
Feeling extra sad today :( (pregnancy, loss and children mentioned)

Our two year wedding anniversary is in a couple of days and it is bittersweet for me. It also marks two years of TTC. I really never thought that it would end up this way. When we got married we were so excited to start trying for a baby. Now two years later all we have is a huge pile of IF debt and no baby to show for it. I'm still awaiting my d&c scheduled for December 10 and I feel like I'm constantly being slapped in the face with pregnancy announcements, baby pictures, etc. Will the sadness ever go away? I broke down crying at work last night because I overheard coworkers talking about how they were surprised on Thanksgiving by their daughters with pregnancy announcements and how they will be grandmas in July. My baby was due in July. I'm even more depressed because I don't know what our next step will be and I'm terrified of having to suffer another loss. I figured if anybody would understand, you girls will. It's just not fair to have to go through what we are going through and I'm very bitter about it right now :/

Married 12/4/12

Began TTC 11/2012

Diagnosed as anovulatory 7/2013

Round #1 Clomid 50 mg 8/2013= BFN

Round#2 Clomid 50 mg 9/2013=BFN

First appointment with RE 9/27/2013

HSG showed left tube completely blocked, diagnosed with hypothyroid and began 50 mcg Synthroid, Vitamin D level low and began 2000 iu Vitamin D, Hubby's SA showed "super sperm" according to RE

Round#3 Clomid 50 mg + Ovidrel trigger 10/2013= BFN

Round #4 Clomid 50 mg + Ovidrel trigger 11/2013=BFN

Round #5 Clomid 50 mg (no trigger, on vacation) 12/2012= BFN

Round #1 Femara 2.5 mg, no trigger, IUI cancelled due to early ovulation 1/2014= BFN

1/25/2014= BENCHED for the first time (two leftover follies on the right)

2/7/14 Diagnosed with MTHFR/Benched

4/2014 Round #2 Femara 5mg, IUI #1=BFN

4/28/14 positive opk with no treatment while on break, confirmed with ultrasound= BFN

5/16/14 5mg Femara + trigger + TI=  BFN

6/2014 5mg Femara + trigger + TI= BFN

Awaiting IVF consultation appointment on 7/29/2014

8/8/14 Began BCP's to prep for IVF

9/16/14 Began Lupron injections

9/25/14 Began stimming for IVF #1 with Menopur and Bravelle

10/8/14 10 eggs retrieved

10/13/14 2 embryos transferred

10/21/14 BFP!!!

11/24/14 confirmed that baby stopped growing at 6 weeks, d&c scheduled 

Re: Feeling extra sad today :( (pregnancy, loss and children mentioned)

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    Im so sorry sweets. There isn't anything I can say that will make it better but know we are here to support you. Sending big hugs.

    Long of the Short:
     TTC since April 2013  DH 42 y/o I'm 30  Dh had vasectomy reversal Feb 2013 after 3 months developed scar tissue 
     First Re appt was September 2013 OOP for everything minus meds  
    DH's TESE surgery December 2013
    First cycle was February 2014 BFN none to freeze
     Second cycle was April 2014 BFP ending in Chemical Pregnancy none to freeze
     Third cycle June 2014 BFN none to freez
     Fourth cycle October 30th 28 retrieved, 13 mature and 12 fertilized
    PICSI, assisted hatching and fresh sperm from my DH's TESE surgery used
    5 FROZEN from a freeze all cycle! 
    FET completed on DECEMBER 9TH!!!
    Beta #1 13dp5dt BFP!! 800
    Beta #2 15dp5dt 2100
    Beta #3 17dp5dt 3600 
    First Scan January 5th! Everything looks great! Heart rate of 121!
    Second Scan January 20th. Baby Justone13 looks amazing. Heart rate of 175!
    Baby Girl is due August 27th
    Liv Annmarie born 8/25 7lbs 6oz 21 1/2 inches long 

