October 2014 Moms

Wednesday Randoms

MrsSinner402MrsSinner402 member
edited December 2014 in October 2014 Moms

I'll start again! Since I'm up and the installers are here putting in my new washer and dryer! Woo hoo! But oh, so tired.. up from 2-4am, then back up at 6. Please nap today, DD.


*January Siggy Challenge - Snow Fails*




Re: Wednesday Randoms

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    My 5 week old already rebels a against naps. Booooo
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    Baby took forever to go to sleep last night..she finally conked out around midnight and slept till after 6.. ill take it I suppose :) sorry @AppleGrapeMSTK‌ - sounds like my husband :(
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    Been up since the 5am nursing session, I'm trying to prepare myself for my return to work. :(
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    Thinking I may tasks the baby to the mall to walk. Where do you lady's work out when it is cold???
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    Calling all dog people!

    DH and I noticed last night that our dog is acting very strange.  Like he's been totally rejected, almost.  It's very weird.  He walks around with his tail down, won't eat unless you're telling him to, has a really sad face... we can't figure it out.  He's normally VERY excitable and happy... this is very out of character for him.

    We can't think of a thing that has happened to make him act this way.  Any clue what would cause this kind of behavior out of nowhere?

    eta: I am a cat person and don't really like dogs, so I'm not super familiar with dogs and their ways.  We've had him almost a year now, and I'm still getting used to him.

    As long as you rule out any sickness, it could be behavioural changes due to the new baby. It might seem out of nowhere, but I bet he's gotten less attention since LO has come home and it might just be manifesting itself now.

    Or he could have an upset stomach.
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    DD hasnt pooped since about 2:00 yesterday. Normally I get tons of poops. Could this have to do with the shots she got maybe? :/

    *January Siggy Challenge - Snow Fails*



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    My 5 week old already rebels a against naps. Booooo

    Yes! I have to force him to sleep when he starts getting tired. I hate to see what he's like as a toddler.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    ::two chest pumps and a peace sign for Jenn:: ~ MrsJudgeyPants 

    This is legal advice. Circa 2011 image
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    Calling all dog people!

    DH and I noticed last night that our dog is acting very strange.  Like he's been totally rejected, almost.  It's very weird.  He walks around with his tail down, won't eat unless you're telling him to, has a really sad face... we can't figure it out.  He's normally VERY excitable and happy... this is very out of character for him.

    We can't think of a thing that has happened to make him act this way.  Any clue what would cause this kind of behavior out of nowhere?

    eta: I am a cat person and don't really like dogs, so I'm not super familiar with dogs and their ways.  We've had him almost a year now, and I'm still getting used to him.
    Our pup did this too. The vet said he was just still adjusting to baby and all the changes. We made sure to get him a,couple new toys and to be intentional with our attention to him. He was back to his normal personality in a couple days.
    We are so excited to grow our family!
    DD #1 Born 10/3/2014

    Pregnancy Ticker

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    Aubrey hasnt pooped since earlier yesterday either..its gonna be a biggun!
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    I ordered my print this morning that my LB @pnwlover12‌ suggested. I can't wait to give it to DH for Christmas!

    Woot woot!!

          image         image

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    So I go for my six week check up today.. get all ready, get there and dr is running behind.. so they say 'can we reschedule you?' Oh sure, id love to come back tomorrow..... then I go to wendys to get some lunch, get up to the window and they have only one available order of nuggets.. I needed three..meanwhile sister sunshine is screaming in the back.. gahh
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    Nicb13 said:
    My mom has both kids today because she's going to be watching them 2 days a week when I go back to work next week. Today is a trial run for her. I have total freedom all day!!!

    Woot woot!!  How are you going to spend the day?!
    Loss Blog (finally updated)


    5 cycles of "TTC" - 3 intentional, 2 not so intentional.  5 BFPs.  My rainbow arrived 10/15/14.
    TFMC 08.02.13 at 19+ weeks. Everyday I grieve for my little Olive.

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    Why do people always think DD is a boy?!?!? She's wearing a bright pink sweatshirt!!!! WTF
    Am I alone on this?!?!?
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    My 5 week old already rebels a against naps. Booooo

    Yes! I have to force him to sleep when he starts getting tired. I hate to see what he's like as a toddler.
    Serious question, how do you force him to sleep? Mine fights naps all the time....
    I hold him on his side in cradle position with his should under my boob and his head on my boob, force a pacifier in his mouth and walk, sway or bounce while patting his back and shhing. His cry gets weaker until he finally drifts off. The big trick is trying to put him down.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    ::two chest pumps and a peace sign for Jenn:: ~ MrsJudgeyPants 

    This is legal advice. Circa 2011 image
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    dredford said:
    My boobs let down on their own with no stimulation and leak everywhere. I'm doomed to be forever chained to my breast pads.

    Same. I hate it.
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    My boobs also leak constantly. I can't even dry my hair after a shower without breast pads or a I soak the front of my robe.

    DD was mistaken for a boy until she was 2 and had enough hair for a small pony on the top of her head.  She could be wearing a pink dress and people would still be dumb and call her a boy.

    DS spit up so much on me yesterday I had to change my underwear. And him, and the sheets. Ugh. He also seems to be developing a small flat spot. he's such a unicorn good napper that he's laying on his head a lot (and hates being worn).  Never had that problem with my diva DD who wanted to be held.
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    I had the worst sleep last night. Bed at 10, up with DS1 twice, up with DS2 twice, then up for good at 3:50 am. Could have gone back to sleep if DH's alarm didn't go off every 7min from 4:15 until 4:45. Maybe it's my lack of sleep adding to my unhappiness, but I am pretty bummed about my birthday. I always make sure that birthdays are special and no one gets left out, but I never get the same courtesy. No card, no cake, no nothing. I had family portraits taken as my gift, but yesterday DH said he was taking the kids shopping so I had a little something to open on my birthday, and he forgot. He did the same thing on Mothers Day this year. DS1 did draw me a picture of a bug. It's a pretty cool looking bug.
    You are seriously my birthday twin.  Same date and everything.  I've made sure every year to have at least cake and card for FI, usually there is a gift, too.  My bday?  Not even so much as a "happy birthday" until last night, when i got "oh, I saw on FB it's your birthday, so happy birthday."  Needless to say, he spent the night in the living room. He "forgets" every year.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    Lindzoid said:

    Why do people always think DD is a boy?!?!? She's wearing a bright pink sweatshirt!!!! WTF
    Am I alone on this?!?!?

    Nope. People are super dumb.

    Nope! I told DH that we have a seriously pretty boy ;-)
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    The front end of a wonder week sucks balls. Just saying.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Me: 30 | DH: 4/12/85 - 6/16/14 | Quinn Patrick born 9/28/14
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    ...and the power is out... :(
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    Lindzoid said:
    Why do people always think DD is a boy?!?!? She's wearing a bright pink sweatshirt!!!! WTF Am I alone on this?!?!?
    I have to opposite problem with people always thinking DS is a girl.

    Old guy in the waiting room: "Is it a girl?"
    Me: "No, he's a boy"
    Old guy:"Oh no, he can't be a boy"

    WTH does that mean?! TPs to them all!


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    When I'm already sleep deprived and cranky I should know better than to try and sleep during the day when she naps. Because I just start to doze and she wakes up. After 20 fucking minutes. Then I'm even more cranky.

    *January Siggy Challenge - Snow Fails*



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