planet:  May 16, 2009
    Me:  30; DH:  30

    BFP:  June 25, 2014; EDD:  March 9/10, 2015
    4 fur babies:  2 dogs & 2 cats

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    Thank you ladies i would post a pic but for some reason it one let me. Never has :((
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    For my bday, (slightly belated) we went on a trip to Europe. Managed to drink some Gluwein (yep, alcohol), ate cheese/food that's on the 'no' list, spent lots of time in a bus with sick people, and probably did too much activity. I think the only thing baby was unhappy about was the yodel show! That, or she loved it! ;)

    Go out, have fun, maybe have a sip or two of your favorite drink. Your coworker is apparently an idiot.

    And, Happy Birthday! :)
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    Happy belated birthday! Hope you had a kick ass time. Omg that kind of judgement incenses me and makes absolutely no sense. I went to a burlesque show in 2nd tri, who cares?!
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    No, not at all!! Go have fun!
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    Wow.  Sorry you have to work with that person.  
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

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    HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I'm glad you had fun. Your night sounded awesome.

    But it's OK. Because:

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    Tell your co worker to pound sand and have an awesome time! 
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    BFP! June 25, 2014        EDD: 3/4/15
    Married May 2011 
    Me 27 -- DH 31 
    Loving parents of 2 beautiful chihuahuas 
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