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    I'm so sorry you're going through this! The whole IF process is so hard! The bitterness is totally normal (or maybe that's just what I tell myself!). Allow yourself some time to grieve & then focus on being positive & optimistic when you can! Take care of yourself!
    Me: 32, DH: 38
    married since June 2008
    TTC since March 2013
    8/2013: SA normal, my bloodwork indicated pituitary hormone imblance
    10/2013: anovulatory
    11/2013: anovulatory
    12/2013 - 3/2014: unmonitored Clomid cycles with TI, all bfn
    04/2014: HSG normal
    05/2014: Clomid + IUI, bfn;
    bloodwork retested and results normal
    06/2014: 1st monitored cycle with RE: Clomid cd3-7 (no growing follies), 
    Femara cd 10-14 (2 follies), ovidrel trigger cd17, IUI, bfn, polyp discovered during u/s
    07/2014: polypectomy
    08/2014: Follistim (50-75 iu/day) cd 2-14 (2 follies), Ovidrel cd15, IUI, crinone
    10/2014: IVF #1, 14R, 13F, 8 blasts. Freeze all due to super enlarged ovaries and a week of bed rest 
    11/2014: FET #1
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    You've been through so much. All of your feelings are absolutely justified. I'll be thinking about you.
    Me: 34 | He: 40
    TTC since 08/2012
    DX: DOR

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    I think it is only normal.... I too feel like I have been bombarded with pregnancy announcements, etc... I keep wondering if it will ever get easier and when it will be "my turn".  I can only stick with what I know to be true thus far in life- everything happens for a reason.
    Sending love and hugs to you. <3
    Our TTC Story
    I will ALWAYS believe that "everything happens for a reason".
    Me: 30, Lupus/Fibromyalgia, Fragile X Carrier, Low Egg Reserve - Potential early menopause
    Hubby: 31, No issues

    Process began 11/7/13
    Initial Tests - 4 polyps in uterus
    Polypectomy 1/2014
    March 2014 - Abnormally Low Vitamin D, Hypothyroidism Discovered
    September 2014 - Insurance Denied  -  October 8th, 2014 - Insurance Reversed! :)
    IVF #1 - Began 10/24/2014
    ER - 6 embryos, lost 2, 4 able to be biopsied
    ET - Canceled - 4 Embryos (1 boy, 3 girls) - 3 affected with Fragile X, 1 girl too weak to transfer

    Egg Pull Try #1/IVF 2 - Began 11/30/14 - ER produced 3 FROSTIES!
    Egg Pull Try #2/IVF 3 - Began 1/20/15

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    I'm so sorry. This is a hard enough time of year already- I can't even imagine what you are feeling. ((Hugs))


    Our Story

    Me- 35, mild hypothyroidism

    DH- 29, low count due to a chromosomal abnormality, only option is IVF/ICSI with PGD.

    Married 5/13

    TTC since 8/13

    IVF/ICSI #1 ER 9/14 - 14R, 6M, 6F, 5 blasts off to PGD- 1 normal female, 2 balanced males

    FET 12/8 of 2 frosties - 1 male/1 female - stick babies stick! 

    Beta #1 10dp5dt 444! Beta #2 14dp5dt 2,340!  U/S 1/5-- TWINS!!!  EDD 8/26/15

    "You'll never see the rainbow if you can't survive the storm"

     image    image

    Pregnancy Ticker

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    I'm so sorry for your loss. Big hugs

    Official diagnosis: Unexplained IF. I am 32. I have low ovarian reserve (low AMH), and poor egg quality. I've also been diagnosed with mild glandular developmental arrest (lining problems, detected with EFT).

    We are using open ID donor sperm. IUIs #1-7=BFN. IVF September 2014 antagonist protocol, 8R,5M,3F, 5 day transfer of 1 morula = BFN. IVF#2 planned for January 2015 (antagonist protocol + HGH).

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic image

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    It's ok to feel the way you do. We notice baby announcements more than anyone because it's the thing we want the most. When I started my job this yr there were four coworkers that were pregnant & one out on maternity leave. You just sit back & think, will it ever be your turn but I have faith that It will be my turn one day. I hope you feel better.
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    Thanks ladies, I'm just reaching a point where I think I'm giving up. IVF was our last resort. We certainly don't have the money to do a whole new fresh cycle so that doesn't leave us with many other options. I just want this sadness/anger to go away. It is really affecting my relationships with my friends that have babies. I find myself feeling angry with them, and not wanting to talk it be around them.

