March 2015 Moms

Working moms

Getting closer everyday to my maternity leave and I still didn't figure out if I'm going to stay or resign after having my baby! I still feel Iike working for a couple of years, but in the other hand I also feel the baby needs my personal care and support for the first year.
In my country, nurseries has relatively bad reputation and the good ones are very very expensive. Also chances are really low to get another job if you discounted working for such time or more. Im a FTM & love my baby.. he is my priority. what are your thoughts working moms? Did u resign or decided to stay? How are u going to
Manage after delivery? Share your experience plz.


Re: Working moms

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    I continued to work after DD was born. I stayed home for two months and then went back to work. I will do the same with this baby. I have been lucky to find really good caregivers which makes it easier and my husband and I have a lot of support around us. It is hard especially the first week to leave your baby and it was harder at work just from being exhausted but you work it out. Every mom is different and every lifestyle is different you just have to figure out what is best for you and your family. Please don't think if you choose to work your child is not your priority. We work to provide for them.
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    Have you considered going part time? That way you get to spend time with baby daily, but don't put your career completely on hold, or cut off your money.
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    I went back to work 12 weeks after DD was born. My DD is everything to me, is and always will be my priority, but my career is also important to me. For me, my career is fulfilling as well as being the best mom that I can be. I've found that when I'm working, the time that I have with DD is very much quality time. Focusing on quality time vs. the quantity really helps me. You'll find what works for you. Good luck!
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    If your finances are such that you and your SO can live comfortably off one income, then staying home really comes down to your own personal feelings about staying home vs. working. Choosing to go back to work (even if you can afford not to) doesn't mean that your child isn't your #1 priority. If your job/career is personally fulfilling then there is no reason why you should have to give that up because you are now a mom. Similarly, maybe being a SAHM would be the job that you would find the most fulfilling. Its hard to know until you're doing it.

    I will be taking my allotted maternity leave (12 weeks) and then going back to work. I don't love my job but I don't hate it either. Staying home full time isn't an option for us financially and I'm okay with that. I feel like, FOR ME, working at my job and mom'ing is the best option, anyway.
               for all M15 loss moms

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    I think you are in a different situation than a lot of us, so it's hard for us to share our experience and have it relate to you.  If childcare isn't very good quality and hard to find where you are then that's not the same as someone who has access to safe, quality childcare.  Right now my schedule works out perfectly with DH's so that we don't need to use any childcare, and when #2 arrives my mom and MIL are going to trade off watching the kids for us.  Because of that I am comfortable going back to work after DD is born.  Also DH and I need my income (I make a little more and we live in an expensive area).  I also personally need to work because I enjoy it and get bored if I'm not kept busy.  BUT, if I could find something to do in the home that made me happy, we didn't need the income, and I didn't have quality childcare?  You bet I wouldn't be going back!

    B born 7/15/13, C born 3/2/15, #3 on the way May '17

    I’m a modern man, a man for the millennium. Digital and smoke free. A diversified multi-cultural, post-modern deconstruction that is anatomically and ecologically incorrect. I’ve been up linked and downloaded, I’ve been inputted and outsourced, I know the upside of downsizing, I know the downside of upgrading. I’m a high-tech low-life. A cutting edge, state-of-the-art bi-coastal multi-tasker and I can give you a gigabyte in a nanosecond! I’m new wave, but I’m old school and my inner child is outward bound. I’m a hot-wired, heat seeking, warm-hearted cool customer, voice activated and bio-degradable. I interface with my database, my database is in cyberspace, so I’m interactive, I’m hyperactive and from time to time I’m radioactive.

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    As PP's have said, this is a really personal decision. I'll be taking 12 weeks unpaid leave and then going back to work. Partly because we need my income in order to maintain our lifestyle and partly because I really love my job. H and I both have the flexibility to work from home and our first choice daycare (FX!) has an open door policy for newborns, so even when I'm back at work I could stop in during lunch to see LO.

