March 2015 Moms

Major T&P's needed ladies... Just finding out about Genetic disorder


Re: Major T&P's needed ladies... Just finding out about Genetic disorder

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    Thoughts & prayers to you and your husband and little Joshua! Fx that H's bloodwork comes back negative and you can have some peace of mind.
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    Sorry to hear you are going through this. Thoughts and prayers are with you!

    BabyFetus Ticker

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    Positive thoughts for you and your family. I'm so sorry you're going through this, I'm sure it's very difficult. FX for good results!
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    T&P's for you, your son, and your husband! Please keep us updated!
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    I'm so sorry. That's very tough. Positive thoughts and prayers your way. My mom (had, she passed due to complications from an ulcer) and my sister have thalassemia. Very stressful.

    Turns out I'm a CF carrier so we had to have my husband checked, very tough two week wait.

    Does any of his family have it?
    photo 2eaeec32-4781-4bd4-a9e0-fe86f486b516.jpg

    ~~~~For SuzyQ and all our loss moms~~~~

    Met: 02.2007 / Engaged: 11.21.2009 / Married: 07.09.2010
    EDD: 03.02.2015 / Scheduled Delivery Date: 02.25.2015


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    *hugs* No experience, but T&Ps for you and your family right now. I can't imagine how anxious I'd be. 

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
    BFP: 01/10/2010, EDD: 10/10/2010, Loss: 03/16/2010

    Lilypie Maternity tickers
    BFP: 07/14/2014, EDD: 03/04/2015
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    Sending T&P to you and your family.
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    Wishing you all the best of thoughts and prayers 
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    photo march_zps6c968eb7.png
    BFP! June 25, 2014        EDD: 3/4/15
    Married May 2011 
    Me 27 -- DH 31 
    Loving parents of 2 beautiful chihuahuas 
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    U guys are so awesome. I'm so appreciative to be apart of M15...

    @bdazzld‌ no his family doesn't only carriers of sickle cell trait that they know of.

    @cygnet15‌ as I'm reading your awesome response I don't believe your dabbling is so amateur at all! I read it aloud to my husband and he says see this is what I'm also trying to tell you! Lol so true but still not so easy for me to just wrap my mind around. Finding out so late in the game when I felt we dodged so many bullets really stresses me! But thank you so much!
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    I'm sending positive T&Ps your way!  I also tested positive for being a carrier of a very rare fatal genetic disorder and was terrified at first, so I understand how you feel.  Finding out how truly rare it was, plus the fact that my husband doesn't have any of the ancestry that might put one at risk, made me feel much better.  I hope you get good results that can put your mind at ease!

    image  image

    TTC #1 May 2014

    BFP 7/4/14 ~ EDD 3/17/15

    My Chart

    BabyFetus Ticker
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    Lots of hugs and good vibes your way. Think positively! Praying for you and LO

    Pregnancy Ticker
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    Lifting you guys and little Joshua up in prayer! Perhaps check out the preemie board. Those ladies are absolutely amazing! My son was delivered early, had severe IUGR, reflux and brachy cardia...he is a rambunctious and healthy 3 year old who is on track developmentally. You'd never know he stopped growing All together so early on during development. If anything, they are inspiring and supportive. I hope you don't need them!!
    BabyFruit Ticker image Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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    Praying for your family and LO
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    Definitely sending thoughts and prayers! We went through something very similar. When they drew my blood they found out I was a carrier of spinal muscular atrophy (a really nasty, and fatal, genetic disease). They had to draw my husband's blood to see if he was a carrier too, but luckily he is not! So now, worst case scenario is that our daughter will be a carrier, but she shouldn't actually have the disease. It's a really scary waiting period but hopefully you get good results!
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Thoughts and prayers for your family and baby Joshua ...I can not imagine what you are feeling and going through .. Fingers crossed everything works out well and your husbands blood work comes back ok,... I understand the need for support for things you can't control... I'm currently 24 weeks today and Monday we had our anatomy scan and after the amazing news that we are gonna have the baby girl we've been hoping for I got a call saying they are sending me a hour away to specialist to check out the level of fluid in her Nuchal fold because it's higher than normal ...reasons for this could be possible Down syndrome or heart defects...I'm scared and I don't really have anyone to talk to about it but understand the anxiety of not knowing .... Hopefully by Christmas you and I will both have good news
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    Thinking of you and your husband! Everyone else has already said it much more eloquently than I could, so just know that you have more good vibes coming your way :)

    Pregnancy Ticker
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    tatilopez said:
    U guys are so awesome. I'm so appreciative to be apart of M15... @bdazzld‌ no his family doesn't only carriers of sickle cell trait that they know of. @cygnet15‌ as I'm reading your awesome response I don't believe your dabbling is so amateur at all! I read it aloud to my husband and he says see this is what I'm also trying to tell you! Lol so true but still not so easy for me to just wrap my mind around. Finding out so late in the game when I felt we dodged so many bullets really stresses me! But thank you so much!
    Thalassemia I believe is a mutated form of sickle cell, tear drops versus sickle shaped cells.  Fingers crossed for you, and you'll be in my thoughts!
    photo 2eaeec32-4781-4bd4-a9e0-fe86f486b516.jpg

    ~~~~For SuzyQ and all our loss moms~~~~

    Met: 02.2007 / Engaged: 11.21.2009 / Married: 07.09.2010
    EDD: 03.02.2015 / Scheduled Delivery Date: 02.25.2015


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    Thinking of you and your LO and sending you both positive energy. Sorry you're going through this.
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    Praying for your family
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    Praying for your family
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    Sending positive thoughts and prayers for all of you! Waiting is sometimes the worst- I hope results come in sooner than later!
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    Prayers and love sent to you and your family! X
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