    Married 12/4/12

    Began TTC 11/2012

    Diagnosed as anovulatory 7/2013

    Round #1 Clomid 50 mg 8/2013= BFN

    Round#2 Clomid 50 mg 9/2013=BFN

    First appointment with RE 9/27/2013

    HSG showed left tube completely blocked, diagnosed with hypothyroid and began 50 mcg Synthroid, Vitamin D level low and began 2000 iu Vitamin D, Hubby's SA showed "super sperm" according to RE

    Round#3 Clomid 50 mg + Ovidrel trigger 10/2013= BFN

    Round #4 Clomid 50 mg + Ovidrel trigger 11/2013=BFN

    Round #5 Clomid 50 mg (no trigger, on vacation) 12/2012= BFN

    Round #1 Femara 2.5 mg, no trigger, IUI cancelled due to early ovulation 1/2014= BFN

    1/25/2014= BENCHED for the first time (two leftover follies on the right)

    2/7/14 Diagnosed with MTHFR/Benched

    4/2014 Round #2 Femara 5mg, IUI #1=BFN

    4/28/14 positive opk with no treatment while on break, confirmed with ultrasound= BFN

    5/16/14 5mg Femara + trigger + TI=  BFN

    6/2014 5mg Femara + trigger + TI= BFN

    Awaiting IVF consultation appointment on 7/29/2014

    8/8/14 Began BCP's to prep for IVF

    9/16/14 Began Lupron injections

    9/25/14 Began stimming for IVF #1 with Menopur and Bravelle

    10/8/14 10 eggs retrieved

    10/13/14 2 embryos transferred

    10/21/14 BFP!!!

    11/24/14 confirmed that baby stopped growing at 6 weeks, d&c scheduled 

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    I can sympathize. My SIL and brother just got married and they announced their BPF on thanksgiving. It sucks. Even worse is their due date is the same day mine would have been if we had not had our recent loss. I will forever have the reminder of what milestones my child would be at by their new little one. I want to be excited for them, but I just have to distance myself from them. It's just too hard.
    I get it. Hugs to you, I'm so sorry.
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    I completely understand how you feel. Hubby and I also started to TTC on our wedding anniversary, 4 years ago, so our wedding anniversary is a bit bittersweet. IF is tough, unfair and soul breaking. And it's so normal to feel down/angry/sad/or all of this from time to time. Hang in there, I hope you'll have your little miracle soon. Hugs to you!
    Me: 33, blocked tubes, high level of NKC | DH: 33, perfectly fine. TTC since 2010
    IVF#1 (feb. 13): 1 3dt, BFN (nothing left for the freezer)
    IVF#2 (may 13): 1 3dt, BFN (nothing left for the freezer)
    IVF#3 (oct. 13): 1 5dt, BFN, but 2 frosties!
    FET (feb. 14): 1 frosty didn't make it, 1 blast, BFN
    IVF#4 (may 14): had 1 intralipid transfusion on 5dt of two very fine blasts, BFN. But 1 frosty!
    FET #2 (nov. 14): 5dt of a fine hatching blast. BFN

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers Lilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers
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    I'm so sorry that you are going through this painful experience hun (((HUGS))). IF is like a knife in the gut, and losses just make you want to punch life. It SUCKS!! Unfortunately, too many of us have been there. I agree with @buttmonkey34, the only thing that makes it remotely any better, is being really good to yourself, and the passage of time.

    I still cannot talk to people about their children or pregnancies without wincing, and feeling pissed at life. I am 6dp5dt (FET) and think I am more scared of a positive than a BFN at this point. I've tried not to think about it. I think of my frosties, and wonder how often can I go through with transfers and keep my sanity.

    Please please just take the time to feel the feelings that you have, without regret or guilt. Be sad, be pissed, be selfish, and don't talk to people if you don't feel up to it. You are mourning. But also, do this with the thought that you are not your fertility in the back of your mind. IF does not define you, or your whole life experience, even though it may feel like it most days.
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    I'm sorry you have to deal with this *superhugs*. I don't know if it ever goes away, but I think your feelings are totally normal. I had a feeling this holiday season was going to be tough, so I decided to make a bucket list. And it's all stuff to try and keep me positive, like write down something that made me happy everyday (no matter how small it is), take a picture of something that I'm grateful for, and hopefully read an IF book. 

    As positive as I'm trying to be, I'm all for taking time to be grumpy and miserable for a while. 
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