    I think it all really depends on your personal circumstances. My best advice would be to consider all of the options to allow you to make the best decision for your family. 
    For SuzyQ
    and all M15 loss moms
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    BFP #1 12/31/13, EDD 09/12/14, MMC Discovered 02/20/14 (10w6d) Est. Loss @ 8-9w, MC 02/22/14
    BFP #2 06/25/14, EDD 02/28/15 Grow Baby, Grow!
    It's a BOY!!
    All After a Loss Welcome!
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    I work part time, was full time before my 2.5 year old son was born. I can honestly say I love it. I feel like I have the best of both worlds. I get to get out of the house and have some socialization with adults, I get a "break" from chasing around a wild toddler, my son gets the benefits of socialization, new experiences, and flexibility from attending daycare 3x a week, and I believe it keeps both of us from going stir crazy. I plan to keep working PT after this baby (#2) arrives, but I know it will be terribly hard sending him to daycare at only 8 weeks old. My oldest stayed with my mom or sister until 15 months.

    Overall, whether you work FT, PT, or SAH, whichever one is best for YOU is going to be best for your baby. A worn out, tired, frustrated 24/7 mom (no matter which option you choose) is not the mom any baby wants. Do what makes you happy, and you will teach your child to follow hi/her dreams and do what makes him/her happy. Working moms can make amazing moms. SAHM can be amazing moms. Its all about personal preference and financial opportunity.

    Good luck with your decision! I know its a hard one.





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    I live in Canada so we get a year of mat leave, but after that year I am not going back.
    I couldn't go back after a few weeks.
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    For my DD I stayed home for the first year. Then I called my old boss and asked her to let me know when she needed me back, and I started back the next Monday. She was really cool :) I guess I'll probably do it again with this LO.
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    I will continue working. However, my boss is about to move me to a 6.5 hour work day so I'm considering asking to continue that schedule when I return. I have to keep both my jobs, so atleast this gives me a way to see my baby for 3 hours a day on the days I work both jobs.
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    I stayed home with my son for the first year. Then I started my own business where my son could be with me.
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    I'm very lucky that my husband is going to be a SAHD so I can continue to work. He really is better at domestic stuff than me anyway lol. But he's looking forward to it and doesn't care about the stereotypes. I think if you can afford to do so, it is a wonderful thing to be able to have a parent be able to stay home with the child.

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    1234rtyu1234rtyu member
    edited December 2014
    Thank you all for sharing your stories. It's the real working moms and hearing ur stories & experience gives much emotional support to all of us out there.
    No matter what is the decision that you made/will make, I think working moms are a survivors and true warriors. This starts from day one in pregnancy! I'm sure many of you had experienced this, when U have ur morning sickness (or everyday sickness), back pain, hurt burn, did not sleep well & u find the strength to put on ur cloths and go to work and be brilliant as u always was.
    I work for 10 hours a day, my husband works abroad and comes every couple if not 3 months. I've went to my doctor appointments all by myself, my work is an hour drive! And here I am! I'm so proud of myself & the strength given to me by my baby & husband & I'm so proud of you working moms out there.. RESPECT!
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    I will be a working mother, and it has been hard to come to grips with.  The idea that I will have to leave my baby with strangers, and those strangers get to potentially hear her first word, see her first tooth, watch her first step.... kinda kills me.

    But, we can't afford to both not work, and quite frankly I would probably lose my mind being stuck at home all day.  Ideally I could either work part time, or open my own business and stay home full time.   But that is for a future date when our careers are more developed.
    BabyFetus Ticker
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    I'm a FTM and I'll take 8 weeks off, then bring baby to the office with me. I hope it works for a while. I can't bare the thought of leaving her with strangers and think I would feel isolated at home. I'm really fortunate to have such flexibility in my office (there are only 3 of us, so it's pretty laid back). I figured everyone loves babies, as long as she isn't colicky it just might work!
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